It's your body, young lady! And most irrefutably so your choice to make!

It's your body, young lady! And most irrefutably so your choice to make!



By Stanley Collymore        
Having thoroughly and honestly    
discussed your reasons for        
not wanting to actually        
have children at anytime clearly doing        
this initially with your then boyfriend,        
who subsequently quite voluntarily        
became your fiancé and, similarly        
equally satisfied, with this earlier        
decision, and coincidentally too        
your very own husband; to now        
have his mum and essentially        
obviously your mother-in-law        
quite persistently badgering        
you to alter your mind, even        
literally, going into extremis        
by persistently, buying toys,        
for these non-existent, and        
essentially, unlikely babies.        
This is not just a quite intrusive        
travesty but unquestionably        
so an essentially clearly        
undeniably unwarranted, as well as an      
actually, quite offensive incursion into      
what is obviously your private life; but        
to then generally, similarly have rather      
right-wing minded, or any other social      
media aficionado, or anyone, come to        
that really, clearly attendant with their        
well supported right-wing tabloid rags      
and electronic media generally rather        
actively encouraging your persistent        
mother-in-law in what she's asininely        
doing, while simultaneously blasting      
you quite vitriolically for what is very        
undeniably, a totally personal action        
that you're very rationally taking and        
which impacts exclusively, solely on        
only you, and a supportive husband.        
A most unwarranted and likewise        
a grossly interfering state of        
affairs that really belies        
all comprehension and similarly too the    
minutest notion of what could actually    
even vaguely be classed as any likely        
form of crucially, general intelligence.        
But when you've toxically verminous        
lunatic gammons and their obvious        
gritting, llikemindedly racist, trollop        
Karens ludicrously, and vitriolically        
attacking you, basically as a white        
woman, that's plainly married to a        
white man for her rabid treachery        
in evilly betraying all future white        
generations by so unpatriotically        
and consciously not having white        
children to very pleasurably and      
similarly genetically add to that        
future white population in what        
they racially deem to be a quite        
non-white immigrant saturated        
Britain, full of noxious persons!        
Significantly thus, because those        
whom they virulently despise        
evidently have a different        
skin colour to their own and, similarly        
too, a realistically more constructive        
and productive work ethic than that        
of these vile haters quite obviously        
very liberally, producing numerous        
quantities collectively of basically        
b*****d kids, while crucially living        
continuously and also deliriously        
happily on the dole! But similarly        
ironically and most conveniently        
so readily overlooking their own        
very brutally desperate, pogrom        
and distinctly, equally European        
holocaust refugee scurry to the        
very same UK, most undeniably      
essentially requisite, for the life        
and limb refuge sanctuary they        
were in dire need of, in spite of        
their very obviously alien roots.        
And perhaps fully aware of the        
'Aryan' scum who undoubtedly        
now for her rather odiously do        
infest what's realistically, truly        
her homeland Britain, doesn't        
want to responsibly have any        
children at all in a Britain that        
is quite entrenched with such        
absolutely toxic and naturally        
sociopathically indoctrinated        
scum! Safely a far wiser than        
you clearly thought decision!        
(C) Stanley V. Collymore          
6 June 2023.        

