Why I'm Not A Feminist

Why I'm Not A Feminist

A Story by HorseListener


When I was in college, a professor asked our class, “Do you believe men and women should be treated as equals?” The class immediately responded with, “Yes.” Upon receiving the answer, she informed us, “Then you’re a feminist.”
That proclamation stuck with me for quite some time, and I did consider myself a feminist for a few years. Why not now? I got a big dose of reality. I found that the more things I read about feminism that tried to be all-inclusive with #yesallwomen, the more I masculine I felt.
One of the things that made me really think about calling myself a feminist with the definition people loved to parade around was that when someone asked me if I was a feminist, my response was hesitant because I felt obligated to follow “yes” with explaining that I don’t hate men. I felt said obligation because all the feminist propaganda I saw, heard, etc. involved putting men down and painting them as predators in order to boost female morale. However, what morale can be boosted if we’re constantly playing the victim?
Victim mentality segue.
Around that same time, I had also discovered there were other people out there like me, meaning asexual. I found a community, I officially “came out of the closet,” and I thought I’d found my place in the LBGT’s alphabet soup. For a while, I conversed with people who’d dealt with hate for not being heteronormative, cisnormative, whathaveyou. Eventually, I discovered it’s not as awful as most made it seem, but that will be for another note.
Around that time, I also discovered that I had feminine problems due to bad genetics and a few other things. Thus, the fight for a hysterectomy began, as did my standing up for women’s rights and s**t. I was a feminist.
Or so I thought.
You see, I still didn’t meet the requirements that I didn’t know existed.
I have never hated men, and I sympathize for the issues they have. For a brief second, I thought that maybe men were more privileged in society and such. Well, not here. Western society, contrary to what many people claim, is not the sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic hell hole it’s made out to be. In what other society is it as easy to get medical care (mental and physical) for transitioning from one gender to another? In what other society would my livelihood be safe in admitting being the anomaly that I am? I moved to the other end of the state with my horse, a thousand dollars (that I earned by myself), and no job, and I made it. As a single woman. If we were actually living in a patriarchal society, I’d still be living at home and being bitched at for not having found a well-paid husband.
Not all men are predators, and I am not a victim by default due to being born female. Feminists love to talk about the wage gap (debunked), the inherent fear of walking down the street alone because of high man on woman sexual assault statistics (debunked), and tie this bull s**t into biology (Surprise! Debunked.).
Now, I agree that men and women are treated differently. Just to name a few…
1) Most females get to keep their genitals intact when they’re born, and a large number of males don’t.
2) Most women get lighter jail sentences (if any) than men.
3) The number of mothers outweighs the number of fathers who win custody battles quite a bit. Interesting when you consider that most parental abuse is done by mothers and not by fathers.
4) When a woman is sexually assaulted, she is far more likely to be believed than a man in the same situation. If the assaulter of said man was a woman, he really wanted it anyway, right?
5) Women have much easier access to domestic abuse shelters.
6) Men are much more likely to be physically assaulted while walking down the street than women.
How about that medical privilege that I got upset about before? Well, I’m a skeptical person, so I decided to do some research and talk to people who are actually in the medical field rather than angry children parading around in vagina hats and flashing bloody tampons and pads.
Turns out, it’s fairly difficult for a man to get an orchiectomy or even a vasectomy, especially if it’s considered “elective,” they are young, or they don’t have children. When I said I was fighting for a hysterectomy, so many people immediately jumped to sexist oppression. For a little while, I also blamed that for my issues.
Until I did my goddamn research instead of jumping on a bandwagon that posts fairy tales on Facebook. As it’s headed straight for a cliff. While engulfed in flames.
The problem isn’t the patriarchy; it’s health care. Insurance companies control everything doctors and their patients are allowed to do. People like to blame the doctors, but they’re just the marionettes hanging by the strings being controlled by our broken health care system, especially since Obamacare went into effect.
This more or less leads into another reason, so here we go!
Feminism loves to pretend s**t that people do is an attack on women.
First off: rape culture in western society.
The only places in western society that are experiencing something along the lines of actual rape culture, interestingly enough, are European countries that have a large number of refugees.
