The wishing well

The wishing well

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

Wishes are just dust lost in the wind. Words that will scar the heart and soul. We must know action and seek peace in life.


(My friend Donald. He was killed in Iraq in August 2004.)



(Wishes are just dust lost in the wind. Words that will scar the heart and souls. We must know action and seek peace in a life.)

(Don't allow the foolishness of other to block the desire of love. Blood is blood in good and bad times. Family is all we have. See your father and mother in the eyes of the elders. Leave with kind words and good memories. One day the good and kind people will be gone.  We will need to remember their faces.)

The clock is moving. Tick tock, tick tock.
I remember so many names and I can't remember their faces.
I pick up old photos.
They bring back both happiness and sadness.
I make a wish to see old friends and missed family.

I watched a girl tossing a penny into the wishing well. 
She smiled at me. Asked me. "Do wishes come true. Or are they just wasted words.?"

I told her. "Life is simple. Wishes are fool's goals. Must resurrection hope. Must retrieve the energy and hope of a strong and wise mind. Can't mangle and rip apart the deeds of good people to leave you standing empty. Wishing for missed and lost voices and faces."

The girl asked "Is forgiveness possible?  Can I return to where I was? Is it better to wait or bow down. Open new doors for family and friends?"

"Better to accept mistakes and try to understand. Forgive those who are part of our life. Family is what we are. Would the people important to our heart and soul  understand why we forsaken the people that would do anything for your safety and happiness. Father's eyes are in the eyes of their parent. When you create a broken bridge. A part of you will be lost forever and can't be replaced.  Better to bow down and seek forgiveness and peace. Then to live in disappointment for leaving dear people with negative words."

The young girl looked into my eyes. Asked me. "Does the regret ever fade away?"

I told her. Become scars that can't heal. Just open wounds to remind us to be kind.

I stood by my friends grave. I cried many tears for him and his children. His mother held me like a child. I told her. "I wished I spend more time with him. He was a real friend. I miss his smile and laughter." I asked the spirit of life and death in a silent prayer. I pray my  old friend have found some peace. I saw my friends face in the father's face. He stood sad and alone. I know parent will die many times for lost of their babies."

Hard to seek forgiveness and find hope sometime.
I stood by the wishing well.
I tossed a penny in.
I wished for happiness for all the children.
I wish to understand life.

Tick tock, tick tock.
Time is going by.
Few people are left that caressed my life with hope and kindness.
I know the way of life. A wise person give back the love and kindness he
was given with great generosity.

I saw my friend face yesterday. A small boy made me happy. His energy and joy for life reminded me of his Grandfather. Maybe we do get some sort of peace in the end.

My old friend was a wise man. He saved me many times. I tried to help him.
I know he is  in paradise looking down. Seeing two beautiful daughters. Grand babies growing strong and big. I know he is content.

He would have told his children. "Don't let the hatred of others  make you hate. Need family and friends to keep you strong. Love bring love. Hate bring loneliness."

I stand by the wishing well. I know wishes can come true. If we do our best and are kind to friends and family. Hate and negative leave us wishing for thing hard to find again.

Better to seek peace and know love.


© 2011 Coyote Poetry

Author's Note

Coyote Poetry
A new poem. I have been brought to a old sadness. Sometime good to remember and say names of family and friends missed.

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There is a fable from the Jewish faith, about a young man talking to his rabbi. He asks, "Rabbi, when we pray to God, why do we ask Him to place the holy words on our hearts? Why don't we ask Him instead to place the words in our hearts, where they belong?" The rabbi says to the boy, "My son, you see, in our current normal everyday state, our hearts are tightly closed. We place the holy words on our hearts because our hearts must be broken in order for the words to fall inside."

This poem is gorgeous, and made me think of that fable. For in thinking about your friend, you allowed your heart to break, and the Spirit shines through loud and clear in this one.

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


This was really sad, but, I like how you put a little brightness into it at the end. Good job, I'm sorry for your loss.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Its a great work acknowledging us with the wisdom and experiences as you have..

"Hard to seek forgiveness and find hope sometime.
I stood by the wishing well.
I tossed a penny in.
I wished for happiness for all the children.
I wish to understand life."

Everyone of us seeks peace in life..Hope the same for you... :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Yes..At times, we think about the good times spent together and this in turn gives us strength to move on..!!!!

Great write..!!!

Good Wishes..!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

We're on this earth for a reason, to meet people, to learn of them, to learn from them. Some pop in and out of life, some stay forever even when in another place. Even hurt can be a comfort if we learn from it .. your words are sad yet so meaningful, so wise. They open doors to new views, new understanding. Thank you for being you.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love the way that you cobstructed the story, from a sad event to poem full of emotions

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

wisdom filled and emotionally vibrant. I do enjoy this poem, and hope to hear more from you :)
close friends' death is something I can easily relate to and has played an important role of my life so far. So I thank you for this submit and recommending it, definitely made my day.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i LOVE the way you turned this poem into a story, a play, a dialogue- whatever you want to call it. i just really liked how you put multiple things into it... i also love the story line of it all... i can picture it perfectly in my head. i actually pictured me as the little girl haha cause when i was little i always believed. i believed in fairy tales, i believed in love, i believed in hope... i just.. i was a dreamer. and then you grow up and then realize "wow, thats not how the world really is, but i wish it was". i also loved how you put so emotion in this. i can feel the pain hitting your heart and i can see the tears coming out of your eyes. but, i also love how i can see the happiness that he had/has brought you in the past and i love how much love and support you showed him in this. theres seriously nothing that i would change in this. not. one. thing.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

insightful as always. I always learn something when i read your poems, thank you for sharing this with me.


Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

My favorite part in this piece is the question and answer session between the young girl and yourself. She sounds so eager to deduce some of the largest mysteries of life that often the older cannot answer themselves. But the wisdom you've managed to convey is so timely and absolute that the reader cannot help but side with you. Life's wisdom is a rollercoaster if you ask me...those at the front experience it first.

A great piece Coyote!


Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

wonderful piece if a writing....a sad and and a real meaningful poem.....keep this going.........

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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64 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on June 12, 2011
Last Updated on June 20, 2011
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Coyote Poetry
Coyote Poetry


A Poet and writer who love to read and write. My pleasure is reading about the bad and good in a life. Also to honor the Poets/Writers of the past by reading their words. Remember .. more..


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