Just for a Thrill

Just for a Thrill

A Poem by snapstache

The whispers turn to shouting,
The shouting turns to tears,
The tears turn to laughter,
As the fight slowly disappears,
A smile lights your face,
As we calmly make up,
I frown lights mine,
As I see the dismay in your eyes,
You know its not over,
It'll never be over,
Fights will come,
And then they'll go,
Abuse will strike,
And then disappear,
All will come,
All will go,
Then come again,
They'll never slow,
They'll never cease,
They'll never disappear,
So who,
May I ask,
Are we fighting to live,
We're miserable,
You see,
This isn't how it should be,
We should be happy,
But we never will,
If we stay together,
Just for a thrill.

© 2010 snapstache

Author's Note

this one is sorta about a couple tht is thinking about breaking up, but it could be a married couple, however you interpret it...I guess i'm trying to say, just because people want you with someone and you don't get along, then its not right.

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Some thrills may kill you one day. Poem is powerful. I have known people who stay together and fight like cat and dog. The ending is separation or court order. A outstanding poem. Could feel the struggle in your words.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 22, 2010
Last Updated on April 22, 2010



i made this when i was eleven wow. a lot of memories here. feel free to look around i suppose although there won't be anything new posted. more..

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