Heaven and hell

Heaven and hell

A Story by Coyote Poetry

Disappointment in love are lessons to prepare us for true love.

                     Heaven and hell

"We can die of fear and our heart be filled with coldness.
Doubt will overtake our dreams and hope."

"Being bitter and bleeding in the emotion of love.
Leaving a walking dead."

We can fall to the deepest level of pity and create a internal hell.

Great love's are rare and few in a life.

Sweet and terrible love.
Leaving us weak and confuse.
Waiting for a reason to be alive are can be  many.

I found my great and sweet love for the first time in 1987.
We found each other again for the second time in 1992.
We fell together again in the mist of late fall.
The green earth was dying and we were to create a new fire.
That would never be able to burn out completely.

I remembered touching her from feet to her beautiful face.
I saw such beauty in her clear blue eyes.
She made me come alive in 1987.
Create a hunger that grew with each touch.
Her energy for life and desire to be fulfilled.
Overcame my mind and heart.

Back from the short War in the Gulf.
I found her phone number.
Been 4 years trying to forget blue eyes, her perfect body
and a hunger that could not be fulfilled.
Her long red hair crossing my body as she moved in the heat
of passion haunted my dreams still.

She was content to receive my call.
She told me "I love to hear your voice again."
I asked could I see you now?
A sweet voice whisper.
"Please come to me now."

I arrived at her house in Clinton, Michigan.
She greeted me in a tight t-sheet.
Allowed me to see her long legs and perfect body.

I looked into her blue eyes, like a clear stream.
Allowed my heart and mind to dance in a sweet dream.
I whispered how beautiful she was.
A blessing to my old heart.

She wrapped her arms around me.
I smelled her sweet perfume.
Enjoyed the feel of her body near.
I make a silence wish to swim in the heat of her flesh one more time.

We sat together.
Talked till the morning light.
Her legs were across my lap.

I told her. "You have been my only sweet dream.
When you left me in 1989.
It took a lot of strength and will to get up and live.
I volunteers for War to escape your memory"

She quiet me with a kisses.
Leading to harder and longer kisses.
Tears felled from her eyes.

I believed her wall of disappointment were falling down.

I told her "It is alright my sweet Jennifer.
Life and love is a fair game.
We must lose to know victory.
We must drown in sadness to appreciate pleasure."

We fell asleep together.
No passion or wasted energy.
A strange peace for two people who needed to taste
laughter and joy again.

In the morning.
I watched her dress.
Her body as beautiful as when she was the 18 year old girl at my door
with 8 wine coolers.

I closed my eyes.
Not believing I was with my killer, my demon.
Now my spirit was being awoke and desiring the caress of this
beautiful woman.

I was rising from the dead.
A wise man would of ran like hell.
A fool's always know his punishment before the story is written.

She gave me a sweet smile.
Stood in front of me in her bra and panties.
She asked me.
"Will my Soldier return tonight?"

Her 5 foot 11 inch  frame left me weak.
Flowing red hair left me wishing never to leave.
I whispered I would return tonight.
I stood up and wrapped my arms around her.
Kissed her sweet lips.
I told her.
"Life is not fair.
I'm scare to death.
I whisper I need to be with you for a while."

Blues eyes stared into my eyes.
She whispered.
"Love is a twisted and we must breakdown the wall of s**t.
Please sweet man come back.
Soft tears fall from her eyes.
She whisper please forgive me for leaving you in Ann Arbor."

I told her.
"You open my heart and mind to true emotion of love.
Where you give everything.
The body and soul.
We were young.
You were my teacher to show me I needed passion and desire in my wasted life."

I arrived late.
She is wearing a short skirt and a cotton t-sheet,
showing her perfect body.
I asked what is your desire tonight?

She forced me into a chair.
Lay her head into my chest.
I caressed her face and hair.

She asked what will come of us?
"Are we just wasting time?
Is love a worthwhile battle?
I wanted to be alone till you called me."

I told  her.
"Life is a b***h.
I hated you once for leaving me.
I dig myself into a self made misery."

"Today all the pain seem so far away.
This is my best moment in my life now."
I held her in my arms.
I kissed her sweet lips.

Jennifer smiled.
Dragged me to her bedroom.
Slowly undressed for me.
Danced for me.

I told her.
"I have nothing to give you."

A blue eye Angel smiled and whispered.
"Good things come to those who wait."

I closed my eyes.
"Thank the spirit of life and death.
For the chance to be with my beautiful Jennifer."


© 2011 Coyote Poetry

Author's Note

Coyote Poetry
A old story. Love is education. Any mistakes please assist me. Never too old to learn.

