

A Poem by White Rose

I have so many people telling me so many things I don't know what to do. This is the product of my breaking point.

Demands to the left
Commands to the right.
They're all the same, all deafening-
Overpowering, painful, selfish
The voice I can't hear
Is the one that's closest to my ear-
My own voice.

I feel it wanting,
I hear it cringing,
It wants to be heard,
But it's being held back.
Doubt and fear choke it.
I know it's trying to break free
I can tell its trying to scream.

"What do you want?"
The one phrase I can hear
It crashes through the waves of demands
"What will make you smile?"
As tears fall from my eyes
My soul longs for the chance-
A chance to advance.

What do I want?
I've been silent for so long
Allowing to be demanded- commanded.
Can I answer such a question?
Will this one voice-so quiet and timid-
Be able to drown out the deafening demands?

As I sit in my place
Staring at me-my inner self-
All broken and bruised I see
The answer; I feel the burn-
The yearning and determination.
I can stand and break all demands
For I know the answer is yes.

© 2014 White Rose

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Just be true to yourself. Valentine

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 24, 2014
Last Updated on October 24, 2014


White Rose
White Rose

Constanta, Dobrogea, Romania

When the door to darkness opens up, it'll reveal all that is sad and evil, the hearts of the world will shrivel and die, the heroes will fall and be forgotten, then it'll be up to the people, the.. more..

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