Inspired By A Child

Inspired By A Child

A Story by Chellie

A true story. A twelve year old little girl, who is wise beyond her years changes my life forever. What an inspiration she was.


Today is Christmas Eve of 2010, and like I did last year I volunteered at the emergency aid center in town. I helped pack bags filled with food and then I helped the children pick out a toy for Christmas.


Last year it was very enjoyable. Many families come through who don’t have money to buy their children a gift for Christmas. It breaks my heart to know that the present that I help them pick out may very well be the only one they get for the holidays. But at the same time it warms my heart because I get to be a part of something that makes a child happy.


The parents have no influence over what the child gets, because while the child gets a toy, the parents are getting the food. There is nothing like seeing that smile when you hand the kid the toy they want the most. It makes me want to cry with happiness for them.


This year though, I was particularly influenced by one little girl. She is a special little girl who I believe was supposed to be there for me to see.


She was an average looking twelve year old girl. Tall and thin with blonde hair tied high up in a ponytail. She had beautiful blue eyes though, the kind that seem to see into your soul, seem to know how the world works. Standing in line to grab a kid and take them to get their toy I knew immediately that I would get her, and I sighed in frustration. It wasn’t as fun helping to pick a toy for the older children like her, it was the babies and the little ones who’s faces I loved to see light up with joy.


But as it got closer to her turn, her smile grew bigger and bigger, and I realized that she wasn’t going to be one of the more boring ones. Not that I didn’t love giving the older kids a present too, they usually just don’t get as excited.


When her turn came around, I was her guide, just like I had though. She smiled happily at me and said where do we go? I smiled back at her being friendly and asked her what kind of things she liked.


She looked up at me, her blue eyes shinning and said, “I like anything really. I’m just happy to be getting a present no matter what it is.”


I told her that was wonderful and that she could pick out anything that she wanted. As we walked to the table for her age group with lots of toys stacked on it she continued on talking.


“A lot of people who come here don’t really appreciate what they get. I do. Like I said, I’m happy to get anything, even if it is something small, it’s more than I had before.”


I was floored by this little girl. So young and such a positive attitude on life. I could feel tears welling in my eyes and it took everything I had to hold them back.


I told her that was a wonderful view on life and to keep thinking like that because she will love the things that she does have even more. And I told her that it was not the toys and objects in life that matters. She finished my sentence for me by saying, “It’s family that is what is important.”


Again, I felt the tears come to my eyes, and again I fought them back. So I asked her again what she liked to do or what she liked, and she said everything. So we looked around for a few minutes before she settled on a small art set with markers and colored pencils. Only inches away was a much larger art set with pastels, chalk, and many other art supplies. I asked her why she didn’t want the bigger art set instead.


She replied to me by looking me in the eyes, her blue ones filled with happiness and joy and said, “I want to leave the big one for someone else who likes to draw more than me. I like to draw, but I know that there are other kids coming in that probably like to draw way more than me.”


For the third time I was completely floored. This twelve year old girl, who’s name I never did learn, was wise beyond her years. Her soulful eyes told the truth, she did know much about the world.


As I gave her back to her mother after giving her a big hug and wishing her the best Christmas ever, I waved goodbye as I finally let the tears fall. I turned and got back into line to get another child and began crying.


As I stood crying in line I realized that this little girl changed my life today. I have always been appreciative of things, but she taught me to cherish the things I have. This little girl, who I know think is an angel in disguise, had made me want to be a better person. And as I sit here and write this, I am crying. Crying for this little girl who had nothing but loved life with every fiber of her being, crying for the joy and wisdom she brought to me, and crying because thinking about this experience made me realize that God sent this little girl to me to make me a better person. He want’s me to love more, appreciate what I have, and live like every day is the last, and because of this little girl, I now believe that I can.

© 2010 Chellie

Author's Note

This actually happened to me today. I will forever remember this little girl. I wanted more than anything to share this with everyone and hope that it inspires someone like it did me. Feedback is welcomed. I would love to know what you think of this little girl. I know I think the world of her.

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This is such a beautiful story, everyday we are forced to see the bad in people whether it be on the news, through word of mouth or through our own experiences, these often overshadow the good in the world. Such a simple thing such as this little girl thinking of others before herself effects someone like you so deeply and makes such an impression, such an impact and changes your way of thinking and living to a higher level of positivity. These small wonders that happen everyday are what keep my faith in people, in the kindness of people alive amongst all the bad.

I am a firm beleiver in the pay it forward way of living and this is a fine example of why.Thank you for sharing your lovely story, hopefully it makes a good impression on others and passes on that wonderful feeling you were given by that little girl.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This is really wonderful, Chellie. The girl is really an angel in disguise.
I love this piece.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank you so much. She really is. I wish I could have found her again last year. But I hope that thi.. read more
lovely as the girls image........
sweet as your request for feedback.......
in short........wonderful, fabulous and sweeeeet.....!!!!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I awarded this story first place in my 'One Day' contest because it truly emphasized everything that the significance of one day can make. It's written beautifully and you feel real emotions and the impact this special little person had on you. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, so thank you

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Touching! You were blessed to meet this little girl.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is such a beautiful story, everyday we are forced to see the bad in people whether it be on the news, through word of mouth or through our own experiences, these often overshadow the good in the world. Such a simple thing such as this little girl thinking of others before herself effects someone like you so deeply and makes such an impression, such an impact and changes your way of thinking and living to a higher level of positivity. These small wonders that happen everyday are what keep my faith in people, in the kindness of people alive amongst all the bad.

I am a firm beleiver in the pay it forward way of living and this is a fine example of why.Thank you for sharing your lovely story, hopefully it makes a good impression on others and passes on that wonderful feeling you were given by that little girl.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This was so touching that it broke my heart. She seems like an amazing little girl and I'm sure I would feel the exact same way you do. It takes one child to make the whole world see how true they can be. :) Beautiful, sweet true story that I really enjoyed reading! 100/100 for sure! :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Insprirational! I wish I could have met that girl, she seemed to have really changed your life!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Aww, that is just beautiful and so touching! Her view on life is absolutely amazing.

One problem though: what did you mean in "just like I had though"?

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This story is wonderful(:
It is amazing how anyone, even children can have such an impact on us.
I do not understand how people can create generalizations of children or any age group for that matter. We are all our own, and as wise as we come.
This is inspiring(:

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is such a beautiful story. It was so touching and moving. Even though that little girl was still so young, she had such a positive nature towards life. She sounded selfless. She probably was more like an adult, rather than a child. It was a breathtaking story, thanks for sharing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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15 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on December 25, 2010
Last Updated on December 25, 2010
Tags: inspirational, girl, christmas, holiday, crying




I am a writer of many genres and styles. I love poetry, short stories, and novels. If I had it my way I would spend my days sunning in the pool with a book in my hands. And at night writing till my he.. more..

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