

A Book by Kimmi

Mariah has no control over her life, I guess you could say independence isn't her strong point.



© 2010 Kimmi

Author's Note

Reviews are greatly welcomed :) Tell me what you thought about it.

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Sounds like she's desperately grasping onto anything that shows the image of 'love'. She is not obtaining love where God intended and so she is trying to find it in all of these things that remind her of love she once had.

This story I can really relate to because my mother is an alcoholic and I see her struggle. Also I have struggled with similar circumstances [as I'm sure we all have at some point].

I wonder what he wrote on her hand? She didn't actually look at it... It could have been his number, or there might be a surprise!!! I LOVE SURPRISES!!!!!!!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


This was great Kimmi and I love how you left it off, but I want more!!! LOL Just kidding I really liked this story and I thought it flowe well and you descrpitions of Mariah were perfect and it almost made you feel for the poor soul. Everyone goes through this I think at one point in their life don't you?
Well like I said I loved your story and would like to read more about Mariah.
Thanks for sharing.


Posted 14 Years Ago

This has a lot of insight and a good storyline. It is also well written and held my attention from begining to end. I would really like to read more of about Mariah, and Jason. This was an enjoyable short story which I was sorry to see end.

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Sounds like she's desperately grasping onto anything that shows the image of 'love'. She is not obtaining love where God intended and so she is trying to find it in all of these things that remind her of love she once had.

This story I can really relate to because my mother is an alcoholic and I see her struggle. Also I have struggled with similar circumstances [as I'm sure we all have at some point].

I wonder what he wrote on her hand? She didn't actually look at it... It could have been his number, or there might be a surprise!!! I LOVE SURPRISES!!!!!!!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

the insight into understanding is remarabkle, this is uplifting and original. leaves the reader with a concept of caring rarely expressed,
beautifully done. keep up the great work

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Hm. I liked this. I will probably read it again later. I don't really know how to review so sorry about that. But yeah, it's good.

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on January 2, 2010
Last Updated on February 15, 2010
Tags: Alcohol, Perfume, Independence, Bar, Dependence.



Melbourne, Australia

Hi, I'm Kimmi and I live in Australia :) I love movies, peppermint tea, tragic autobiographies and the rain. Music also fits somewhere in there. more..

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