The Prodigy

The Prodigy

A Story by Ash Weinheimer

For those who are into partial futuristic and superpower stories, this may be just for you.





The year is 2021 and the world has become a larger place, which means more scams, more criminals and most importantly, more consequences. Recently, a new chemical has been discovered and named Umpontiention. This new chemical has the ability to change certain genes and develop new ones that cause the person injected to be given god-like powers and abilities’. However, this does not make them immortal. This chemical has been hidden from the public for those reasons and only the government, now corrupted with power, is allowed to hold it. Because of the amount of money put into the mining operation being so large, the taxes across the world have increased and many lives have been put into poverty. Since the mining operation is mainly based in America and China, it leaves remaining countries like Australia and Europe have been left to fend for themselves under the government’s power. Many civilians in these countries have protested and fought for their freedom, but nonetheless, the government has always won. Therefore, they have been given a name, formerly known as, the slaughterers.

So when countries fend for themselves, they usually turn against each other too. Many gangs are also formed in order to provide food and shelter for their families. Many battles start in the streets and lives are always taken from people in them.

So what happens in a world filled with corruption with no peace? Evil sections of government, gang wars; what do civilians have to lose?

















Chapter One: An Unexpected Beginning



“My name is Cyris Barratt. I am sixteen years of age and I live with my mother as an only child. My father passed away five months ago due to a mining accident here in Australia. I was born in Brisbane and it seems I am here to stay for the remained of my life, working in the local valuables store with my friends. I understand that I must travel to the showground for an important message for all teens.”   

“Very nice Cyris,” my mother replied. “As long as you keep that impression, I am sure they will mean you no harm.”

My mother then gave me a warm smile, making me feel happy inside and removed the nervousness inside of me. What on earth did the slaughterers want, and why is it specifically for teenagers?

“I am sure it is nothing. The government usually calls upon teens to do their work for them, so what can possibly happen?”

“You shouldn’t ask yourselves these thing Cyris. What would I do without you?”

I pause and ponder this new thought. If I did lose my life, how would my mother take care of herself?

“Don’t worry. You are in good hands. Mika will take care of you,” I reply.

“I almost forgot about her,” said mother, with a slight smile on her face, masking fear.

“I will make it home. I promise you,” I reassure mother.

In the moment, we both exchange hugs and then I turn to leave, seeing Mika, my pet Malamute, eyeballing me, while tilting her head to one side in confusion.

“I will be back shortly. You take care of mum while I’m gone. Got that?”

As if Mika understood my words, she replied with a bark.

I then head for the door and see that it is raining. I always believed that rain brings bad news and thoughts.

I then opened the door and extend my umbrella, and head out to the wet day.


I despise the government. I believe that the name, slaughterers, suit them for they are the reason why my father is dead. The mining accident was more like a purposeful act since the Umpontiention mine has gone dry and apparently there was no need of the people inside. I will never forgive them for this.

“Hey, hey Cyris! Over here!” called a voice.

I smile to myself when I hear that. Whenever there is spare time, a mate of mine named Ricko and I meet up and do stuff, since we are both the same age and go way back to the first year of school. Whether it is going to the stores or running from the officers enforcing the slaughterers, he was there with me. Two things we both share are that we are single-children and have a grudge on the slaughters.

“Hey man,” called Ricko. “What have you been up to recently?”

“Not much. Got the call from the slaughters, saying all teens need to head to the local Government Dropship to be transported to the showground for a special announcement. Did you get that too?”

“Yeah man. Got no idea what that is all about.”

We both started to head down the street towards the Dropship Station in good spirits.

“So how are things between you and Lydia?” I mention.

“Bro, things are going great. Her family organised to go to the theme park with me as a guest.”

“That will be fun. Are you meeting up with her at the Dropship Station?”

“Yeah. She is frightened of things like this and I promised to take care of her if anything strange goes down.”

I give a friendly pat on the back. If there is one thing Ricko was well known for, it was his loyalty.

We arrive to the Dropship and, sure enough, Lydia is there. Before we knew it, she ran over to Ricko and gave him the largest hug.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t show up,” said Lydia, with a nervous tone in her voice.

“Of course I would show up. We all have to.”

“Hey,” called the officer on board the dropship. “Stop talking and hop aboard. I’m on a schedule and I have orders to drag you on board if you don’t comply.”

“Fine. Don’t have to be so bossy you downer,” replied Lydia.

Lydia is known for her attitude when someone gets on her nerves, but she is horrified of the first sight of danger. She is sixteen as well lives with her little brother, who is five years younger than him. She lives in a mansion with her father and mother. Lucky for Ricko, he got hit by a car and she was inside to make sure he was ok. That was how they met.

“Ricko, I’m glad you are here. I don’t know how I would of coped if I was alone.”

“Hey Lydia, it’s gonna be OK. I like the way you changed the colour of your hair.”

“Oh, you noticed. I think black suits me.”

“Hahaha. It does.”

The dropship then began to rise off the ground and head towards the showground in the city. Towards danger.

Towards a certain fate.







Chapter 2: The Price Paid



As we arrived closer to the showground, we could hear and see parents attempting to climb over fences to get to their children, only to be knocked down and shot, followed by the screams of the teens to witness the event. There was a large amount of space filled with teenagers, separated and catagorised by the districts of Brisbane they live in and in front, there is a podium with, by the looks of it, body chambers. Hundreds of them.

“What do you think they are up to?” Lydia asked Ricko.

“Dunno. Looks like they might freeze some people and conserve them for some time in the future.”

“As much as I would prefer that,” I began, “It seems unlikely. They aren’t like that.”

As we came into the landing zone, the enforcement officers on board got us into two separate lines. One side has the boys, and the other has the girls.

“I will meet up with you again. I promise,” called out Ricko to Lydia.

“Please be OK,” responded Lydia.

“Hey, I’ll be fine. I got Cyris to help me out after all.”

As we walked into the showground, both lines separated and in front of us, there were registration tables, taking down each and everybody’s details.

“Next please, call out the woman waiting at the registration table.”

I began to move up to the woman, her name badge being “Citra”. As rehearsed, I mentioned my name, where I came from, how I am a single-child and whom I live with.

“Very well. Hold out your arm,” said Citra.

I held out my arm, palm facing up, only to be injected with a chip.

“This will be tracking your movement this evening. Attempting to remove it will result in being shot in the back of the head.”

“Promising thought,” I replied.

I then waited for Ricko to come through, him being injected too.

“Hey. Did you get injected as well?”

“Yeah,” I replied. What is up with that?”

“Dunno. But something isn’t right. Others aren’t being injected, and they have brothers and sisters.”

“That’s strange. This cannot be good,” I reply.

“Amen to that.”

We then follow the group of guys to the area holding the Manly District, watched over by the guards there.

As we were walking, I noticed that someone was calling my name.

“Cyris! Over here!”

As I look across, I see a girl my age with light brown hair and hazel eyes. Her name was Taylor Noir. We grew up together as well in the same schooling grade. She was one of those people that you can talk comfortably with, and it could be on any topic. She has a brother and two sisters.

“Are you alright?” Did they hurt you?” I asked.

She shakes her head. “No, and I am glad to see you are ok. We’ll meet up, alright?”

I give the thumbs up and wave goodbye. I really do hope we meet up.


We decided to wait somewhere nearby the girls section of Manly, separated by a single fence. We follow the fence in hope to find Lydia, and fortunately, we did.

“Ricko! Cyris! Did you get injected?” Called Lydia.

“Yeah. We both did,” Replied Ricko. We don’t know what this is about. Did you get injected?”

No. I didn’t. Only the teens from single-child families did.”

We both look at each other, fear in our eyes.

“Don’t worry. Everything…”

Ricko’s words were cut short when a voice boomed over the speakers.

“Everyone is to focus their attention to the podium. Do not be alarmed.”

As natural instinct during a slaughterer message, every girl would squeal and every guy would somehow discriminate the slaughterers. While Ricko was reassuring Lydia it would be all right, I had a closer look at the body chambers. There were injectors in it. That is another thing to be afraid of.

“Ladies and Gentlemen. May I introduce you, the one and only, Trish Governfield!”

Ugh. Trish was a nice governess once. Until the government went corrupt. Now she holds all the special events, and by the looks of it, this will be unique.

“How are you doing Brisbane?” called Trish, towards the crowd.

Her question was instantly replied with a loud, negative response.

“Now that is not the way to treat your governess. Especially with what I have in store for you, Brisbane!”

Everyone began to ask each other questions. No one knew what events were going to unfold.

“Alright. Let’s make this short and quick so we can get to the fun part. Over the past year and so, we have been mining this new mineral called Umpontiention and we have decided to melt it down into a liquid and test the results. We can make people turn superhuman. Believe me or not, we tested this on others and it worked perfectly.”

“So you tested on an innocent human being?” A crowd member called out.

Then, there was a gunshot, then silence.

“As I was saying,” continued Trish, “We have tested this and it was successful. That is why you all are here today. We have placed chips on those who are in a single-child family and those lucky teens get to be taken to our facility and become super! Isn’t that great?”

Both Ricko and I look at each other in shock.

“The families that have their children taken away from them with be given a large amount of money for their compensation, so get over it already and let the fun begin, eh?”

“We gotta bail man!” Said Ricko.

“Couldn’t agree with you any more. Let’s go Lydia!”

Before we could move a single step, a metallic claw came down and picked us up, high off the ground, along with other people who were chipped.

“RICKO! CYRIS!” called Lydia.

“We will be fine!” replied Ricko. “Get out of here!”


As the claw headed towards the body chambers, the claw I was trapped in headed towards the place on the podium where Trish was standing.

“Another brown hair with such a pretty face,” said Trish. “Such a bummer.”

The metallic claw then placed me directly into the body chamber, where the door sealed shut, leaving me to look out of the glass window provided. Everyone down there was running away, as if they were certain they would be caught up in the chaos. Among all of it, ten teens, by the looks of it they were seventeen, climbed on the stage with knives pointed at Trish. With a grin on Trish’s face, she wiped them off of their feet with what it seems to be, pure energy. She then grabbed her gun from her hoister and shot them.

I looked away in horror and disgust. This wasn’t a message. This is a slaughter; A mere gathering, too cut off the family connections and ruin others lives.

The slaughterers are nothing but Monsters.





Chapter 3: Long Way from Home



Since the Government gathered enough money before the great collapse, they managed to develop these body chambers, built specifically for prisoners.

Good joke that was Trish.

These body chambers aren’t just stand still machines, but they have the same functions as a dropship.

“Approaching testing facility Daegon. Please standby for immediate tube transportation,” called the pilot.

As the ship landed, medical officers came around and took control of an injector, which hit several nerves.

“What is this for? What is your intention?” Called a female in the body chamber next to me.

“This is just the painkiller. You are going to need it for the next part,” replied the medical officer.

Moments after he said that, a metallic claw took a hold of her body chamber and transported her to a tube, where the body chamber was dropped and sent the poor girl on her way to a center somewhere down below.

And when I saw the claw head towards me, I honestly freaked out.

“Relax,” said the medical officer. “The process is inevitable, so just relax.”

I knew it as well. I am too far from home and I have nowhere to run.

The claw then took a hold of my body chamber and moved me to the tube, when I plummeted further into the facility of Daegon. 


 Imagine falling through the air inside of a tube. Yeah, it was like that, except a little bit slower and much more stable.

As the tube slowed down, I discovered I was in the medical part of the facility with the area being secured by brute-looking guards. If anybody wanted to get to us, they would have a seriously bad time.

My body chamber opened up and forced me out. One of the guards came over, accompanied by a doctor.

“You have two options,” the Guard said. “You can come along willingly and do as I say, or I will drag you across the floor, kicking and screaming.”

“Is there a third option where I can run out of here.”


“Oh. Well. Uh… the first option would benefit me”

“Right this way then.”

As I walked through the hallway with a gun barrel in my back, I saw other teens being dragged towards operation tables in different rooms, their hands tied behind their back. They probably attempted to take option number three.