Author's Remarks:        
We're all of us individuals with our very own peculiarities and likewise personal and even unique characteristics, and as long as we're probably compos mentis and not mentally defective; an inured criminal or a raving psychopath or sociopath, we're perfectly entitled to our own opinions; however, even if these are undoubtedly sound in nature it doesn't give any of us as the owners of them the perceived inalienable right to thrust those said opinions of ours down the throats of others, to coerce or superciliously believe that they're quite instinctively better than opinions or any views that others realistically and quite logically have of their own. Additionally, neither does it accord to us, effectively because we think it should do so, the instinctive right to be naturally excluded from any form of criticism because we most arrogantly believe that whatever we think or personally subscribe to in terms of our own personal opinions or assumptions are automatically and far superior to those of others who we very condescendingly for a diversity of quite biased reasons, jealousy, hatred rabid delusions of grandeur, narcissism or just plain innate stupidity regard as very considerably inferior to our own views.        
Amongst the Human Race no one of its constituent elements has a monopoly on righteousness, what's irrefutably right or disastrously wrong; and it's plain idiocy to actually think that way. Furthermore, no one chooses or was ever given that choice to determine what race he or she should or would ultimately belong to I'd and when they were born. In short, we none of us had any choice in that matter or any actual consultation either on who our distinct biological parents would be or basically were; nor the circumstances under which we were conceived, whether voluntarily or involuntarily so, or whether we were from foetus stage to our actual birth, provided we were allowed to get that far and weren't in actuality aborted, were simply allowed to live. And therefore all that we know with any certainty, assuming of course that we're not plagued with incurable dementia, is that we're here!        
So my advice to all you braindead racist Karen trollops and distinctly likeminded gammons is to get real; as you don't by any stretch of the imagination speak, nor will you ever do, for the entirety of the race you were born a part of; or as a Useful Idiot of the Coconut and House N****r variety, asininely aspire to be an "honorary" part of: a terminology which the stalwarts of apartheid awarded to those they didn't class as or deem to be undoubtedly in their distinctively sick minds as Aryan Master Race elements, but who Stockholm Syndrome style were nevertheless beneficial to them.        
However, the fact that people who're quite obviously physically and likewise biologically of different races can thus readily copulate together and have children they've produced between themselves proves unquestionably that we're all of us essentially components of essentially one race genetically: the Human Race, bestowed with different pigmentations because of the initial geographical locations that our distant ancestors were originated in and as such has nothing whatever to do with any perceived delusional concept of racial superiority or inferiority! Since intelligence alone should logically determine that superiority actually comes from our own self-worth and individual achievements and isn’t inherited, hereditarily or otherwise; whatever race we're actually a part of. Just remember that!        
The Black Belly Sheep is unique to my beloved Barbados and is now a very distinctive part of our indigenous animal landscape. But this same sheep with its distinctive characteristics didn't come to Barbados as such, but was an assortment of different sheep imported to Barbados from elsewhere. However, on an island merged together through mating and a state of affairs reinforced through separation from the wider global sheep population as it were, over several centuries and in a distinctively unique environment like Barbados a sheep whose ancestors once had wool and copiously so genetically dispensed with that characteristic in tropical Barbados and ultimately morphed into this unique breed of sheep which living and existing unfettered in sunny Barbados is now this prized jewel of ours. And it's about time that England and subsequently Britain that both unwarrantedly and uninvitedly went around the world disastrously intruding in the lives and welfare of indigenous people elsewhere: just look at Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA to name just four examples - and with the inured convict settlers and genociders  of Australia delusionally claiming that the massive island continent that quite significantly dwarfs in size the puny offshore European island of Britain and which they arbitrarily renamed Australia, was Terra nuliius: devoid of any people, notwithstanding that the indigenous Aborigines who only got citizenship of their own country and the right to vote in the last quarter of the 20th Century, despite having lived in excess of 66,000 - you read that correctly SIXTY SIX THOUSAND - continuous years in their indigenous homeland before any white Caucasian even knew that these barbarically displaced people and their indigenous homeland even existed.        
Yet these white Aussies along with their likeminded kin in New Zealand, Canada, the USA, apartheid remnants in South Africa, Zimbabwe and the old colonials in Kenya and, of course Britain, are the very same odious and toxically verminous mother-f, who want to have an all-white Britain. No apologies for their noxious past, no compensation, nor any relinquishing of these barbarically and genocidally acquired countries they still tenaciously hold on to; but all the same a WHITE Britain, devoid of immigrants. Take that to read N*****s and other melanin blessed persons: since immigrant in these sick b******s and b*****s minds has nothing to do with the etymological meaning of that word.        
And to pressurize an intelligent married white woman who categorically does not wish to have any children, and despite all the white biological b******s that these white scum breed, many of whom don't even know who their biological fathers are, as their own mothers don't know themselves - and you don't have to be an aficionado of "Long Lost Families" to glean the information, go Google the facts - branding her a traitor to the white race and a disgrace to subsequent white generations, tells any intelligent person and with an infallible conscience all they need to know!


Author's Note

As per previous works.

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Added on June 8, 2023
Last Updated on June 8, 2023
Tags: Inspirational



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
