In spite of it All

In spite of it All

A Poem by forfila

True story


We both know it is too late for our love to work
Tis a shame to ruin the love we gave, now sweet memories have turned to salty pain
I will take some of the blame squarely
But never will I dismiss or forget the things you did

To give a promise of a future entailing the life you carried
To turn, to run and to leave
To leave me to find answers amidst my sorrow
To leave me swimming in seas of broken dreams
Its all too real for me

I know the reality and the pain is real for you too
I know you were confused and uncertain
But to abandon my love was wrong and it was crushing

Our angels life shines a light I smile toward
In my dreams I met her and she had your eyes
Her kiss came sent from heaven
Now I know she is waiting
With that, I hope you are o.k and doing well wherever you are
Though we will be forever apart, I want you to know you still belong inside my heart

There is all this pain too much to come through
So these are my last words to you
I have felt the array and been to hell and back
But I still love you.

© 2008 forfila

My Review

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Pain, sorrow

I could feel the hurt suffering each line

Beauty, soft yearning new start

Posted 16 Years Ago

You made my heart sink with this piece. I felt the suffering within every line. I don't have words to convey what it is I'd like to say. So, I'll just say: The sun shines on the morrow, even through pain and sorrow, though sometimes it lingers beyond the clouds...

Beautifully written sentiments, of a broken heart, yearning for a new beginnings...

Posted 16 Years Ago

hey matt,

great poem so full of pain, sorrow and loss.

Our angels life shines a light I smile toward
In my dreams I met her and she had your eyes
Her kiss came sent from heaven
Now I know she is waiting
With that, I hope you are o.k and doing well wherever you are
Though we will be forever apart, I want you to know you still belong inside my heart

that was my favorite part, it shows that the one you lost is still with you wherever you go. very brilliant and i wish there was something i can do or say to ease such a terrible pain in you. Just know that i love you dearly and i will always be here for you no matter what life may bring for either of us. :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

Matthew, Matthew, Matthew... My heart is breaking for you....

I wish there were words that i could say to make you feel better, but i know there is nothing i can say that will help to ease this pain. I can offer every word of condolence and sorrow and sympathy, but nothing will change the wrong that was done to you, so i will not try. I cannot empathise either, and for that i am sorry as well.

But you are great, man, and just know i;m thinking of you...

Just know, I love you.

Posted 16 Years Ago

A serious lament from a very difficult situation. Using only a few well placed words, a mix of strong emotions, a good beginning, heart rending content, and a good conclusion, you've pulled out a very good piece. As one who has experienced much in my 60 years, I can tell you that you will probably feel some of this pain most of your life... but it will lessen as others enter and leave and your sincere emotions will most assuredly bring someone else into your life less confused and hurt. Just leave the door open a little. I still love my first and second wives... although I've been married to my third for 35 years.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on May 5, 2008
Last Updated on May 5, 2008



Auckland, New Zealand


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