“Help! Someone! Get me out of here!” screamed a boy, roughly fourteen, running for the emergency exit.

“Hold up. I got this,” said the same guard who was escorting me.

The guard put me into handcuff and hooked it around a pipe in the hallway. He then proceeded to coat-hang the escapee, and then he shot him. Medical officers then took the limp body to the operation room. Not sure why though.

The guard then came back to me and freed me from the pipe. “If you attempt to do that, I will do the same to you,” said the guard.

I nod in agreement.

When we finally come to my operation room, there were cameras and flags, showing the superiority of the slaughterers.

“What is this all about?” I asked the doctor accompanying the guard.

“You are the special guest for this evening. To show that we are successful in our testing and you will be the one to prove it.”

Butterflies start to fill my stomach again. Whatever they are trying to prove, it can’t be good.

The guard then instructed to lie down on the table, pointing with his gun. I followed those instructions, hoping he wouldn’t point that gun at me.

“So what is so special about me doc?” I asked.

“Well we have decided to supercharge the liquid component of Umpontiention and see what happens. The results occurred with a significant increase of power.”

Before I got the chance to reply, my hands were tied down and so were my legs.

“Alright. We are on air in a minute,” said the lead cameraman. “Where is Governor Smith?”

Governor Smith is a disgusting human being. Of course he would be to blame for these events being unfolded. Before any of this occurred, he promised a safe and sustainable future. He then used the authorisation he had to start operations that he intended to do for his own benefits, like becoming a multibillionaire.

Governor Smith entered the room, followed closely by Trish, both busy in a conversation.

“…And I intend the teens to be of use to us. They will provide their services to me.”

“Well look who it is. The same boy I met personally at the showground,” said Trish.

“Well aren’t you the special one,” replied Governor Smith.

“Well to be honest, I do feel special,” I replied.

“Don’t act smart.”

“I never intended to.”

“Hey!” Called the cameraman. “We are on air in ten seconds!”

Governor Smith then turns his back to me and faces the camera.

“Five, four, three, two, one, and… Go!”

“Citizens of the world,” started Governor Smith. “For as long as I remember, we have been discredited, ridiculed and been called abominations to humanity. That day is at an end. Here with me is a boy who lives in Brisbane, who goes by the name of Cyris Greenfield. Like all teens, he is obnoxious, self-righteous and growing. We have decided to handle this situation by making them work for us.”

“What?” I commented.
“As you can see, he will be needing restraints for the next part, as I will transform him, into a hero.”

That said, the table angled itself so I lied on my back.

“It was fun knowing you, Cyris,” said Governor Smith.

“Come back here you coward!”

“With what you are about to become, I would rather not.”  

Once he walked out the door, I had eight injectors hovering over me. Two were injected into my arms, two in my hands, two in my legs and the final two were injected into my chest. The doctor then placed a mask over my face.

Then, silence.


“Heart rate is at Eighty Beats Per Minute sir,” said Nurse Farweave.

“Alright. We are prepared to begin the operation. Prepare the muscle relaxants,” replied Trish.

“Are you sure you want to do this? You remember what happened to subject 005, right?”

“I am well aware nurse, just follow my orders.”

“Very well.”

The liquid entered Cyris’s body, then the tubes exchanged for the supercharged Umpontiention.

“Preparing stage two. In three, two, one, start.”

The liquid then entered Cyris’s body, in the same spot where the muscle relaxants were injected, which caused him to have a slight spasm.

“Heart rate increasing,” said Nurse Farweave. “Ninety Beats Per Minute. One Hundred and Twenty Beats Per Minute. Governess Trish! We need to cut him off! Now!”

“No! Continue with the operation! Begin stage three!

“Very well. Applying headphones and playing recording!”


“Good evening Cyris,” said a voice.

“Huh? Who is this? What do you want?” I replied.

“Right now, if you are hearing this, you are between the space of your mind which is unconscious, but able to hear any incoming voices. This is merely a recording, for you to only hear if you survived the operation. Fortunately for you, you were given a choice, different to the other subjects chosen. You are one of the other five subjects that can choose what powers they want, at a price.”

“What? So I can become unstoppable? And what price do I have to pay?” I thought to myself.         

“All we ask is for your helping hand with testing these new abilities. For now, think of what power you want. You have one minute until you regain consciousness, so think of the two powers you want, and think of some abilities to come with that. Take care.”

Ok, so some powers I want. Fire? No, that’s too dangerous. Water? Ok, so I am splashing them with water? I want power. I want…


When I thought of that power, I felt a jolt in my right arm.

Ok. One more power. I guess I always wanted to fly, so I want that power as well.

Now to start thinking about abilities. Well, if I failed to fly and I fell from a high place, I wouldn’t want to die, so make that one ability. I guess resistance to electricity would be useful, so I could deal with wild wires and maybe absorbing electricity to become much more powerful would be good as well. Well, I am ready to head back to reality now, so let’s hope I don’t have a barrel pointed at my head. In fact, one more ability.

I want bullet resistance.






Chapter 4: A New Home



“Oi, Cyris. Time to wake up,” said the Nurse in front of the table I am lying on.

Sure enough, there were guards all around me, forming a circle around me. Trish walks up to me, holding out a strange looking set of handcuffs.

“Put these on, then come along,” she said, while throwing them to me.

“Fine. This is all very unexpected, so I need to ask, what do you intend to do to me, compared to the others?” I responded.

“You are unique Cyris. You have been chosen to be able to develop your own set of powers and we are seeing if others should be able to be given choices. We don’t know what powers you have yet, but we will be taking notes through your tests.”

“Very well then. What do I do now?” I respond.

You will be taken to your quarters that you will share with your childhood friend Ricko and three others,” Trish replied.

“Alright Governess Trish. I don’t want to be here anymore. Lead the way.”


As we took the elevator further down into the facility, I noticed that a tattoo was developing on my arm, very faintly however, and was shaped like circuits on a machine, giving me a nervous feeling. I looked over to Trish’s arm to see if she had a tattoo. Her arms were covered, so I was unsure if the power she demonstrated at the showground was the only power she has.

“Arriving to superhuman sleeping chambers,” said the elevator guard.

When we arrived to the floor, there were two fences separating the elevator from the sleeping chambers, protected by six guards that seemed to be very fit and armed with shotguns. On the other side of the fence is a hallway with doors to rooms.

“These guards have been injected with Umpontiention as well, so if you have plans to escape, they will kill you on site. Your room number is 029, got it?” said Trish.

“Alright, I got it,” I replied.

“Good. Spare clothes have also been taken to your room and tonight’s dinner includes pasta with salad. Face my direction as I undo your handcuffs.”

I turned towards Trish and she undid the handcuffs I was wearing. I felt a sudden energetic surge inside of me. She then waved farewell in the most discrete manner and I then headed to my room.


“027, 028, and, 029,” I said to myself.

On the door was a finger print scanner, obviously a locking mechanism to keep unwanted guests out. I pressed my hand on the scanner and the light next to it turned green, followed by a click of the door being unlocked.

I walked into the room to see two figures, one being Ricko and another being a stranger. Ricko then ran up to me and pushed me against the wall.

“Bro! You’re alive! You’re actually here!” he said, nearly bursting into tears.

“Yeah. I’m here man. I’m glad to see a friendly face in this place,” I replied.

“You haven’t met the new guy, haven’t you?”

“No. I only just entered the room from the operation.”

“Let me introduce myself,” said the figure, stepping out from the shadows, revealing a seventeen year-old guy, who seemed really fit with brown hair with a comb over.

“My name is James.”

“Cyris, and I believe you have met Ricko,” I replied.

“We have. Good guy.”

“Hey, Cyris,” said Ricko. “That’s a unique tattoo you have. I got one as well.”

I forgot about the tattoo. It has been fully developed now. On the tattoo, there were the digital circuits all going down my arms, before reaching a picture of someone with wings being wrapped in the circuits. I then looked closer at the person being wrapped.

It looked a lot like me.

I then looked at Ricko’s tattoo. It had a picture of him grabbing walls and boxes.

“What do you think it means? Do you reckon it is strength?” I asked.

“Not too sure just yet. I tried picking up the beds over there and… well, I couldn’t,” Ricko replied.

“I reckon we are going to need to discover our powers by ourselves. Also, what took you so long? You came here later than everyone else,” said James.

At that moment, there was a male scream outside and a slam.

“I will tell you later. For now, lets go check out what that sound was,” I said.


“Let go of me you creep!” yelled a female voice.

“Hold up! We’re coming!” I yelled.

We ran to the gate where we entered and we saw a girl, who seemed to be sixteen and has red hair.

“What’s the problem?” I asked.

“Get away from here!” yelled the guard, and punched me fair in the centre of my chest.

As I fell to the ground, another girl came around the corner and called after the one grabbed by the guard.

“Oh my god! Vanessa!”

She then directed her attention to the guard.

“Let go of her, you creep!”

“Get back to your room. This is none of your business,” replied the guard.

“Well I am sure it is,” spoke Ricko.

“You! Don’t get involved!” responded the guard.

“Well, I think I already am.”

“Oh, gonna be that way? Fine by me!”

That said, the guard hit Ricko in the head with the butt of his gun and Ricko stumbled and hit a wall. When he got up, he placed his hand on the wall and, by the looks of it, absorbed the material on the wall. His skin was completely metal!

“Ricko,” I mumbled, still slightly winded from the punch. “If you continue, they have orders to kill you.”

“But we have powers. We can do this. We can overthrow them.”

“I know. Just not now. We don’t know our full potential.”

Ricko then looked to the ground, then back at me.

“Alright. Your call.”

I then jumped back up and directed my attention to the guard.

“What has she done wrong?” I asked.

“Subject 004 has been ordered down here and she simply…”

“What?” Vanessa said. “You attempted to sweet talk me and I…”

“Don’t speak! You assaulted a guard!”

“I stomped on your foot.”

Subject 004? She must know as much as I do. Maybe even being like me and taking this long to arrive here.

“So it was a simple misunderstanding?” I asked.

There was a brief silence.

“I guess so,” responded the guard. “You are free to go. But know this, if you step out of line one more time, you’re dead.”

Vanessa then was uncuffed and pushed to me.

“Get to your rooms now and don’t you dare try anything funny. Oh, and you. You are still made of metal. I suggest you cut it out.”

“Oh, sorry,” replied Ricko, and turned back to normal.

We then turned around and walked down the hallway, heading towards my room. As we walked, Vanessa then decided to speak.

“Thank you so much for your help. I don’t know what would of happened if you didn’t come,” she said.

“It’s nothing. Let me introduce myself. My name is Cyris. This is Ricko and James.

“Hey,” they both said at the same time.

“My name is Vanessa, and this is my friend, Rebecca.”

“Hello,” said Rebecca, in a fashion that seemed very awkward.

“Well we better head back to our rooms. Do you know where you have to go?” I asked.

“We have been both told to go to room 029. What about you?” Vanessa replied.

“Seriously? We are positioned there too!”

“Well looks like you are leading the way.”


We all got to know each other more in our room. Turns out Vanessa and Rebecca were both living with each other before this occurred since Rebecca’s mother and father passed away in the mines, where my father died as well. They were both talented musicians, Rebecca playing the drums and Vanessa playing the guitar.

“Sweet! I play the guitar as well,” I said.

“And I play the keyboard,” added Ricko.

“And I play the bass guitar,” added James.

We all have a bit of a laugh at the fact that we were all musicians.

“So are we going to defeat them with music, eh?” playfully asked Rebecca.

“Depends on how high of a note you can sing. You may just be able to deafen them,” responded James.

That only caused more laughter.

Then, there was a bell going off, which sounded a lot like a bell tower, followed by an announcement.

“All test subjects report to the hall. If you are unaware of the location, follow the green line on the ground in the hallway,” said the announcer.

“Do we have to? It’s not like they control our lives or anything,” Rebecca said.

