

A Poem by Boantlers

If you are loving enough to care, please say Amen out loud upon the conclusion of reading this. It would mean a lot to me.

Dear father,

I can feel the world spinning at my feet
I thank you for holding me, knowing me and owning me
I am always yours as I serve this cause of great cost
It is my promise to give and share what you have me bare
I replenish in your love, in your grace and your infinity

Dear father, I do ask one thing. When I'm called I am needed, but in my heart is a space for me I wish to fill with the blessing of my angel companion
Father I know you know what is best, and what is right, I am just feeling this urge to word this off my chest to you. I pray for the space and time for which it will take so we may come together
I wish never to push burden upon her, but I yearn for her warm embrace. I yearn for the inspiration and I wish for her sweet kiss to taste. I have never said it father, but I see your lines all over her face. My darling angel of grace.

Father may your will continue, may you bless those who seek you. May I have the strength to bring light where it lacks, and father, thank you for loving us.


© 2010 Boantlers

Author's Note

Short though alleviating

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You always misspell this word.

The way you are using it here it needs to be spelled "Prayer".

To "pray" is to talk *at* god in hopes he hears you and changes something/knows your appreciative for something youre thanking it for, tec etc etc.

to "prey" is to consume, to devour, to stalk and kill. I dont think that is what you are going for here. Other than that its a nice piece.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 29, 2010
Last Updated on August 29, 2010



AK, Earth, New Zealand

Sometimes I just want to hold you and kiss your cheek Knowing you know everything's okay; makes everything okay for me If that makes any sense? I know you will know what I mean You always do Movi.. more..

So Am So Am

A Poem by Boantlers