

A Poem by words of rooted design

Two thousand eleven 
I'd rather suffer amnesia 
than to recall it at all
nothing was missed
no memories fought for
time flew by, swift in pace
in and out like organized crime 
never to get caught
 not to be found
two thousand eleven snuck away 
pleasantly, without a hint
or sound. 
Two thousand twelve 
sublimely concentrated
 not a single fear
 wisdom and reason with in
 enabling interests beyond conventional theology
 added depth to my vision 
which is now crystal clear
 enthralled attention to the ignored, yet
customary run ins with mere coincidences 
non-believers exist 
faith isn't something you can see
or hear.
 I survived through the drought 
harsh thirst for discoverance 
of my own significance, so 
I optimistically presume 
anyone can comprehend
by mere accepting the truth, & taking
Him in your right hand
 managing the courage to preserver
by learning to let Him 

© 2013 words of rooted design

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"vastness to the manic like thoughts I carry which exist purely on the urge to discover my significance they can deem my views as preobtained and insincere
aspiration are delicate and validate my theories i optimistically presume folks will comprehend i'll inescapably manage the courage to preserver i fancy I'll win in the end"

I like this section the most ... especially this line "I optimistically presume folks will comprehend"

Posted 11 Years Ago

Great poem on this crazy new-age spiritualism thing, (crazy as in awesome of course). Really loved the syntax, though i believe you misspelled "and" in the fourth line of the last stanza. It was refreshing to see a piece about two thousand twelve, yours has been the only one that I've ran across. I meant to read some of your work sooner, but unfortunately, I have been a busy bee. Looking forward to more of your writing!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 9, 2012
Last Updated on January 19, 2013