North America, on the other hand, is not experiencing such a thing. What about challenging the fear mongering?
Here’s a tidbit: people go on and on about under reported sexual assault, right? How women are encouraged not to say anything, are told they were asking for it, are doubted due to false rape claims, etc. What about male sexual assault victims? What about the ones who are victims of women?
While I still stand by the fact that North America is NOT a rape culture, this should be your argument to say that it is. Why isn’t it? It puts men and women on equal ground, does it not? Let’s say you’re a feminist who doesn’t believe in rape culture here, either. You should still use it. It doesn’t support the claims of rape culture, but it does support equality. That’s what feminism is all about, after all!
Seriously, feminists f*****g love rape talk. Kind of disturbing, really.
So what else is made up by the third wave feminism? Oh, right. BuzzFeed loves spreading some of the feminist buzz words, and it’s enjoyable to see people respond to their dumb experiments. Speaking of spreading...
“Manspreading” is apparently an attack on women by men, now. What it means is sitting with your legs apart. I do it, too, but I guess a woman doing it doesn’t count. The complaint is that men feel so superior that they have to take up space by sitting with their legs apart, and it’s all part of the patriarchy. In reality, there’s actually a different reason that does have roots in biology.
Men have external genitalia between their legs. I hear a lot about hitting men in their groin to take them down (which isn’t fool-proof, by the way, so please learn proper self-defense), but God forbid they give themselves some breathing room rather than using their legs as vices. Anecdotal point here, but most men I’ve encountered will either make room for women or just straight-up give up their seat for someone else, especially the elderly. I’ve done the same for men and women alike. What about all the purses and s**t women have with them that take up space? Is that womanspreading? No, only men are the perpetrators? Alright, then. I guess I’ll just blindly except it.
What other words have “man” attached them to make it seem like women don’t do it… oh! “Mansplaining.” A male individual explaining something to a woman. Seriously, what the f**k. If I’m misinformed, tell me why. I don’t give two s***s about your gender identity. I might debate you, but I’m open to learning. Hence why I dropped the title “feminist.”
“Manterrupting” is when a man interrupts a woman. I mean, forget when a woman does it to a man or (more often, in my experience) a woman interrupts another woman. Men need to shut the f**k up and stop mansplaining s**t to everybody. They’ve got nothing significant to offer, anyway.
“Period-shaming.” What? I’ve never been shamed for having my period in my entire damn life. I also agree that it’s a disgusting event. Maybe you don’t see it that way, but I do. That’s not because of society; it’s because I deal with it a lot and know what goes on, and I’ve formed my own opinion of it. If some women feel differently than I do and are ashamed or embarrassed by it, that’s on them.
To summarize, progressive feminist vocabulary is “stupid.” I’d never even heard of these terms or thought of these heinous “sexist” crimes on women until I took a closer look at feminism. “But that’s the point! Women are so well-trained by society that they don’t even see the oppression they live with!” No, you’re just making up words that make you sound like the more socially justified sexist. I don’t have internalized misogyny. Maybe you’re a misandrist. Ever consider that as an option instead of boiling it down to “feminist” or “right-leaning white cis hetero religious fascist with internalized misogyny?” Maybe if the people in your movement didn’t have a habit of being rude and/or violent and calling it “empowerment” and attempting to shut down all of those who disagree with you, you wouldn’t experience a lot of the flack you get. Just a thought.
The overall goal of feminism is claimed to be equality, but more often we see things pushing for female superiority. People like to preach the definition of feminism, so let’s take a look at that.

Wow, that seems heavily built toward empowering women, not equality. Probably why the root word is “feminine,” whose root word is “female.” Seriously, how often do you see things empowering men in the name of feminism?
How about “egalitarian?”

Yeah, that sounds more like me.
I am a woman, I am biracial, my sexual orientation is not the norm, I do have a disease process with my female reproductive organs, and I am not oppressed. I’ve had several people exit my life because I refuse to buy into this s**t and play the victim I am not, and to them I say, “Chep 'ej qaStaHvIS yIn .”

I’m going to leave this here for funsies because I love her argument on the topic.

© 2017 HorseListener

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Added on July 4, 2017
Last Updated on July 4, 2017
Tags: feminism, socialjustice, skeptics