“I’m afraid that we have no choice. Remember, if we don’t comply, we are being held at gunpoint. A single bullet is all it takes,” Ricko replies.

As we walked out of the room, we saw the green line on the ground, directing us towards the hall. We locked the door behind us and began to head off, before a guard came around.

“Sorry, but before you head to the hall, you need to change your clothes. It is mandatory that you were new clothes. Do not worry. There is plenty of time for you to make it,” the guard said.

We turned around and headed back into our room. We checked the closet in search for new clothes.

“Oh! There is a nice dress in here for me!” called out Vanessa. “Check your draw Rebecca.”

“There is a denim pair of jeans in here with a singlet shirt. What about you boys?” asked Rebecca.

“I’ve got jeans as well, and a hoodie,” called James.

“I’ve got skin tight jeans with a short sleeved shirt. What about you Cyris?” asked Ricko.

I opened my closet, revealing a pair of jeans and a short sleeved shirt, but behind them was a coat with a hood.

“Have a look at this guys!” I called out.

Everyone gathered around and stared at awe.

“Looks like someone favors you,” said Vanessa.

“Yeah. I wonder whom, because quite frankly, I favor no one working for them,” I respond, and head off to put on the clothes.


Overall, the clothes aren’t too bad. The jeans and coat are black and the shirt is white. While putting them on, I found a tag hanging to the coat. On it, it says, “This shirt has been modified with a crystalised version of Umpontiention. If you are a person of the people or good, your shirt will stay white and pure. However, if you are filled with lust and vengeance, your shirt will change to red.”

Well isn’t that dark.

I change out of my previous clothing and I change into the ones provided. My shirt stays white, but I suspect that the slaughterers are going to attempt to change me.

“Hey Cyris!” called Ricko. “Done yet?”

I open the door separating the rooms, seeing everyone dressed to their best in their clothes. Everyone seemed to look great in his or her clothes. Did the slaughterers know this?

“Wow, Cyris! You look like a badass!” said Rebecca.

“Thanks. I can say the same about you,” I responded.

“Oh you.”

Finally, we all were ready. We walked out the door, received a nod of approval from the guard, and headed off, following the green line.

After five minutes of walking, we arrived to the hall. The area was crowded by heaps of other teens. It was like a music festival without the music and much more depressing.

As we walked through the crowd, we noticed that some people were levitating above everyone else, fights were breaking out and guards scrambled to break the fights apart.

I decided to pull up my hood.

After five minutes of waiting, a gunshot went off and everyone was silenced. A man wearing a sweatband with large muscles walked on stage.

“Good evening everybody,” he said. “My name is Cameron, and I will be your personal trainer. Many of you don’t know your powers yet, but two of you out there do.

Everyone started to whisper to each other and I attempt to blend in. It was probably best that no one knew of my capabilities for now, not while there was so much chaos.

“Anyway, we are going to split you into four groups. People living in rooms one 001 to 030 stay in the hall, all the rest leave and then you will have signs above to direct you to where you need to go.”

As the other teens left the area, there were much less people inside of the hall, so we could easily move around to a position we could see Cameron. He has long, blond hair with a scar down his cheek.

“Today, we are going to see what you are capable of. Today, you will know your powers.







Chapter 5: Training



One by one, we lined up waiting for our turn to stand up on stage. Ricko gladly stood up on the stage, displaying his material forms that changed his skin. Other people weren’t as fortunate, as some had embarrassing powers, like one person turned into slime and slid around the stage before retaking proper form. Vanessa was right before Rebecca and she was throwing flames! Rebecca took the stage afterwards and she wrapped the podium in water and then froze it. She then dealt a kick to it, sending shards flying in the air. Then, right before me, James went up.

“What do you believe your powers may be, through the looks on your tattoo?” Cameron asked.

“I… I… I’m not too sure,” he responded.

“Well then. Let’s act on our feet. I am going to run at you and you are going to use your powers on me. Don’t worry. I will be fine.”

“Are you sure?”


Cameron began to run at James with contempt in his eyes.

“Think hard James! What is your power?”

Right before Cameron reached James, James disappeared from sight and appeared behind Cameron.

Everyone stared at James, with hope in their eyes.

“Well done James. Your power is teleportation. Next!”

I walked on stage, my mates cheering me on and Cameron holding out his hand. I take his hand.

“Welcome on the stage. May I ask what your name is?” Cameron asked.

“My name is Cyris,” I replied.

“Interesting. And I will be interested in finding out your power. Do you want me to do the same thing that I did to Cameron?”

“No thanks. I’m good.”

“Alright then. Fire away Cyris.”

I stand there for a moment, looking at my tattoo. Circuits rapping around me, with wings on my back. What should I do first? To make things seem normal.

I look at Vanessa, seeing her giving me thumbs up, as if to say that everything will be ok.

That was when I got my idea.

I closed my eyes and imagined that I was floating upwards. Sure enough, I started to rise of the ground. The feeling was great, so I opened my eyes. I was five metres off the ground, but I knew I could go higher, so I did. I felt so strong, like I could overthrow everyone here and now.

I heard a muffled sound. Someone was calling my name.

“Cyris! Open your eyes!” called Cameron.

I opened my eyes and I saw that the entire room was windy, with lightning bolts striking any power points or lights. That was when I looked down and saw my shirt going red. I needed to stop this!

As I am being lowered to the ground, people are whispering to one another, about me being a special experiment, maybe the favored one. The thing is though, I chose my powers and they didn’t.

When I finally land on the ground, Ricko runs up to me.

“Dude. That was overpowered! Where did you get that?” Ricko said.

“Amazing potential Cyris!” Called Cameron.

Then, there was silence.

“Dude,” Ricko said. “Your tear ducts. They are bleeding.”

“Huh,” I responded.

I search for the nearest mirror and sure enough, I am crying blood.

I then began to lose my balance. The world began to shake and I began to run for the door. I managed to get halfway down the hallway before being cut off by multiple guards. I began to turn around, but behind me were the people from the hall. This only caused more commotion.

Everything began to go blurry. I started to have images of my family. Crap! My family must be so worried I’m not home yet.

People were talking, guards were shouting and a large screech left me covering my ears, crying and shouting out in pain.

That was when I passed out and the ground came to meet me.


In my dreams, I saw the city of Brisbane, left in flames and filled with destruction. Many civilians were running through the streets, attempting to flee the city for some reason unknown. The only thing that seemed out of place the most was a large tower in the centre of the city. The next view was through a window on the tower, looking into what seemed to be a throne room, which has six bodyguards at attention, standing by a queen and a king, both dressed in black with robes on and a hood, hiding their identity. I wanted to see who they are, but the image faded to black and I woke up from slumber.

“Hey. Are you alright?” asked Vanessa, while sitting at the end of my bed.

“A bit headachy, but other than that, I am fine,” I replied.

“That’s a relief. We though you would never wake up.”

“How long was I out for?”

“Eight hours.”

Eight hours? It felt like I was unconscious for a few minutes. My coat hung on the wall, along with my blood soaked shirt. That was when a question struck me.

“So why did you stay here with me?” I asked.

Vanessa sighed and paused for a few seconds.

“We both are extreme test experiments,” She answered. “When the others were completed, they left us for last. We are meant for something bigger than this, but I would rather not think about it.”

“I respect that,” I replied.

“You do?”

“Yeah. After all, we are in the same boat here.”

“More like the same room.”

We both had a bit of a laugh.

“So what are your powers?” Vanessa asked.

I told her about my powers and my abilities; My electricity, flying, able to fall from high altitudes and resistance to electricity and bullets.

“Nice. That is really good for group fighting,” she replied. “I decided to get fire and flying powers, with the same ability to fall from high altitudes and fire and bullet resistance, but I thought of something else before that. I wanted my flames to be able to heal as well, like a medic.”

“So you had the same ideas as me?”


When I heard this, this frightened me. If she was forced to fight against me, she was an equal, which means that she could overthrow me, if it came to that.

“Can I ask you something Cyris?” asked Vanessa.

“Sure. What is it?” I replied.

“Do you believe that what you performed on the stage could happen to me?”

“I’m not sure. I mean it could, but I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

This made her smile, making me feel warm inside. A guard walking through the door interrupted that feeling, replacing it with frustration.

“Good. You are finally awake. When you are ready, both of you head to the cafeteria,” the guard said.

“Fine by me,” I replied. “I’m starving.”

The guard walked out the door, leaving Vanessa and I alone. She got up and passed me a fresh shirt from my closet, which was identical to my other shirt.

“Wait. Who took my coat and shirt off?” I asked.

“I did. The guards just brought you back here and left you on the bed. I volunteered to take care of you until you regained consciousness,” Vanessa replied.

“But why? You barely know me.”

“You saved my life. I am only glad to repay the favor.”

“In that case, thank you.”

“I will head off to the cafeteria. I will see you there.”

Vanessa waved goodbye and walked through the door.

I put on the shirt and for a split second, it turned red, then faded back to white, so I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Why did it turn red? Is there something more to me that I am not sure of?

I put on my coat and walk out the front door, towards the cafeteria.


“Cyris! Wait up!” called a voice, coming from behind me.

I turn around to meet Cameron, with a large grin on his face and with a large bag.

“Thank goodness you are ok. You have remarkable potential. More than what I have ever seen.”

“Really? I didn’t feel that powerful afterwards,” I replied.

“That must be because you drained all of your energy. It hasn’t been tested yet, but it must have been for that reason.”

“So I’m nothing more than a test subject to you?”

“That’s not what I…”

“No! I know exactly what you mean!”

“Cyris. You need to calm down.”

“Calm down? Do you know what I have gone through in my life? And you are telling me to calm down? How dare you!”

“Cyris! I know about your past. I have seen your documents, and I am truly sorry for your loss.”

“Sorry never brought my father back.”

There was a moment of silence, interrupted by a guard running over.

“Everything ok Trainer Cameron? I heard shouting,” the guard asked.

“It’s all good. We’re just having a conversation.

“Very well. I will let you get back to it,” said the guard, and then ran off.

“Look. Now is not the best time or place to get angry with me. You missed out on a lot today. We had weapon training. Are you a good swordsman?” asked Cameron.

“My Uncle taught me a few skills on blocking and attacking in case I needed to defend my family, but that was with a stick,” I replied.

“Well probably isn’t too different to what you learnt, except it is much more sharp and can kill someone in one hit if used well. Here is one that was designed for you.”

Cameron then opened his bag and pulled out a broadsword. The handle is black and white, just like the case, and the sword blade was pre-sharpened, ready for use.

“So what do you think?” Cameron asked.

“I like it. When do I get to train with it?” I replied.

“We continue with weapon training tomorrow. Everyone carries their weapons with them so it’s up to you on how you wear it.”

I decided that I would go with placing it on my back. I have a bad time trying to pull things from the waist.

“Hmm. It suits you. Well I better not keep you from heading to the cafeteria. I will talk to you tomorrow,” Cameron said.

“Alright then. Talk soon,” I replied.

I began to turn around, but Cameron turned me around again.

“Oh, One more thing. The same thing that occurs with your shirt will occur with your sword handle and case.”

“What?” I replied. “But how do you know…”

Cameron only gave me a grin and started to jog away.

“Remember Cyris. Not everyone is cruel.”

I hope that is just a theory.














Chapter Six: Night Time Entertainment



I finally arrived to the cafeteria with my hood up and my sword sheathed. I wanted to draw the least amount of attention as possible. That was my plan, until Ricko, James, Rebecca and Vanessa came running over.

“Dude! How are you feeling? That was crazy before. What is that on your back?” questioned Ricko.

“Guys, I’m fine. Just a bit dazed from before. I just had a run in with Cameron and he gave me my weapon,” I replied.

“Well, let’s see it!” Rebecca said.

I unsheathed my sword and I passed the sword around.

“Wow. This seems to be made with part steel and part Umpontiention. It means your powers are compatible with the sword,” said James.

“How did you know that?” I asked.

