The Grim Raven

The Grim Raven

A Poem by Ebb and Flow

When an unliving creature ushers the dead...

Never was there a more perfect bird,
whose actions never seem too absurd.
Ebony wings and c**k of the head,
a feathered friend who migrates the dead.

A sentry of sorts, the guiding way,
ushering corpses so they can't stay.
How fitting a graveyard be his home,
with plenty of food he never roam.

Each life that passes must pay a toll,
the debt to be paid must be a soul.
To sustain his own life he must feed,
eating the dead is a nasty deed.

From high in his perch he can see all,
making sure there's no delay, no stall.
The flow of bodies must be steady,
for any uproar he is ready.

No one to trespass upon his land,
but ever ready to take a stand.
The raven will fight 'til he is gone,
the grim reaper but a mighty pawn.

He never stays dead for very long,
his body revived through raven song.
In his small murder he is the lead,
assisting the gone who are in need.

© 2010 Ebb and Flow

Author's Note

Ebb and Flow
Questions, comments, concerns. This is a lengthy poem...sort of. I have a feeling there's more to be added to it. Also I know I repeat dead a lot, but there's no suitable substitute without reworking the whole line in some cases. Any feedback would be welcomed. =)
*The raven just happens to be my favorite bird, and a poem about one is long overdue. Although dark and somewhat gruesome I feel that this will be what I want it to be.
I think this new photo is more befitting of this poem.
*Credit to the artist.

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Very good piece. I loved the last stanza especially: "He never stays dead for very long,
his body revived through raven song.
In his small murder he is the lead,
assisting the gone who are in need." Perfect ending and great wording for the whole thing! Just one thing. In the first stanza did you mean "too absurd"? "to" doesn't seem to fit. Other than that, I adored it!

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Wonderful piece. I love the darkness of its truth in life.

Posted 13 Years Ago

incredible poem though not what i expected at 1st
i like how you depicted the raven as ferryer of the dead the grim reaper but its mighty pawn it reminds me of kierian the boatman though im sher i butcherd the spelling
oustanding vioce and verry well put together it flows well though in the line
with plunty of food he never roam
it seems it might make a bit more sence as well as flow better if worded with plunty of food he never shal roam
just a sugestion though as i see little or no flaws in this master piece
and what a worthy topic though mabby the most missjudged bird its also the most intelegent and servs a worthy cuase keep up the good work i look forword to reading more later though time will not permit me tonight sarry for spelling
again well done ,QoS

Posted 13 Years Ago

Nice gothic piece. I like (and write) some dark gothic pieces. I like this one because it's dark but not just a slasher or pain poem. It treats death with respect. Well done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is kind of creepy to me. It's dark and haunting

Posted 13 Years Ago


I see the raven as a highly intelligent social bird , with an unique spirit

Posted 13 Years Ago

It's important to capture the spirit of the messege, and you manage to capture the ultimate essense here, stark, stunning imagery sets the readers thoughts wandering a dark plain, where the trees are dying in the shadow of a moonlight bend on destruction, the only glimmer- its reflected light from a raven's eye,

i love how you create a scene that expands even after reader is done, one is left to ponder the full scenerio that unfolds, because you bring to mind, life and death in such a darkly mysterious way, a persuasive ambience.
this is a really well written, talented poem Krys,Wow, keep it up

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The raven has been a symbol for death long before Poe immortalized it, so it's no surprise to find it so here. I enjoyed your depiction of it as an usher for the dead, the last stanza reminded me of the Crow. Nicely done...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Excellant write and I often wondered on the price to the river styx

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I loved this. Beautiful. Very clever and it flowed really well. Dark and different. Brilliant read =)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hey Krys,
I really love this poem, such rythmn and flow is read in this. It's very good and well written I really hope you write more because I really like this kind of stuff. It's also a bit dark and that brings more pull in to it.
Very well done,
~Smiley :) (check out some of my stuff)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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24 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on March 12, 2010
Last Updated on March 21, 2010


Ebb and Flow
Ebb and Flow

Milton Mills, NH

The names Krystina Michelle Walters Poetry is one of my soul passions in life. Without its passion I wouldn't understand the beauty of the written word or that beauty of this world. "Words have.. more..


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