You are always on my mind.

You are always on my mind.

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

Love may be gone. The tattoos of love will always be with us



You will always be on my mind

The splendor of true love,
Where you allow the wall of fear to fall completely down.
Allowing emotion and desire to take two people away to finding the real
pleasures learn by the burning candles and sweet red wine.

We touched our wine glasses.
Held our kisses deep and long.
The locked door leaving us protected and safe.
In a dreamer's paradise.

The coldness of Winter brought her to me.
She wanted someone to read poetry to her and keep her warm.
I wanted someone to give me hope and strength. 

I remembered she came to me late in the evening.
Holding wine coolers and desired conversation.
Dressed like a woman and
the innocence of a child wanting me to open my door for her.

I saw a devil dressed in a sexy black dress with a hunger that
I could not control.
I watch her take off her coat. Allowing my eyes to see her beautiful 
young body. The short skirt allowed me the pleasure of seeing her long legs.
I told her. "Sometime better not to start something we cannot stop. "
She came to me. She went to her knees. Laid her long red hair across my lap. 
Raised her face to me. I looked into clear blue eyes and lost control.
She was just a baby. Nineteen and fearless. I was still young and strong.

I knew if you start a fire you can't put out.
The final act will be sadness.

She took my hands and kissed them.
She whispered. "You have been so kind to me. Had great patience being my
teacher at work. I know you desire me. I see how you look at me. I want someone to
show me the world. Teach me pleasure and pain. Show me what love is supposed
to be. I want a man's hands on my body. Not a boy's."

I asked for a wine cooler.  Told her. "I don't know".

She gave me sweet kisses and took my hands. She wrapped her arms around me.
Asked. "Should I go?"

I said "no".

The cold of Winter was blowing a gentle northern breeze.
I looked out at my skylight.
I prayed not to make a fool's wish tonight.

Two lovers begin a new journey.
When passion and desire come. Very hard to stop.
The beauty of the first kiss. The first caress. The first taste of a lover's skin.
Stays with you forever.

I knew already. "Fine line between sex and love. Sex creates peace for the body.
Love creates peace for the soul. When you dance with the young in heart, pleasure is the desire, and love is not so important."

I still remember the love making. Wasn't for pleasure. Was to fix a desire that grew with each touch. Her hunger grew till one day, early in the Spring, she left me. I knew the day would come. Some woman are to be held forever. Some are to be held for a moment.

I allowed her to leave. I knew it was better to be kind in the goodbye.  My heart was gone and I found little solitude in my life. I joined a war to escape her memory.

Funny, life is a circle. We met two more times. We had a strange bond. 
Even today, years later. I wish to touch our glasses  filled with sweet red wine. Touch her perfect body till the morning light. Some dreams become nightmares. Then the nightmares become sweet dreams.

I told her often over the year. "You are always on my mind."

                          July 2011



© 2014 Coyote Poetry

Author's Note

Coyote Poetry
Finally a new poem. First one in a long time. Please be kind and assist me with errors or mistakes. Never too old to learn

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The coldness of Winter brought her to me.
She wanted someone to read poetry to her and keep her warm.
I wanted someone to give me hope and strength.

Relationships are give and take and the right balance makes both feel complete...

Once someone touches our heart then they will always be there.

Posted 12 Years Ago

6 of 6 people found this review constructive.


Amazing piece of poetry. I'm not a big poetry fan but I must say; this poem was simply amazing in its own right. Congrats on your amazing talent!! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bittersweet memories rise
From the lines of altiloquent prose
Of paradisiacal twinkles of time
Spent in the arms of a Willow...

This was almost like reading my own story... It opened some recent wounds that were beginning to scab over. Very moving, very heartfelt. "Some women are to be held forever. Some are to be held for a moment." So tragic, yet so true. (sniff sniff)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is a beautiful love story and the last lines are just remarkable. I find your style of writing easy to read , easy on the mind but cutting through the heart. The natural flow and sincerity touches the reader and takes him there to feel and be part of the story. Your thoughts about some women "are to be held forever, some are to be held for a moment" carries with it so much weight of emotion it overwhelms. I learned that lesson in life: "when you love someone, you let them go." And the statement - "Funny life is a circle" truly happens even after so many years. This story/poem reminded me so much of Mark Knopfler's song "True Love Will Never Fade." And made me cry.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

All of your works taken from life have a tender mercy to them bravo

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow. What a story. I love the way you told it. I like your voice and how you describe things - simple yet rich. I could feel that first taste of love between two people and I felt pain at the separation. It moved me.

grammar: pleasures learn by...learned

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

wow, touching and relatable, the words flow with a sense knowledge, understanding and moving on, an experience, that empowers, outstanding

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I think I forgot to breathe for a moment! Sir, you could not have done better than this! It's beautiful! Amazing! Splendorous!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh MY...WOW! Now this completely took me over! Wonderful prose with so many absolute perfect descriptive images. You have quite the sensitive soul Coyote, and I loved the perspective you held, before, during, and even the bitter sweet after.

Favorite lines~

"The coldness of Winter brought her to me.
She wanted someone to read poetry to her and keep her warm.
I wanted someone to give me hope and strength."

"The beauty of the first kiss. The first caress. The first taste of a lover skin.
Stayed with you forever."

"Some dreams become nightmares. Then the nightmare become sweet dreams."

It actually gave me goose bumps and I've reread it three times lol....
So far this is my favorite, but we'll see, after reading more of your work, if that will still be the case. Many creative blessings!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is a great write.


Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I can put my own names and faces upon this poetic story , words anyone can relate to if they have heart and a memory . well done .

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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168 Reviews
Shelved in 16 Libraries
Added on July 24, 2011
Last Updated on March 30, 2014


Coyote Poetry
Coyote Poetry


A Poet and writer who love to read and write. My pleasure is reading about the bad and good in a life. Also to honor the Poets/Writers of the past by reading their words. Remember .. more..


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