“We were told that in our weapon training lesson,” James replied. “It means that your sword can be electric.”

I hold out my sword in one hand and I imagine my sword being electrified. Sure enough, it did.

“That’s sick. What are your weapons?” I asked.

James pulled out a packet of throwing knifes, Rebecca pulled out a whip, Ricko pulled out a crossbow and Vanessa detached a bow from her back, while flashing her quiver.

“I wonder why they didn’t give us guns,” said Ricko.

“Probably because they don’t trust us,” Rebecca replied.

“Anyway, Cyris. You are just on time from dinner. Let’s go eat,” said Vanessa.

As we approached the food table, many teens were whispering about my powers, and me some saying that I might be a possible spy and others saying that I could help them escape.

Needless to say, I preferred the second option.

We arrived to the food table and needless to say, Trish was right. We were give pasta with salad on a plate with water as a drink. We headed to the table that was reserved for group 029, which are us. While having our meal, we talked about what everyone was doing before the events at the showground unfolded.

“I’m dating a girl from the outside right now,” Ricko said. “Her name is Lydia and I am not sure where she is right now. Cyris and I saw her escaping the showground last.”

“Reports are coming in already, saying that only the front rows suffered many losses. From there back is fine,” added Rebecca.

“How do you know that?” Ricko asked.

“I saw it on a guard’s newspaper this afternoon when we were carrying Cyris back to our room,” said Rebecca. “That reminds me. Cyris. You were struggling and screaming before you went unconscious. What did you scream about?”

I looked down for a few seconds, thinking about this question before answering.

“There was screeching, like nails being dragged on a chalkboard, except higher pitched,” I replied.

“I can see how painful that may have been,” said James. “I never liked that sound, and I reckon no one else would of either.

Once James said that, a group of four guys and two girls came over with grins on their faces.

“Well look who it is. The bloody crier,” said one of the guys.

“Careful there, he might have another eye period,” another said.

“You better watch out or I will make you bleed,” said Ricko.

The group backed up sarcastically.

“So who are you? Some kind of renegade group?” asked Vanessa.

“No little girl. We decided to call ourselves the banshees,” said one of the girls.

“Sounds like a really bad name. Plus I don’t understand why you would start naming yourselves on the first day, since you probably can’t fight very well either,” I replied, feeling furious inside since they were wasting our time.

“Well do you wanna fight about it mate?” asked one of the guys in their group.  

“You know what?” I responded. “I guess I could use the practice, especially since you are really starting to get on my nerves.”

We positioned ourselves in the centre of the cafeteria and told the guards off, saying that it was a test of strength and they had nothing to do with what was about to happen.

As I unsheathed my sword, the guy who challenged me brought out a long sword from underneath his table, so it is assumed that the sword was his weapon.

His sword lit up with plasma going around the blade, which brought out flames on the tip as well. I decided to use my electric powers to electrify my sword.

“Ready when you are,” I said.

“I am always ready,” He replied.

Then, in a flash, our sword collided. He performed multiple attacks, which I easily parried, followed by a quick swing to the feet, which I had to fly to avoid. I then returned with a vertical swing downwards, that he easily avoided and did a spin-styled attack. I blocked the attack, but it sent me sliding backwards. I need to use what my uncle taught me.   

“You may be able to use electricity to your advantage, but my plasma develops electricity!” he called, before shooting a bolt of electricity at me. What he didn’t expect was that I merely absorbed the electricity, and fired it back right at him. I then ran forward and hit him underneath the elbow with my sword hilt to disarm him. I then grabbed his long sword and placed it on his throat, followed by poking my sword in his back.

“Nice technique you have. Well we can clearly see who the victor is, so congratulation,” he replied.

“Without a doubt,” I replied. “Now leave us.”

I removed his sword placed at his throat and my sword from his back, gave him a little kick to get him a fair distance from me, and then passed his sword back to him.

“You better watch your back,” he said. “There are people that will back you up through your journey, but there will also be people that want to see you dead.”

“Are you threatening me?” I replied.

“No. It’s just a precaution and a heads up.”

“So that is a maybe?”


“Well I predict the same for you.”

He both had grins on our faces.

“My name is John. I suspect this isn’t the last time we meet,” he said.

“I guess you may be my rival,” I replied.

John gave a slight smile. “I guess we will see,” he replied.

John then turned to his group, the banshees, and left the cafeteria. However, while he was leaving, in the window of the left door, stood Cameron, staring at me through the glass.


“Alright then everyone. Back to your rooms!” Yelled the guard.

There was a lot of struggle working our way back to our rooms, but eventually, we made it.

“That was epic dude,” Ricko said. “That swordsman skills was unlike anything I have ever seen.”

“It was the heat of the moment,” I replied.

“Still, it was pretty cool. Did you pick that up from your uncle?”

“Well, a part of it. He taught me how to disarm certain weapons and how to get behind the enemy, but besides that, the sword isn’t too different from using the poles he taught me with.”

“Well we haven’t been given a specific time to go to sleep, so I am guessing that is up to us. We should get to know each other more,” Rebecca said.

“Sure. Why not? I’m not even tired yet. Not after seeing that epic fight,” James said.

“So Cyris,” Vanessa began. “Have you been seeing any women lately?”

“Whoa. Where did that come from?” Playfully asked Ricko.

 Everyone in the room laughed out loud.

“Well, not really. I haven’t been seeking out relationships. Especially since my father passed away. The main focus I have is to make sure that my family stays safe,” I replied.

“I’m so sorry. I feel bad for asking that question,” replied Vanessa.

“It’s cool. I have people asking me these things all the time.”

“So what about you Ricko?” Rebecca asked. “Do you have anybody on the outside you like?”

“Yes, actually. We were talking about it at the table before we were interrupted,” Ricko replied.

“That’s right,” Rebecca replied. “What about you James?”

“Well, maybe a girl in this room could be of interest to me,” James replied.

“Ohh. Wonder who it is,” Ricko playfully asked.

“Shut up Ricko,” James responded. “It took a lot of courage for me to say that.”

Vanessa then turned to Rebecca and whispered something in her ear, causing them to both laugh.

“What’s so funny?” James asked.

“Vanessa made a right hand joke,” Rebecca blurted out.

“Rebecca!” Vanessa yelled, before crossing her arms and acted like she was sulking. Our laughing was then cut off by the sound of gunshots and screaming outside. Whoever is out there may not be anymore. A few seconds later, there was a power outage.

“Hey,” I said. “Everyone alright?”

Everyone gave a yes. Then, the lights came on, followed by the doors opening. In the hallway, multiple guards’ bodies laid on the floor and blood stained the wall.

“What is going on?” Vanessa asked?

“The escape has begun,” I replied.



Chapter Seven: The Grand Escape



“Grab your weapons and look for things that might come in handy,” I ordered.

As everyone looked inside their closets, we found backpacks that had first aid kits, emergency rations, a torch with spare batteries and a mobile phone, which can only be activated by a guard’s key.

“Well we were so close to getting a lift, but we need a key, and I am sure a guard isn’t going to hand it over,” James complained.

“You are forgetting James,” I began. “There are dead guards outside. We can just search for their keys.”


We walked outside with our abilities ready in one hand and our weapons in the other. The smell of corpse’s filled the air with a horrid stench, which made Vanessa and Rebecca pull some funny facial expressions.

“Cyris,” James called. “We have searched the guards, but they don’t have any keys.”

“The other escapees must have taken them,” I replied.

“So where are we going to find them?” Asked Ricko.

“I believe I can help,” called a familiar voice.

Around the corner stepped Cameron, in full body armor with a Berretta in his hand.

“What the hell are you doing here?” asked Ricko. “People are dying left, right and centre.”

“I am here to help you,” Cameron replied, before rolling up his sleeve, revealing a tattoo. “I am a part of the resistance that was formed a year ago, but I have been in hiding, secretly working for the slaughterers, but now is the time I revealed my true self.”

“How on earth do we know we can trust you?” I asked.

Cameron then reached into his pocket, revealing the key needed to unlock the phones we have.

“Do you want to get out of here or not?” Cameron asked, before passing the key.

We unlocked our phones and checked to see the signal. Fortunately, we had full reception.

“Ricko. Give Lydia a call. I bet you will be surprised,” Cameron said.

Ricko then, without hesitation, dialed Lydia’s number and placed the phone on speaker.

“Hello. Lydia speaking.”

“Hey Lydia. It’s me, Ricko. We are about to begin escaping the facility. And do you know Cameron? He told me to call you.”

“Cameron is a part of the resistance. My father is the leader. We are about to assault the facility. Get to the landing platform in fifteen minutes. We will be there soon.”

“Ok. I will see you then.”

As Ricko hung up, we all stood and stared at Cameron.

“Well,” Cameron began. “This way to the landing platform. Best to stay as close as you can.”


I swear we were higher up in the facility, not half a mile underground. But I guess now our lives are full of unexpected surprises.

We arrived to the top floor after about five minutes, only to be greeted by several guards, all behind defensive structure.

“Get down on the ground now!” Yelled the commanding officer. “Do not make me shoot you!”

“Stay back,” I said. “I’ve got this.”

I held up my hands and walked towards the guards.

“There doesn’t need to be any trouble here. I suggest you move out of the way so we can get to where we need to be,” I ordered.

The guard then shot me in the head.

“Cyris!” Yelled Ricko.

“Don’t worry,” Vanessa said. “Cyris knows what he is doing.”

I then straighten up myself so I am facing the guards again. The gunshot left a ringing in my ear. I then witness the bullet dropping from my forehead in its crushed form from impact.

You brought this on yourself.

I then leap at the guards, sword in hand and a ball of electricity in the other. Lighting bolts were summoned from my hand on my will and my sword collided with the guards’ helmets.

As I landed on the ground, an arrow passes me and hits a guard in the chest before setting him on fire.

“You’ve got my bow Cyris,” Vanessa called.

“And my knives,” called James, before teleporting behind a security camera and cutting the wires on the back.

“And my whip,” called Rebecca, before wrapping it around a guard and freezing him, then pulling it, causing him to shatter.

“And my Crossbow,” said Ricko, before changing his bolt to metal and taking out multiple guards.

“And my…” Cameron began.

“Guys,” I reply. “I know you are supporting me, but enough with the Lord of the Rings references.”

The battle towards the landing platform didn’t last for very long since the guards were only equipped with riot shields and SMG’s. We ran to the exit and opened it, to windy and rainy weather. On the ground, about a thousand teens managed to escape, now running for their live and running for cars parked on the side of the road leading down the hill the facility was based on. Some guards entered cars, prepared to chase down the escapees searching for asylum. Other guards ran back into the facility, most likely looking for any other teens that stayed behind.

“Ahh. Look who we have here, traitor!” Yelled a voice behind us.

As we turned around, we saw Trish with a group of guards, guns pointed all at us.

“I should have never trusted you Cameron,” Trish said. “I though you were a good guy, prepared to lead us to victory, but unfortunately, I was wrong.

At that moment, Trish fired her gun, impacting Cameron’s neck, causing him to collapse to the ground, gagging and choking on the blood filling his lungs.

I ran over to him and applied pressure to his wound. He continued to spasm and trying to tell me something.

“Cyris! I can heal him!” Called Vanessa.

“No,” Cameron finally clearly replied. “It is my time now, but I have a message for Cyris before I die.”

I look towards Vanessa and nod before turning back to Cameron.

“Cyris. You are a hero. I used to work with your father before the mining incident. He was a miner and I was a guard. He said that he hopes for great things from you. He died with that legacy, and he wants you to continue it.”

Cameron then gave one last breath, and then went limp.

From that moment, time seemed to go slower and voices in the background were muffled. I didn’t know what to do. Break down into tears, or maybe even run now and never return to Brisbane. To live a life on the run from the slaughterers? That seemed impossible. 

“Cyris, your time is coming to an end,” Trish said. We still have many plan for you, and you may have already had a vision of it, so you aren’t dying today.”

That made me think. The vision I had of the King and Queen. Was I connected to it?  

