Tree of Knowledge

Tree of Knowledge

A Poem by Caseypowers

I noticed the lovely tree
when I stopped for a smoke
outside my car
covered in prolific ivy
gracefully winding up her
convoluted trunk
a stairway to heaven
tapering off
onto winter branches
which were bearing
garbage like fruit
for harvest
from the outermost reach
of her capillary branches
torn plastic bags
flapped and shone
under the warming wash
of sun
in this fallen Garden
of Eden
decrepit buildings
in an empty crumbling
this lone tree struggled
to survive
backed by cold steel fence
while nearby shells of homes
holding unknown occupants
closed their eyes
in that moment
I knew abject loneliness,
and quietly thanked God
for being able to see

© 2012 Caseypowers

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I live in an area of my state that has fallen to pollution and public indifference, so I can especially relate to and appreciate your words here

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 5, 2012
Last Updated on February 5, 2012