

A Story by Hanna Arenstein

A unique story from the point of the assassin and the assassinated( a crime story without any investigation)

Emeline stared at her target tied up in the chair in the middle of the abandoned factory. He stares at her, fear and curiosity in his eyes. She already killed his lover. It had been too dark to look at his eyes before when she snatched him from his home. Now, she could see his eyes were seriously blue - full on Prince Charming, a field of cornflowers, perfect, cloudless sky blue. Someone should name a crayon after a guy, she thought.
As Carter stared at his attacker, he suddenly met her gaze and fear filled his system.However, he felt drawn to her eyes. The icy blueness generated a feeling like he was being pulled into a lake of frozen emotions. It was like all the myriad shades of blue swirled together to form a whirlpool of apprehension. He could tell by her body language that she did not care for him, and those flickering blue orbs confirmed his thoughts. Or maybe it was her act of murdering Skylar that confirmed his assumptions.

Emeline maintained a cool detachment to her targets. Mostly, she preferred not to think of them, but if she did it was as if they were already dead - walking meat bags waiting to be dispatched to the butcher. She thought of them as meeting their destiny and she was merely the conduit. Everyone had to die sometime and she honestly considered this a good way to go. No illness, no drawn-out goodbyes. They were usually just happy and oblivious one second and gone the next. Simple. Convenient. Painless.

She was also possibly too good at her job. She was as agile as an Olympic gymnast or someone in the Matrix movies, although if she was in a good mood she almost considered herself a ninja. When she was embarked on hr career she hadn't been certain it was the right choice for her. She had thought an assassin had to be cruel and cold hearted, which hadn't been her at all. She was just efficient, like a secretary. It's just that instead of dispatching invoices and emails, she dispatched people to whatever came after this life; like an anti-doctor.

Being an assassin had its perks. A new city every week, hotels with no dishes or chores, new clothes every day - the old ones discarded at thrift stores. 

Emeline had been at a coffee shop in downtown Chicago when Carter entered a week ago,
She'd sucked back a double espresso and browsed the newspaper. She'd had ten hours to kill before her next job officially began. She'd barely raised her cup when Prince-Charming-eyes walked in early. She scowled. This would be an extra charge to her employer; Leaving a perfectly good cup of coffee on the table offended her morals. She couldn't even do a silent whack and drown her cup before leaving. Following him was part of the hob. They didn't just want him in a morgue by sundown. They specifically wanted Skylar killed first. She was the dangerous one, after all.

However, Skylar was rather easy to dispatch. She'd stepped out of a black limo the day before today. Her curly brown hair falling in soft layers around her bare shoulders. She had the right physique, but Emeline needed her to turn around to get a positive ID on the face. She made the siren on her fake ambulance sound. Everyone turned toward it, including her. Who doesn't want to see the police chase or an ambulance drive by? Emeline scowled. The photo hadn't done Skylar justice. She was too pretty. Almost looking fake, the figment of some model's dream. In her magnified scope, her - Skylar's - eyes shone and there was a genuine look of concern on her face rather than the glee of a gawker. Her bare arms were honed from hours at the gym and about her neck sat the diamond necklace from Emeline's employer's vault. Skylar was the thief or someone close to them, either way, her brief was to eliminate Skylar, then her fiance. Skylar fell without even a cry, never aware of her own end. One minute she was expecting a glittering gala and the next she was gone. Dispatched,

Just how Emeline liked it. Carter was just as easy, afterward. He went home heartbroken after IDing his lovers body. 

However, when he entered his kitchen, he sees a young woman around Skylar's age at the bar. At first his confused, then annoyed and angry, then scared when hesees the woman treating herself to a peach and line martini is also pointing a gun at his head, and he can see right inside the barrel.

Eventually, they are back to where the story started. The factory, both noticing how blue the other's eyes are. The eye contact is broken by Emeline receiving a call. "This is Emeline Beaumont," she answers in Russian while loading a pistol.

"Do you have him?" her employer asks, also speaking in Russian to avoid people understanding what he and his hired help are saying.
"Yes. He's tied in a chair now. You want him dead? Even if he had no involvement?"


"Alright. Do you want it to look like an accident or murder?"

"Murder. Do your best to make him at ease before you shoot him."

"I will. Goodbye, Gustav," she finishes, and hangs up. She sets down her get and takes off her white silk gloves. "Lucky you, Carter," she lies as she cuts the rope holding him to the chair. "You get to go. My boss will let you live." 

"Really?" Carter asks, looking relieved.

"Really. Now go," she says, waving a hand at him. Carter stares at her for a moment before rising from the chair and turning to walk away. He makes it seven steps before a bullet hits him in his lower back, his mid back, his upper back, and his lower skull. He doesn't feel anything after the first shot which killed quite a few nerves, but when he lands on the ground, he'd most certainly dead. There is no surving four shots in those places. Unless Emeline missed. 

But Emeline never misses.

© 2017 Hanna Arenstein

My Review

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Anything which begins with a scene set in an abandoned warehouse/dark place will grab my attention. You described the eyes of the assassin beautifully, follwoed up by the crayon remark was such a neat touch to compliment the whole sentence. Onto the second paragraph - it flowed like stream and the words you chose gushed off the page, leaping out at me saying 'quality'
The Matrix gets a mention - An awesome word to intertwine into another awesome sentence.
As the piece moves on, it really becomes like watching a movie, rather than reading a great piece of work. But it is because of the power of your words and the way in which you weave them, that this is possible.
Your dialogue skill come into their own as she clearly show that you don't have to use - he said/she said after every spoken word. You demonstrated that so many other things can be done and should be done after an individual talks.

Another very skillful write.


Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 17, 2017
Last Updated on March 18, 2017
Tags: assassin, blue, eyes, blue eyes, cold, hear, cold hearted, murder, dispatched, carter, emeline, skylar, suspense


Hanna Arenstein
Hanna Arenstein

Chicago, IL

I say I write fiction because I write multiple kinds of fiction. Suspense fiction, fiction about assassins, romance fiction, LGTBQ+ fiction. I just like writing fiction because I can create anyone I w.. more..