“That’s where you are right Trish. My time is coming to an end,” I said.

Trish returns a look of confusion.

“Someday, I am going to die, you are going to die, and we all are going to die. Thing is though, it isn’t today.”

That is when I nod to Vanessa to grab onto Rebecca. I quickly grabbed hold of Ricko and James, and then dragged them off the ledge with me.


As we fell, I simply took my time to close my eyes and feel the rain fall with me. I then gradually opened my eyes to see the ground appearing closer. I then adjust my position so we are falling with my feet pointing to the ground. I land onto the ground at full speed from the fall and develop a crater into the ground. I then let go of Ricko and James.

“Gee Cyris! You’re crazy!” Yelled Ricko. “We could have died!”

“I know,” I replied. “But did you die?”

We turned behind us to see Vanessa and Rebecca land onto an ASLAV and take out the guards inside it. Vanessa then jumped into the driver’s seat and Rebecca got into the passenger seat. They then honked the horn and drove up to us.

“Let’s not argue now,” I said. “I did what I had to do and now, it is time to go.”

We all piled into the back of the ASLAV while being fired at by multiple guards. Inside was seating for many more passengers, all outlined by a red glow from the light.

“Ricko. There is a .50cal on the roof. Since you are practically bulletproof, change your skin to the metal from this vehicle and go up there,” I ordered.

“Good thinking. With that strength, I won’t feel any recoil,” he replied.

Ricko then opened up the latch and manned the gun. We then overheard the sound of a helicopter flying overhead. Hell, there were three, all with a skull and, instead of crossbones, it had tomahawks, coloured black and red.

“Hey Cyris,” Ricko called out. “Lydia said to change the radio inside the ASLAV to channel sixteen.”

“Vanessa? You got that?” I called out.


“What are they saying?” called out James.

“They said that they will give us some support until we arrive to the rally point. They are telling us to head towards their outpost near the highway, which is roughly fifteen minutes away,” Rebecca replied.

“Then let’s get going,” I yelled.

At that moment, Vanessa pushed her foot on the accelerator and we started to speed away. Other ASLAV’s chased after us, telling us to stop and turn around or we would be fired upon. We have come so far, and we are so close to escape, so I doubt we are going to give up now.

“All units! Advance onto the escapees and open fire!” said the leading officer.

“Vanessa! Keep driving! I will help hold them off! Ricko! Provide cover fire! I’m going in!” I yelled.

I unsheathed my sword and jumped at the first enemy ASLAV. It was a relief I am bulletproof, but the rounds fired at me still stung a bit. Almost like an ant bite.

I practically tore the roof off of the ASLAV and struck my sword into the engine. The ASLAV had a bit of a sputter, but it kept going.

Well then, time to bring the boom.

I then sent a jolt of electricity through my sword, and then flew to another, and another, and another. Each ASLAV engine I destroyed eventually exploded. Ricko managed to cover me for many of them by shooting the driver, leaving the gunners shocked and climbing for the driving wheel. After eight minutes, I landed back onto my ASLAV, giving Ricko a smile and a thumb up.

“Climb back inside,” he called out. “We are almost at the rally point.”

“Alright then,” I replied. “By the way, great shoo…”

Before I could finish my sentence, I felt a sudden shock in the back of the head. I grab that spot and I felt something metal. Sure enough, another .50cal gunner managed to hit me, and by the feeling of it, it struck a nerve.

Before I fell unconscious, I saw James, reaching out to grab me.















Chapter Eight: Finding a New Home



I had high hopes to not have another vision. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t in my favour. It was the same vision as before. A King and a Queen were in the same tower, except, they were watching the civilians flee Brisbane, as if they were like some Ancient Roman warriors in a tournament to the death.

“How long until the cleansing?” asked the Queen.

“It should occur in a matter of time now,” responded the King. “Once this has been finished, I will finally be able to create the bridge between life and death, and finally become immortal, and I will be able to avenge the ones who have died. After all, a true king knows that kindness is another word for weakness.”

I swear, I have heard that voice before. I just cannot put my finger on it.

Darkness started to blur my vision, which means I am beginning to regain consciousness. The King started to turn around.

“Please. Let me see your face!” I cried.

Finally, just as he turned around, I blacked out.


“He’s critically wounded. We need to get him to a nurse, immediately!” called Vanessa.

I look around and see that I am lying on a stretcher in the middle of a hallway.

“W.. W… what’s going on?” I stuttered.

“Look at yourself! You have bullet marks all over you! We thought we lost you back there!” Ricko said.

“I’m fine.”

“You are suffering from internal bleeding!”

“All right! A nurse has shown up! Finally.” Said James.

I adjust my seat so I am seated upright. To my surprise, I see a familiar face, one that warms me up inside.

“Taylor!” I called out.

“Oh my god!” Cyris!” Taylor calls out, and runs over to hug me. “You look like you have been through a lot. We need to get you fixed up.”

“Alright then,” I replied. “But, don’t take too long. I have some information I have to get off my chest.”

Everyone looked at each other, then, one by one, they looked back at me.

“Do you mean the King and Queen story?” Ricko asked.

“How did you know?” I replied.

“Because,” Ricko began, “Vanessa has been having the same visions.


A few syringes and a quick healing from Vanessa later, everyone sat down at a table in the facility and discussed the visions.

“The King and Queen must be alternative personalities,” suggested Lydia. “We know you rather well Cyris, and we know that your powers so far aren’t enough to display the amount of damage that is done, so it can’t be you two.”

“What made you think that it was us?” I asked.

“It is only you both having these vision, and they began when we entered Dagon, so isn’t that a coincidence?” asked Ricko.

“Sure, but what if this is all just like a dream, or a memory perhaps? This might not happen,” Vanessa said, with a shaky voice.

“Vanessa. Brisbane has never had such a serious threat before, and dreams aren’t spreadable. By the sounds of it, every detail of the vision was established within both of your minds. We just need to make sure this never happens,” Ricko replied.

I place my hands on my head. Is that really the case? Will I turn into a hateful human being? If so, I must have had a horrifying moment in order for that personality to come about.

“This is all so overwhelming. I need some air,” Vanessa said, before rushing out of the room.

“Vanessa!” called out Rebecca.

“It’s ok,” I say. “Give her some space.

“Well, it’s best to get some rest now,” said Lydia. “We move out tomorrow. Ricko. Come with me. I need you for a moment, and I believe I have some explaining to do.”

“Yes you do,” said Ricko, and followed Lydia out of the room.

“I’m gonna go to sleep. I missed out on that for about four hours now,” said James.

“Same,” replied Rebecca.

“I’m going to stay out here for a bit,” I replied. “I don’t feel like sleeping just yet.”

Rebecca and James shared a gesture of concern, then look at Taylor.

“I will take care of him. Go have a rest for a bit,” she said.

As Rebecca and James turn to leave, James attempted to place his arm around Rebecca, which Rebecca quickly responded with a punch to James’s hip, which knocks him over.

“Come with me,” requested Taylor, holding out her hand and smiling. “I have something I want to share with you.”

Willingly, I reach out and take her hand. She then helped me up and led me through a set of hallways and up a set of stairs to the roof.

Looking around, the view was magnificent. We were on a small mountain, but it had a great view of the city. Overall, if this was a place I could be to escape all the chaos, I would no doubt choose here.

“Like the view?” asked Taylor. “This is a place I go to when I need to clear my head. I bet you have been through a lot, so I wanted to share this with you.”

“It’s amazing,” I replied. “How is your family holding up? I didn’t see them at the showground.”

“They are fine. They are in Switzerland now and they are funding our operations for the resistance now. I’m glad you’re safe,” replied Taylor before she reached her arms around my body and hugging me gently.

I paused for a moment. “Taylor…”

“No matter what, I will fight by your side,” Taylor said.

“You want to fight by my side because you lo…”

“Shh. Don’t say that yet,” she quickly replied.

I look up to the sky. I wonder how many others would be willing to fight by my side. More importantly, will we be able to live out our lives when this is all over?

“How is my family doing?” I asked, in a manor that changed the subject.

“They are going fine,” Taylor replied. “They are being held at our other facility up in the Northern Territory. They will be safe there.”

At that moment, I let out a sigh of relief, before closing my eyes and relaxing, with Taylor by my side.


“You have to give yourself up to me. It’s only a matter of time until you do.”

“I won’t,” replied Vanessa, to the identical figure in the mirror. “I refuse to, for everyone’s safety.”

“Oh, but you won’t,” the figure replied. “You see, I will soon be able to consume your personality, and then it will only be a matter of time until I will take control of you, and then, I will help the hidden personality arise from Cyris.”

“Please, don’t!” yelled Vanessa. “He helped me survive and escape Dagon! I care about him so much! I beg you to not…”

“Silence!” replied the figure. “I am going to give you a day. After that, I will begin to fight for control over your body.”

The figure disappeared, and Vanessa fell to the ground crying.




  Chapter Nine: The Fight for Control



“Attention all. Head directly towards the briefing room. I repeat, everyone head directly towards the briefing room,” said Lydia over the microphone.

The instant I head that message, I ran to my wardrobe and put on a unique clothing set, made from the uniform specialist here at home base. It includes the same material shirt that I received at the facility, Dagon, black combat trousers, red and black runners, and a hooded cloak that is fire retardant. Overall, I’m glad to have all of this clothing.

When I opened the door, the first thing I noticed was the amount of people moving around. Squad leaders were yelling at their men to hurry, sirens were blaring and, most of all, the hallway was crowded. It would be a miracle if someone were to freely walk through.

After moments of shuffling through the crowd, I finally managed to reach the briefing room, where I noticed Ricko, Vanessa, Rebecca and James calling me over to be with them, but on the other side of the room, Taylor was calling me over as well. That was when I thought of what she told me the other night, and so I went over to her. She needs me more than ever. Especially in these troubled times.

“Hey Cyris!” called Taylor. “I’m glad you came here. My group is most likely going to need you on the following mission.”

“What will the mission be achieving?” I asked.

“We are going to fight for Brisbane.”

That said, half of the people in the room left, including Ricko, Vanessa, Rebecca and James. Vanessa looked at me, with the kind of expression on her face, asking if something was wrong.

“Alrighty then. Whoever is left, you have been assigned to a special task,” mentioned Lydia. “Taylor has been an assigned nurse here, but she is also a trained and elite tactician. She will cover this assault briefing while I go talk to the others.”

Taylor then grabbed my hand and brought me to the centre of the room with her.

“Thank you Lydia,” said Taylor. “Listen up everyone. We only have one shot at this, and I want to come home tonight. Our assault is going to be on the main slaughterer facility named ‘Odin’. This is their base of operations and communications centre in Australia. If we take this out, Brisbane will be ours.”

Taylor then directs everyone’s attention toward me.

“As you may know, we have a special weapon. His name is Cyris and we need to get him to the top of the facility, where there is a power core that generates 690 kilowatts per hour. If he gets there, he can use his electric powers to overload the generator, forcing it to malfunction and, most likely, explode. Hence the facility will be destroyed. Any questions?”

No one seemed to have any.

“Alright then. Grab your things and head to the vehicle you have been assigned to.”

Just about everyone left nodding, agreeing to the plan and grabbing their rifles from the lockers on the walls. Others may have had slight cheers and others mentioned the words ‘reckless’ and ‘suicidal’.

“So you are Cyris?” asked a middle-aged man.

“I am,” I replied. “And to who do I owe the pleasure of meeting?”

“My name is Will Redcliff,” he responded. “Most people know me as a rouge federal agent of the slaughterers, but that is because they are lunatics, and I can’t just sit back and watch innocent people die.”

“Well I am glad you are on our side,” I replied.

“Well I am off to get ready. We are in the same squad, if you are wondering, so I will see you soon.”

“Talk to you later.”

Finally. It will all be over soon.


