To thine own self be true

To thine own self be true

A Poem by Charms

Another one of my recent creations. Wrote this this morning. Coffee is such an inspiration. It's exactly what the title says "To thine own self be true."


People will rant as they usually do,

But you know what’s false and you know what’s true,

They build an image, their reflection of you,

An image they can’t accept is untrue.


They point fingers at you and tell vicious lies,

But it’s their own jealousy in a nasty disguise.

They pretend to be nice, they act so sweet,

With their words coated with honey, oh how they mislead.


No matter what they say or mind games they play

You remain steady don’t go astray,

You know what you are and you know what you do,

To thine own self forever be true. 

© 2013 Charms

Author's Note

"To thine own self be true" was one of my grandfather's favourite quotes which he would keep repeating like a broken record. After mulling over this line most of last night I came up with this. Brilliant man with lots of brilliant advice and stories.

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"Your granpa was a great man I am sure for that quote has immense resonance and resounds like thunder even when read and not uttered. ""To thine own self be true."
"They build an image, their reflection of you,

An image they can’t accept is untrue."
In these lines you have a made a solid statement about another person's perception of you and how misleading it is most of the time..
"They pretend to be nice, they act so sweet,

With their words coated with honey, oh how they mislead."
...yes sweet-deception alive and kicking...never tiring always walking then creeping....
"You remain steady don’t go astray,"

your words here are very encouraging to the reader in the aftermath of a nasty incident...
you nicely compliment Granpa's line in the end with "You know what you are and you know what you do,

To thine own self forever be true. "

Thank you for a early morning rhyme to be savored with tea and biscuits and to ruminate through one's lifetime when oppression seems to rule the day and subjugation tries to have its say....but come what ourselves we will remain true.

Excellent in your own style.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

We must take every negativity, every adverse situation and turn it into something beautiful. We have.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on February 13, 2013
Last Updated on February 28, 2013



Panjim, Goa, India

A writer, dreamer, thinker. I think I've written on almost every genre but nothing published as yet. I have two novels in the editing process, one movie script and one children's fairy story (about to.. more..
