My Lover

My Lover

A Poem by Charles Stewart

just another love poem ;)



My Lover
Charles Mel Stewart

I'm weak my lover carry me
I'm alone stay for a while
my hands are shaking hold them
bandage my wounds there bleeding
my heart is cracking in two
stich it back together
take a needle and thread
I promise I'll be still
I have the strength and I have the will.
I'm sobbing my lover
wipe away my tears
I'm scared my lover take away this fear
this irational fear that draws me into your arms.
I'm hurt my lover be my nurse
I wish I could have been the one to love you first
I don't need any morphine
or pills to soothe my pain
from you I have so much more to gain
endless nights with you by my side
imperfect kisses that make me crave more
gay love it may be but it's perfect
imperfection and beauty my lover
that's what you are
a beautiful imperfectionist and beauty itself.
I gave you my heart and I don't want you
to ever give it back
be my husband and i'll be yours?
I can hear your heart pounding
so I guess that's a good sign.
marry me my lover
I'll be your caretaker for the rest of time
when your an old man I'll tuck you into bed
I'll tuck in both of us.
the nursing home will be our paradise
don't think of it as a bad thing
we used to think that we were immortal
two boys hoping to stay young forever
but I wouldn't mind 
a vampire, a werewolf, a cranky old man.
you'd still my everything, all wrapped up
in your sweaters and your penny loafers
in your wooden rocking chair, sitting next to mine
watching breakfast at tiffany's
no just kidding we would have no say in the matter
those nurses and there movie choices.
I'm sleepy my lover do i still look cute?
I'm sick my lover may I lay my feverish head
on your shoulder?
marry me my lover before it's to late.
no wait our time is eternal 
were already old men!
could he have two daddies or she for that matter?
I love you daddy and daddy.
there is no doubt in my mind that
this could be a beautiful kind of something
if you stay...
please stay my lover
you me and a beautiful family
please stay to see beautiful things.
were only getting older my lover
be my valentine all over again?

© 2015 Charles Stewart

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That is my favorite poem you've written ❤️

Posted 9 Years Ago

Charles Stewart

9 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

I love you so much

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1 Review
Added on March 9, 2015
Last Updated on March 9, 2015


Charles Stewart
Charles Stewart

Tallahassee, FL

“My dear, Find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it kill you and let it devour you.. more..