We travelled for an hour and a half along the highway in the convoy formation. Taylor fell asleep on my shoulder during the trip, and that raised a few eyebrows from the others in the back of the vehicle. We finally arrived to the fence of the facility without being noticed and separated into two separate groups and each group had five different squads. I was in the leading squad with Taylor and Will, while Vanessa, Ricko, James and Rebecca were in the distraction squad.

“Alright. Let’s make this as quick as possible,” Taylor explained. “The distraction squad is fighting off the slaughterer military. This gives us a chance to attack.”

This triggered a thought. The group is off fighting their hearts out and I’m apparently been crowned the strongest of them all. Why aren’t they here with me?

“Hey Taylor?” I asked. “Why aren’t the rest of my friends here?”

“I need you here with me,” Taylor replied. “Plus, we need your electric powers to overload the generator.”

That’s right. Taylor explained it during the briefing.

“Alright then,” Will said. “Let’s move out.”

As we ran up the road towards the base, scout drones were sent out to deal with us, but sure enough, the squad Taylor, Will and I are in take out the drones in a matter of seconds, sending them exploding into the ground. We then managed to reach the wall, where the squad used plastic explosives to breach.

“Cyris. Fly up to the top of the building. You will see the satellite dish. Underneath is a heap of wires. Over the radio, I will give you the signal to overload the power,” ordered Taylor.

“Alright,” I replied. “See you soon.”

I turned around, ready to fly, when Taylor called me.

“Hey Cyris.”

I turned around to face her.

“Yes?” I replied.

“You would make a great king.”

I paused for a moment, smiled, and then flew away.

I couldn’t help but feel like everything would come down to my actions on the battlefield today. It’s almost if there is something more to the assault on Odin. But, it is probably nothing. I just need to get my part done, and then I can worry about the others.

After a couple of minutes of flying, I managed to reach the top of the building. Sure enough, there is a massive satellite there. But, unfortunately, so was Trish.

“I had a feeling they would send you up here,” said Trish. “Do you have the slightest clue what is going on here?”

“We are putting an end to the slaughterers madness,” I responded.

“What makes you so sure?”

“This is the base of all slaughterer operations in Australia.”

“True that, but what else is here?”

“I…I…I’m not sure.”

“So they didn’t tell you?”

I stopped for a moment. What could they possibly want that is here? All I know is that we would be doing the people of Australia an honorable service.

“What is really here?” I asked.

“I knew it was only a matter of time until the government in Australia fell. But, I don’t want a part in their group anymore. In here, is a weapon only people like you and me can control. It is a scythe, which the hilt is made from the same material as your sword, and the blade is of a rare metal, infused with Umpontiention. It can absorb someone’s powers and passing it to another being. In other words, it is capable of acting like a booster,” explained Trish.

“You’re lying! That’s not possible!”

“Isn’t it? Either way, I have someone on the inside giving me details. A double agent, if you are wondering.”

“That’s also a lie!”

“They only want to cut communications. You are pathetic.”

“I’ve had enough. Get out of my way. I have a job to do.”

“Come and try.”

That moment, I tackled Trish with a mass amount of speed and sent her crashing into the satellite dish. After jumping away and out of the dust, Trish emerged, blood covering half her face, and her arm out of place. Needless to say, she readjusted her arm, and then brought out a revolver. She’s good. Too good.

The first bullet missed me, but I definitely felt the next one. It slightly pierced my skin. I need to take caution.

I unsheathed my long sword and ran at her. Trish let off a few rounds, which remarkably, I managed to avoid, and then I went for the stab. Trish grabbed the edge of the blade and used my momentum against me to throw me into the nearest wall. Sure enough, I lost my sword. But it only took me a few seconds to learn where it was; it was in the hands of Trish, who stabbed me through the stomach and dragged me up the wall, leaving a bloody trail.

“You do know that this was going to end up like this?” Trish claimed. “Now, shut up and die.”

“That’s my line,” I replied.

I then focused my weight to the ground, lifting Trish into the air now, and I grabbed the cables under the satellite.

“Impossible!” yelled Trish.

“NOW!” yelled Taylor over the radio. “Do the connection now!”

That was when I sent 690 kilowatts into Trish, lighting her on fire, and destroying the facility.


“Jesus Cyris! What happened to you?” Will asked.

“The station is destroyed and Trish is dead,” I replied weakly, before collapsing to the ground. “Does anything need to be further explained?”

“Here, let me heal you,” Vanessa requested, and proceeded to fix the wounds on my body.

“Thank you, any you should all know there is a traitor here, right now, that leaked information in order to achieve their own personal goals. In other words, they used us at the risk of our deaths,” I replied.

“But who?” asked Will.

“Why, it’s you,” I replied.

“That’s impossible!” Taylor said.

Everyone else in the group began to murmur to each other.

“What is that you have there?” I asked.

Behind Will, was a black crate, which had a hazardous material sign on it.

“It is just a bunch of fuel cells we can use for our station,” Will replied.

“Our station doesn’t need fuel cells. We have a constant feed through a coal generator. You’re lying,” replied Taylor.

All the troops began to surround Will, who began to have a worried look on his face. That was when I lunged for the crate.

“Stop!” Will yelled.

He grabbed me by the foot and pulled a knife out. He stabbed me in the leg, which made me cry out in pain.

“CYRIS!” Taylor cried out. “Stop it! Stop it this instant!”

I then reached around and removed the knife from my leg, which I then cut open the crate, revealing the scythe.

“Is this what you are after?” Ricko asked.

“Damn you all the hell,” Will replied. “Yes. I am a double agent, and if I can’t get what I want, I guess you are all going with me.”

Suddenly, Will revealed a bomb hidden inside his vest. Everyone ran for cover, except for Taylor, who was shocked and couldn’t move.

“I…I trusted you!” Taylor cried.

“Taylor! Run!” I yelled.

I ran over to Taylor, hugging her and shielding her from the explosion with my cloak. Then there was a flash, a mild ringing in the ears, and silence.


Taylor finally woke from the force of the explosion, seeing Cyris on the ground, unconscious and lying face down. She ran over to him, tears in her eyes. Fortunately, nothing was wrong with him besides a few scratches that led to bleeding, other than that, he was fine.

“Thank goodness he’s ok,” Taylor began. “I just gotta get him to…”

There was a gunshot. Behind a collapsed wall, was Governor Smith, with a M1 Garand in his hands. He then turned and ran for the helicopter flying overhead.

“Cyris,” Taylor said, with the remaining life she had within her. “Make the people of Brisbane proud to have a hero like you. I’m sure you can lead a new era. I’m sure you would make… a great king…”

Taylor then let go, allowing the darkness of the world consume her in death.



Chapter Ten: Embrace


When I woke up, the world spun around like that kind of feeling when disembarking a fast rollercoaster ride. In my hip was a large piece of wood, splintering and forcing blood to slowly trickle out. Without too much hesitation, I removed it. No harm done.

Well, not until I saw Taylor’s body.

I crawled over to her, wanting to scream out to her, but the pain was so great, I couldn’t say a word. So instead, tears began to flow from my eyes. There, lying on the ground is the girl confessing to liking me. But now, she’s gone.

I finally managed to reach her and held her in my arms. I didn’t want to let her go. I just couldn’t. If only there was another way.

But, there wasn’t. She’s gone. I cleared a space nearby and made a small shroud for her. I then used a knife that she carried and made her a temporary gravestone.

“R.I.P Taylor Noir. A girl who showed happiness and brightened the world around her.”

I then stood up and limped over to my sword and picked it up from the ground. I then equipped the knife to my belt.

“I’m going to kill them,” I said. “I’m going to kill them all.”


“Hey Ricko! Have you located Cyris and Taylor?” called Vanessa, through the smoke that blew from the facility.

“Nothing so far,” replied Ricko. “I saw Cyris covering Taylor when the bomb went off. We should also still be cautious. There may be more enemy personnel around.”

A helicopter then flew overhead with the slaughterer symbol on it. Through the window was Governor Smith, watching the flames continuously burn on the battlefield, looking impressed with his work.

“Shoot him down!” called Ricko.

“Gladly,” called James, throwing a knife into the blade of the helicopter and forcing it to explode due to pressure. The helicopter went down in a flash. Unfortunately, it managed to do a running land without flipping, so Governor Smith and whoever was still inside was still alive.

“Let’s go get them before they get away!” called Rebecca, while running towards the downed helicopter.

“Already ahead of you,” called Lydia, emerging from the smoke with two soldiers by her side, moving in the direction of the crash site.

As everyone ran, smiles were formed. Not only will they be able to end this war, but also we could defeat the one man pulling the strings. We would be a free nation, and the world will begin to have hope again.

As they reached the crash site, they instantly noticed that the pilot was flung out of the helicopter and torn apart on the ground, the helicopter was on fire, and the helicopter blades were awfully bent. As horrific the sight was, they hoped that everyone in that crash was dead.

But, unfortunately, they weren’t. Governor Smith kicked down the passenger door and limped out of the vehicle. He gave a look of disgust to us and spat blood onto the ground. It looked like he broke a rib or two in the crash.

Suddenly, multiple vehicles surrounded the group and ran out, guns pointed at Vanessa, Ricko, Rebecca, James, Lydia and the two unfortunate soldiers, which were instantly ‘disposed’ of since they weren’t needed alive.

The small group was surrounded, nothing to do. Just as they were ready to give up, a knife was thrown from out of nowhere and hit a commanding officer in the throat, making him silently fall to the ground and drowning in his own blood.

“Who was that?” asked Ricko.

Up on a hill, with his back to the fire, stood a figure with a black and red coat that had a hood and sword drawn. His eyes was filled with hatred and all the soldiers were memorized by this agent of death.

“Cyris,” weakly replied Vanessa.


There was once a time at school, when we pretended to use our pencils as throwing knives and, throughout the years, we began to get much more accurate.

Add a bit of weight, and that was what it felt like when I threw the knife at the commanding officer.

After that, everything happened so fast. I slid down the hill and plunged my sword into the first soldier and pushed his body to the ground. I then picked up his handgun and took out a further twelve guards while using his body as a shield. I then flung multiple bolts of energy into a few guards that were a bit too close together.

“Kill them,” said the voice in my head. “Kill them all. Let them know your suffering and, most of all, don’t hold back!”

That said, I placed a magnetic field around me using my powers and walked towards a wall of soldiers. Their bullets stopped in front of me like time froze.

“Kill him already!” yelled a soldier and soon, the entire squadron was shooting at me.

Once they ran out of bullets, I instantly saw that as my chance. Using the bullets that stopped in front of me, I simply waved my hand and they all flew back at them. The amount of bloodshed was glorious.

There was only one soldier left, and he knew all about it. He was behind a vehicle, scared and fumbling for his radio.

“Only one more eh’?” I asked myself, wondering if I should show mercy.

But then I remembered. He’s as guilty as all the rest.

That said, I snuck behind him and plunged my sword into him. I then raised his body and drained the life from him while still impaled.

From behind me, I heard a bullet being loaded. Sure enough, it was Governor Smith, with a grin on his face, thinking that he has won.

“Fool,” I simply said, before quickly turning around and slicing his hand off.

He yelled in pain so much, that I almost felt sorry for him. While he had a disturbed, horrified look on his face, I thought of the pain he caused me. Turning me into a monster, using me as his tool of destruction, and, most of all, being the reason why Taylor is dead.

So in return, I smiled grimly.

“Cyris! Stop this!” called out Lydia. “We need him alive!”

“Why should this prick stay alive?” I replied coldly. “He is the reason for all of this. He deserves to die for what he has done.”

“You need to calm down,” replied Ricko.

They then all look around.

“Where is Taylor?” asked Lydia.

I swear I flinched when she said her name. I must have because their look of curiosity turned into anguish.

“Governor Smith has intelligence on bases that we can liberate. Give him a chance to…” began Lydia.

“You should kill him.”

We all look around and see that Vanessa is slowly moving towards me. She had a different look in her eyes. One that we haven’t seen before.

“He made you suffer by taking her away. He deserves to die from your hand.

