If I had Magic

If I had Magic

A Poem by CrimsonShinigami

What will i do with it


If I had Magic

Would I redo my mistakes

Should I had done something better

I could save someone

I could help someone in need

One thing is for certain

I can never fill this empty void

Returning my feelings

that have already been taken

never will the thought stay still

push it away make me forget


If I could fly away from

this rotten cage I stepped inside

From everything that made me suffer

going oh so far away

Floating, roaming, constant on my mind

"I'm sorry" I shall say

"Get out" You say in return


Erase it erase all of them

I hate the current me

I want to smile normally

no illusions No phonyness


If I had magic what would I do

If i had some could I reborn myself

When asked if I need help would I say yes and tell them my problems


Can I grant courage to tell no more lies

containing a secret isn't a special talent

Crying won't help but I would love to have Magic

© 2014 CrimsonShinigami

My Review

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This was an enjoyable poem to read. There was a few typos that I noticed, I don't think they were spelling mistakes so I'll just list them below. Other than that it's a really touching and wonderful piece.


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you very much ill fix it right now

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1 Review
Added on October 27, 2014
Last Updated on October 29, 2014



Edmonton, Canada

I like writing poems and stories but I never had the chance to show others they may not be as good as others but I tried my best. I enjoy reading books that have a good story plot. I hate quiet room.. more..
