The Prison of Knowledge

The Prison of Knowledge

A Poem by CompellingComposer

I'm back...hopefully!


Trapped in this chamber

This cell

With others too like myself

And though we are held captive

We are still able to roam around the grounds

But not for long

For we must return to our cell

All of us

Divided into groups

By young or by older

By intelligence or by more idiotic

Chaos in our minds

Staring hopefully at the clock

And out the window

As they brainwash us

Telling us this-and-that

Right and wrong

Hoping it will absorb into our

Apathetic memory

While we long for freedom

Till- at last

The bell rings

And we are released

That is until


© 2011 CompellingComposer

My Review

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School, at many times, does feel like a jail of sorts. And, to think that after you graduate, you have to pay to go back to it. :P I enjoyed this, and it has reminded me that some things never change.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Love it, school was never to my liking either!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Brilliant write! School has away of making you feel like your in jail.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Ah, it's about school isn't it? Yes, we all know the feeling. The opinion is established very clearly here, I like how you were able to describe something without actually naming it. There are many who struggle to do so. Definitely not bad for thirteen! I definitely wouldn't have known by this poem, for your voice sounds a lot older. There's not much flow in this poem, but that actually works here, seeing as though the mood has a monotonous and repetitive sort of feel to it. Nice job here.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love this. Very clever :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on October 19, 2011
Last Updated on October 19, 2011




My name is Megan and I have been writing poems since 4th grade and stories since 6th. I'm very, very young, as I've noticed from the ages of my fellow writers on this site. Yes, I am only 13, but writ.. more..


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