“Cyris! I know you. You are better than this. Let him…”

“Let him what Lydia?” I sharply replied. “You don’t know me at all. This coward deserves to die and rot somewhere no one will ever see him again. He will rot and decay in the darkness!”

I then took no hesitation in raising my sword.

“NO!” called Lydia.

I then cleanly decapitated Governor Smith.

Everyone’s reactions were silent. They just witnessed a caring young man turn into something of the exact opposite and kill an unarmed man (literally).

“Good work Cyris, but why stop here?” asked Vanessa. “You took out a cold hearted old man who once looked over this society. You should keep going.”

“Look, Cyris,” said Lydia. “You need to cool down. If not, those visions will become reality.”

“What do you know?!” I replied. “You are the reason why Taylor is dead!

“Hey back off man!” said Ricko, as he pushed me away from the group.

Oh. Now it’s on.

My first swing hit Ricko in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. The next hit struck him in the temple.

“Cyris! Ricko! Stop it!” called Rebecca.

Lydia couldn’t say a word. She burst out into tears.

“That’s right Cyris,” said Vanessa. “Show him who is king.”

It wasn’t long until I had him on the ground and bleeding. I wanted to continue, but I decided not to continue.

“Taylor was the one who expressed her feelings for me,” I said with tears in my eyes. “She believed in me and saw a good man in me.”

Everyone was silent.

I got off the ground and turned. In Vanessa’s hands was the Scythe that was located during the assault. I grabbed it and equipped it on my back, making it easy to carry and access. I then sheathed my sword into the case on my belt.

“The time for kindness is up. I’m going to become king.” I instantly said, with certainty in my voice.

It was time that I used my powers for the better good.










Chapter Eleven: Only Mortal


I came to learn there was something different about Vanessa and her behavior. She seemed like a completely different person, following my path of destruction and prosperity.

I, however, began to like it.

Of course, we travelled together and left the others with the resistance. They were no longer important, and Vanessa was the only one who supported my choices, as well as agreeing with them.

“So tell me more about the visions you have,” I said. “They mentioned something about the bridge between life and death, immortality and the cleansing.”

“Ah. I believe that is possible with the scythe you recovered,” replied Vanessa. “You and I also contain a certain unique power, if you haven’t figured that out yet.”

“And what power would that be?”

“You and I are able to control the will of other people. Almost like hypnosis.”

“And this scythe?”

“It controls the power of darkness. You can now summon voids, which are portals to a dimension of your own forming.”

That instant, I started to believe she was mad.

“It was a large part of a scientific program that was done by the slaughterers,” she said, as if she read my mind.

“And how do you know all this?” I replied.

“I got the information from a corpse; one that was shooting at me seconds before.”

“And do you know why Will wanted this?”

After that question was asked, Vanessa threw a wicked smile in my direction.

“He must have been after the same power. But luckily, you stopped him and ceased the continuation of his existence.”

After Vanessa said that, I knew that something was different about her. She was calling out to me and forcing me to follow a darker path.

It wasn’t like I didn’t mind though.


“Lydia! I have an urgent message from home base!” called one of the soldiers from the communications tent.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” Lydia replied.

After Cyris had that fight with Ricko, we have been clearing the mess that both Cyris and Vanessa left. It seems like they both snapped and, worst of all, the chances of the prophecy becoming a reality has significantly increased. They aren’t themselves anymore.

“Hey James! Are you able to take care of the bodies around the vehicles and see if they work? I’ve got an incoming call,” called Lydia.

“Alright then, but be quick about it. We need to tracked Cyris and Vanessa down fast,” replied James, straining under the effort from carrying supplies out of the facility.

As Lydia walked into the tent, she instantly noticed that each resistance member in the tent had grim-faced expressions. They all seemed afraid of something. But what could it be? Lydia decided to approach one of the communications officers in the tent.

“What’s with the expression Private?” Lydia asked.

“It’s with the reports in the city,” replied the soldier. “They reported that the showground has been taken over by two individuals in black. One is male and the other is female.”

“Cyris and Vanessa.”

“There have also been reports of buildings tearing apart and being formed into a larger building in the showground. The slaughterers have dispatched multiple units into the area, but there have been bolts of crimson-coloured lightning appearing out of nowhere and striking their vehicles.”

“Thanks for the intel. Continue with your duties.”

As Lydia walked out of the tent, a soldier approached Ricko and personally asked him to head to the top of the facility for something important. Ricko then approaches Lydia.

“Hey. Apparently there is something serious happening on top of the facility. Do you want to come and check it out before we continue?” asked Ricko.

“Sure. It does seem important, and everyone here is acting unusual. Get James and Rebecca to come with us,” replied Lydia.

After a few minutes, everyone began climbing the rubble made from the facility, they managed to reach the roof. Once there, they saw a heap of medics surrounding a single person.

That one person was Governess Trish.

“Let me… let me… speak…” she mumbled, with the amount of energy she still had left.

“Move! Let us through!” yelled Ricko, forcing multiple trained doctors aside.

When the group managed to reach Trish, she smiled, grimly. Even with her charred skin, she still showed plenty of power in her voice with what she said next.

“That scythe…. Where is it now?” Trish asked.

“It’s far from here. Cyris took it after he killed Governor Smith,” replied Rebecca, with frustration in her voice. “He left with Vanessa too.”

“Do you know what… it can do? How it has the potential to make one immortal?”

“That’s impossible. You couldn’t make one individual live forever!” replied James.

“But… we gave you powers, you know?”

“So how did you manage?” questioned Rebecca.

“Well, it involved two moral souls. One has an alternative personality, which consumes the regular being, and the other acts as a catalysis. When that catalysis is overwhelmed with despair and is using the scythe we created, the being with the alternative personality must kill the catalysis and become one with him or her. In that case, Vanessa, or subject 004, has the alternative personality, and Cyris, subject 003, is the catalysis.”

“Wait! So Vanessa’s alternative self is going to kill Cyris?” asked Ricko.

“Indeed. In fact, I believe we don’t have much time. Vanessa will have the power to destroy the world. Soon, she will… she will…”

Governess Trish then died without finishing her sentence.

“We have to get there as soon as possible! Otherwise, we may have a serious problem on our hands!” yelled James, while running to a helicopter.

“We can’t just run in there James,” replied Lydia. “You heard the reports. Maybe we should just wait it out and let…”

“Let, what, Lydia?” replied Ricko. “I know he has gone through his share of losses, and he did use up all his frustration on me, but he has been my friend for years! One of our greatest enemies is on the run, and we need both Vanessa and Cyris for this. We can’t leave them!”

Everyone in the camp all stared at Ricko, absorbing those words. They then did something unexpected.

They all went for their weapons and formed into groups for a rescue operation.

“Well, if you’re going in, so are they,” replied Lydia. “You are my Boyfriend, so I’m not letting you out so easily.”

With that, she winked at Ricko and went to the equipment tent.

Rebecca then turned to James.

“Also, I might organise something with you when this is over,” Rebecca said.

“Does a dinner at my place sound good?” James asked.

“Only if you can cook a good steak.”

“Oh. I like my steaks.”

There were smiles on everybody’s faces, filled with anticipation and hope, but that was quickly cut off by a small tremor.

“What was that?” asked Rebecca.

In the sky, there was a large, red beam pointing into the sky, in which turned the sky completely black, as if the night was instantly summoned.

“We gotta go,” said Ricko. “The end has begun.”


“Let me out, Lilith!” called Vanessa. “Cyris needs me!”

“For crying out loud! Shut up or I will destroy your soul and you will never see him again!”

“You must let me out!” cried Vanessa. “I have to see him again and tell him how I feel!”

“Ok then. I’ll make a deal with you,” calmed replied Lilith.

Vanessa raised her head, joy on her face.

“I’ll let you out when I’m done using your body killing him, so you can see the despair in his face!”


“One way or another, I will become immortal, you will stay in this state in my mind, and your world will be destroyed.”

Vanessa was then left in darkness.

“Cyris… please fight against the despair. I love you…”




















Chapter Twelve: Synchronize



“How far away are they, Vanessa?” I asked, looking out over the balcony while watching the civilians flee.

“Roughly thirty minutes, my king,” replied Vanessa, who was under the influence of Lilith, unable to warn him of the upcoming dangers.

“That’s good,” I thought to myself. “They are coming to see me become immortal, and when they arrive, it will be too late.

“How long until the cleansing?” asked Vanessa.

“It should occur in a matter of time now,” I responded. “Once this has been finished, I will finally be able to create the bridge between life and death, and finally become immortal, and I will be able to avenge the ones who have died. After all, a true king knows that kindness is another word for….”


I stumbled to the ground, grasping what I just said. My god, it was in the vision. These events were bound to occur.

But that’s right. This was bound to occur. It needs to.

But… the strong need to fight for the weak, right?

No! I need to claim my throne. I need to go forward with this. After what they did to Taylor…

“Everything all right, Cyris?” asked Vanessa.

“Yeah,” I replied, standing back up. “Just stumbled a bit. Nothing serious.”

“Everyone gets nervous, Cyris. Once you become immortal, you will never become nervous ever again.”

That’s right. I will never fear nor worry again.

“Here they come Cyris. Get ready.”

I then looked down, watching many vehicles heading in the direction of the tower.

I pointed the blade upwards in one hand, summoning rifts, and shooting bolts into it with the other hand.

The final battle for Brisbane has begun.


“There’s the tower!” called Lydia. “All ground vehicles engage the rifts!”

Soon enough, gunfire filled the quiet streets, as bullets went through the rifts.

“What do you think that will do?” asked James.

“Well, I believe there are things on the other side that we don’t want to meet.”


“Well, the details were on Trish’s video logs. It mentioned of creature made from the element that the scythe owner wields.”

Soon enough, a few dead winged creature fell out of the rifts, but more alive ones flew through.

“Ground forces! Begin engaging on the ones outside the rifts!” ordered Lydia.

“You know how to handle yourself,” said Ricko.

“Of course I do honey,” sweetly replied Lydia.

Soon, the ground forces managed to fend off the attacking creatures, but that was because they found a new target.

“Defend the helicopter!” yelled Rebecca.

All weapon drawn, the groups in helicopters began to fire upon the creatures, but the creatures were too strong and too quick. Many went down, but they latched onto the helicopters behind Rebecca, James, Ricko and Lydia.

“We’re hit! We’re hit! We’re…” yelled the pilots’ before each creature sent a discharge and the helicopters fell to the ground.

“We need to help them!” yelled Rebecca.

“Wait! Look,” said James, pointing out that the crew and pilots were jumping out with parachutes equipped.

“Oh. That’s right,” replied Rebecca.

Being the only helicopter in the sky was a massive beacon to the creatures, as they began their assault on them.

“Pilot! Get us to that tower!” called Lydia.

Soon it became a race to the tower, while the creatures were racing to the helicopter. Sure enough, they latched on as well.

“Guys! This is our stop! Jump!”

After one another, and a few moments of dragging, everyone leapt from the helicopter and onto a lower balcony.

“Good luck…” began the pilot, before a creature arrived to the front of the helicopter and plunged its claws into him.

The helicopter plummeted to the ground and created a devastating explosion.

“We need to continue moving upwards to the top of the tower. That’s where Cyris and Vanessa are,” said Lydia.

“Guys. There are multiple platforms in which I can teleport us to. Hold on,” ordered James.

As everyone linked arms, James pushed forward, moving to each platform as if they were each a trampoline. It didn’t take too long to reach the last platform. In front of them was a stairway that led to the top floor.

“It’s almost over guys,” said Ricko. “Let’s go save them.”


“It’s almost time, Cyris,” claimed Vanessa, now changed into black robes with red stripes.

“Why so soon?” I replied. “We need the rest to witness this and to know that I shall rule this land.”

“It must happen now. The process will take some time, so it’s best to start now.”

“Well, alright then.”

“In order for this to work, I will need your sword. You must continue to hold you scythe.”

