Aberative Beats - Irrelevant

Aberative Beats - Irrelevant

A Poem by Claudel

Abstract Beats


i justtttttttttttttt loook in the mirrrorrr
i justttttttttt loook at the clock
i just try not to think about timeeeeee
the time, those times
am i am who i am
am i a lonerrrr
a dreamer or so
you are what you are
a dreamer or so
a loner or something
the world in me
seems perfect
the way i am
the way we are
i know this to be so
a dreamer or so
juuuuuuuuuusttttttt looking in the mirrrorrrrrr
just looking at the clock
forgetting time
that time, this time
for everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, i am who i am
i know your secrets
a dreamer or soooooooooooooooooooooooo
simple or something
the way i am
forgetting time
this time, forever
i hope
won't end that soon
the way i am now...
and nothing else but that.

© 2008 Claudel

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I'm also a dreamer, but dreamers shouldn't be loners, and they don't wanna be. But when they are not, they live just in their imagination. Sometimes instants last forever and eternity is just an instant, dream becomes real, and reality turns out into a dream. You are what you are at the moment, but you'll never know what you are going to become. And this also happens to the one you love...

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 26, 2008



Galati, Romania

just a lost soul more..