My Review

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It wasn't fated for you two to be together at the first. Sometimes you have to go through hell to appreciate heaven. Later, you both realized what you had lost and chose to take a chance with each other again. That is the beauty of love. Nicely expressed and passionate as well a poignant

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.


This is a great story of love and fate. It makes me hopeful and smile. this to me is a magical tale of true love and how in the end it does prevail. the flow of this poem is easy to read. I must say i love reading your poems for the have a depth to them. I think that comes with wisdom.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This poem's filled with strong emotions. I'm always looking for a narrative poem. Then I found this one. I remember how I met my love. The last stanza was inspiring.

Love is education. It can only be learned through experience. I found both hell and heaven in love. Love can hurt you. Love can heal you. I always say to myself: "Don't chase love. Love will find you." Love requires patience and determination so that it may embed itself onto the soul.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

inspiring. . , good!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Passionate and heartbreakingly real. I can't decide if this would work better as a full-fledge story or an outright poem. It really could have done well in either format. This hybrid of both is interesting.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I really like this. But you should consider changing it a bit and turning it into a story...it kind of is like a story anyway...So few people get to actually experience love these days...She was kind of like your reward for going off into battle :) The memory of her kept you alive and you got another chance to see her. So what ever happened to Jennifer after?

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

A great beginning , starts of with some strong desciptive phrasing.
The sentance leaving a walking dead, seems a little off, the meaning is gatherable but consider editing in some way.

Create *an* Internal hell

Leaving us weak and confuse. .. Add a D on the end of the word confuse = *Confused

This reads much more like a story than a poem mabye consider editing it a little and making it one.

A strong piece, filled with a pained story of lost love, and a almost final end to a suffering. Although i found it difficult to read due ot gramitcal errors and lack of flow.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dearest Coyote,

Thank you for sharing this story with me. It takes my a bit longer to read and review stories, but I did get around to this. Forgive my slothfulness in delaying to get to this. It was my intention.

If you're going to Hell, this is the only Heaven you will know. If you're going to Heaven, this is the only place that'll be Hell to you. The philosophy carries onto metaphorically speaking. It sounds like you have a lot of stories to tell or share that have been written; personally, I thought this more to be a poem than a story. Your expressiveness is ever consistent. Thank you for sharing this piece with me, your reader.

I can proofread it again, but I really hate doing it because grammatical errors matter little to me. In honesty, some readers have no appreciate for the true art of poetry as you do. They look at words and if it doesn't appeal to them, they just stop reading. You have deeply embedded lessons for me. I really, -really- do appreciate you sharing this to me. I hope this helps me out in my own personal life; I'm going through troubles with love.

Thank you for your honesty, your expressiveness, your open mind, and your overall great character. 9.8/10.

S. W. Scaggs

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

it is indeed a love story, as well as a sweet sonnet written of the heart. I found you in it, the you of your profile at any rate, and I can relate to it because of it. I am blessed by a moment seen thru your eyes and I can view the beauty you saw and feel the pain and joy you felt, as well as the love you found.

Thanks for taking me away for a moment and letting me enjoy a memory given in grace.

very well written and very well recieved my friend. keep it up.


This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The poem is good, but I think if you condense it and focus on the flow and rhythm of the ideas more, you will create more vivid images in the reader's mind. Your poem has the potential to POP.

Be careful of switching viewpoint like you did here:

I have you in my arms.
I kiss her sweet lips.

Either the perspective is "you, your" or "she, her,":

I have you in my arms.
I kiss your sweet lips.

I have her in my arms.
I kiss her sweet lips.

Feel free to play with your words more:

"Her voluptuous body in my arms,
Lips sweet and full

Did her hair shine in the sun? Was it wet? How did it smell? How did her skin smell? How did her hair and skin feel? Smooth? Like velvet? Silk? So, try using the five senses (taste, touch, smell, sounds, and sight) to draw the reader into the world you create with your poem.

So, great start!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The end.. Why you have nothing to give her.. and why that way.. you end it ..in such a cold way..Ok.. Please.. find a better end... Is this a poem .. the way you wrote it makes me think ..It will be better if you edit and in paragraphs
a short storie.. over all I like it.. but.. you are not telling the true storie.
come on.. tell it ... to us..ahahah
Love it

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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51 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 17, 2010
Last Updated on February 2, 2011
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Coyote Poetry
Coyote Poetry


A Poet and writer who love to read and write. My pleasure is reading about the bad and good in a life. Also to honor the Poets/Writers of the past by reading their words. Remember .. more..


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