I unstrap my sword from my back. I look at it and think about the experiences I have had, I lived a quiet life in the past, and after that one day at the showground, everything changed. I got the opportunity to meet many great people, and make powerful enemies, which are now vanquished.

The only thing left to do now, is to become immortal and rule this land.

I passed my sword to her and she returned with a smile.

“Cyris! Stop!” called out a voice from the stairway.

I turned around instantly, to see that Ricko, Lydia, Rebecca and James, all grouped together with their weapons drawn, staring at Vanessa and I.

“It’s time to come back. Stop this campaign of terror,” said Ricko.

“You don’t understand, Ricko. This is what I want,” I reply.

“Oh yeah? Well the rest of the world would disagree. Especially me. Your best friend.”

“You don’t understand. If you truly are my friend, you need to leave, now.”

“I’m not going to do that. Especially with what Lilith will do to you when we leave.”

I pause for a moment. I don’t know a Lilith. I never have, unless it was… No. It couldn’t be.

So instead of thinking about it, I simply laughed.

“You’re lying! I don’t know anybody by the name of Lilith!”

“Of course you do! It’s…”

Ricko’s words were cut off. I couldn’t hear him anymore, but I could see his expression. His face showed despair. I look at my chest.

Well, it could only be one thing. Vanessa… no. Lilith plunged my sword through me.

“Lilith? Why?” I asked, weakly.

“No hard feelings,” Lilith replied. “Only I can become immortal. You are merely a catalyst; a fuel with great potential and power, in which I can absorb.”

I look down at my hands. Sure enough, they were disappearing, and so was the rest of my body. I look at my friends, tears filling their eyes. I raised my hands towards them, hoping that they would see how sorry I was.

The last thing I saw was Ricko running towards me.



“Hey John? What are you doing up there?” asked Victoria, staring at the plasma-enveloped figure.

“Looks like our friend from back at Dagon is up to no good,” John replied. “When does the rest of the Banshee’s come back from daily patrol?”

“They said they are scouting a battle being undone near that tower. They suggested we should go and check it out as soon as possible since it’s such a large threat.”

“Very well. Get your gear ready. We will leave as soon as they return from their scouting mission.”

“Alright then.”

Once Victoria left, John returned to staring at the tower, now flickering red and purple with white sparks flickering off the beam transcending into the sky.

“You definitely put yourself into a tough position, haven’t you, Cyris.”


















Chapter Thirteen: Awakening


Darkness. That’s all that I can see right now. Not a single shred of light to be found from any direction. Myself, on the other hand, just floats in an inescapable void. My skin looks like broken glass, and it looks like a single touch could break me. Images and memories of my past would float by, haunting me and tormenting me.

“What would I do without you?” said Mum, floating by.

I believe Mum would be fine without me. She is safe. That’s all that matters.

“So are we going to defeat them with music, eh?” asked Rebecca, floating by.

I remember that moment, when we all met. Sure it was in a place that we could define as hell, but it was fun non-the-less.

“You saved my life. I am only glad to repay the favor,” said Vanessa, however, this memory lingered around.

I began to cry. “Oh Vanessa,” I softly said. “If only you could see me now. I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t save anyone. I’m weak, and now, I’m alone.”

“That’s not true.”


I look up. In front of me is Vanessa, floating and in her combat gear.

“You saved me from testing facility Dagon, and you were involved in a large part of our assault the other day. You are meant to be a hero, not a villain.”

I rose to my feet, looking at Vanessa. That sweet smile she shared with me made my heart fly.

“There is a way to escape. Using our powers, we can break the seal she has on our souls.”

Taylor interrupted that.

A glowing impersonation of Taylor appeared behind me. I didn’t know why she was here, but this concerned me. The girl that cared for me and died by my side was in front of me, taunting me, and scaring me.

“Why are you with her?” Taylor asked. “Stay here with me. No one can hurt us here. You’re safe.”

“Cyris,” called Vanessa. “We don’t have much time until our souls completely vanish. That isn’t Taylor, but a hologram. Lilith wants you to stay.”

“She’s lying, Cyris. Stay here, and we can truly be together.”

My mind was spinning. I couldn’t decide for myself. It was impossible.

So, I got Vanessa to do it for me.

“Vanessa. Can you take care of this for me?” I asked.

“Sure, Cyris, and then we can get out of here.”

I didn’t see the next part, but one thing is, for sure, I didn’t want to. Flames rose behind my back as I heard Taylor’s hologram scream for mercy. However, I stood strong. I had to, anyway.

“Ready?” I asked Vanessa.

“Sure thing,” she replied.

I placed my right arm around her waist, shared some strength with her, and then conjured up a lighting storm in the darkness, tearing a hole between this dimension to our world.


“What… What have you done, to Cyris and to Vanessa?” asked Ricko, weakly and shocked from watching Cyris vanish.

Lilith, using the body of Vanessa, grimly smiled in return. “Soon to be dead, and now, their powers are completely under my control,” she replied. “But first, I have to crush their hope, and replace their hearts with despair.”

This made Ricko snap. He raised his crossbow and fired multiple shots at Lilith’s head, in which she teleported to several different locations.

“You cannot defeat me in the state I am now. Whatever power they had is now mine. They were quite, delicious.”

And, to further taunt Ricko, Lilith licked her lips.

“You b***h!” yelled Ricko, grabbing a metal pole that was attached to the building, turning his body into steel, and then he began to throw whole pillars at Lilith.

“We gotta support him,” James commented, staring at the fight going on between Ricko and Lilith.

“Alrighty then. Let’s go!” replied Rebecca.

Soon, Ricko, James and Rebecca were in a tight circle surrounding Lilith, weapons drawn and combat ready.

“Fools,” said Lilith, as she disappeared, scythe in hand.

That said, James also disappeared and they both reappeared midair, fighting while maintaining perfect height. It wasn’t too long until Lilith broke through James’s knives and threw him into the ground with the scythe hilt.

Rebecca was next, when she threw multiple icicles at Lilith’s head, which, in return, she received a massive blast of fire that she just barely managed to block.

Finally, Ricko reloaded his crossbow, ready to fire, but Lilith reappeared behind him and knocked him to the ground with the scythe blade, making his skin turn back to normal.

“I told you once, and I will tell you again. There is no…” began Lilith, before a plasma bolt travelled past her head.

“You didn’t tell us.”

John appeared out of the shadows with Victoria by his side, weapon ready in one hand and a plasma ball in the other. He has been watching from around the corner with Victoria while the battle raged.

“So you were waiting for you friends to die?” asked Lilith, questionably.

“OK. First off all, I prefer the term Rivals. Secondly, no. I just wanted to wait until they may have needed help so I can overcome them,” replied John.

“Hmm? You seem to be the type of individual to do so as well,” replied Lilith, with a sigh.

“Ay, and now I will put you in your place.” John signaled to Victoria. “Let’s go!”

Lilith emanated an aura around her body and lunged towards John. John swung his sword at Lilith’s head, in which she avoided and threw John in the air. Lilith then appeared in the air and swung her scythe at him. Each block that John performed kept him in the air, and forced Lilith to re-teleport to him.

“Why must you be so persistent?” quizzed Lilith, now looking much more frustrated than before.

“That’s because he doesn’t plan to die today,” responded Victoria, right before using her combat gloves to punch Lilith away from John.

“So you finally managed to get a hit on me? That won’t happen again.”

Lilith then raised her scythe and buried the blade into the ground. The entire building rose into the sky and each floor separated from the tower. Now each floor floated around everybody.

“What on Earth is…” began John, before Lilith ran up to him, face to face.

“JOHN!” cried Victoria.

A sudden jolt flowed through John. He then looked down to see that Lilith’s scythe has impaled him. He then looks at Lilith, who now has his blood on her. She then swiped some of his blood off her face and drank it.

John then fell to the ground, his body now lifeless.

“You b*****d!” yelled Victoria, now throwing meaningless punches at Lilith, in which Lilith pushed away with the effort of swatting a fly.

“This is getting boring,” Lilith mentioned, before blasting Victoria with a fire charge, sending her flying and now positioned next to John’s body.

“Now nobody back stop me from becoming immortal.”

Lilith then walked towards the beam being forced into the sky.

“Oh righteous demons,” began Lilith. “Impose the strength of the gods upon me and flush out these mortal bonds.”

Once Lilith said those lines, demonic wings formed on her back and her hair turned black with streaks of red.

“Now that I take upon your form, take my life and begin anew. Start an immortal…”

Suddenly, an arrow appeared out of the beam and pierced through Lilith’s hand. This triggered a bloodcurdling scream from her, in which she responded with a glare that could only be described as complete hatred.

“That’s as far as you go, Lilith,” I yelled out, with Vanessa in my arms, bow pointed straight at Lilith.

“Like you shitheads are going to tell me what to do!” screamed Lilith, now removing the arrow from her hand, which then instantly healed.

 In my arms, Vanessa awakened from her slumber due to the amount of energy she shared with me in order to escape the curse placed on us by Lilith.

“Cyris,” Vanessa asked. “Where are we?”

“We’re back, Vanessa, and I will finish Lilith off, once and for all,” I replied.

Once we landed on the ground, Vanessa clung onto me even more to the point that our foreheads nearly touched.

“She’s too powerful at the moment. She has our powers, plus a demonic protection. You may never defeat her.”

“I have to try. For the mistakes I created, and for everybody.”

“I can lend you my powers. You are the catalysis, so we can share powers. All you have to do is say the word, and I can help.”

“Please, Vanessa. I need you.”

Vanessa then wrapped her arms behind my neck and kissed me. I felt her powers building up inside of me. The heat from her flames have altered my electric abilities, and angelic wings spawn on my back. Vanessa then passed out in my arms. I then lowered her to the ground in a safe place.

“Now, Lilith,” I spoke. “Let’s finish what we started.”




Chapter Fourteen: Disaster Falls


It didn’t take long for Lilith to make the first move. I avoided the attack by flying into the air and moving to another floor that was floating in the air, in which Lilith followed. Continuous swings were delivered by Lilith that I managed to avoid. I had to avoid her somehow.

I landed on the ground and noticed instantly that Lilith was going to swing her scythe at me. As fast as I possibly could, I ducked under her scythe, now face to face with her.

“Bad move,” I mentioned, with a grin on my face.

A smile spread across her face.

“You took the words straight from my lips,” Lilith replied, with an evil look.

That instant, Lilith caught me in-between her scythe blade and launched me in the air. She then reappeared out of nowhere above me.

“Too slow!” she yelled out.

I instantly imagine back to the training facility, when Cameron mentioned to John about focusing on his powers. I needed to adapt to this situation with the power I have.

“Not really,” I replied. “You are forgetting that I share Vanessa’s powers now!”

I disappear into smoke and embers, and reappear above Lilith, in which I swung my sword at her. She managed to block it, but it sent her flying into the ground. From a distance, I stood and watched Lilith stand from her crater that she formed and reposition her dislocated shoulder.

“You’re good. I’ll give you that Cyris,” smirked Lilith, “But not good enough.”

Lilith then tapped the ground with the scythe hilt and summoned portals, in which multiple cars and three ASLAV’s were launched towards me. The first car came incredibly close to hitting me, but the rest weren’t too difficult to avoid by flying high into the air.

“Just give up and die already!” screamed Lilith, while sending an entire transport truck at me.

With all my evasiveness, I couldn’t possible avoid a vehicle that size.

So I hatched another idea.

In an instant, I angled myself towards the truck and used a boosted effect that was developed by Vanessa once. When I managed to gather up a heap of speed, I raised my sword and sliced into the metal. Sure enough, with the gained momentum, the sword made the metal on the vehicle seem like tearing a tissue. Astonished, Lilith backed away as I slammed into the floor platform. The impact managed to destroy the entire platform.

Lilith, now with a painful look on her face, reconnected the building into its proper form. At that moment, we both were outside, still fighting in mid air, when suddenly, Lilith shot an electric bolt through my left wing, which made blood spurt out of it. This triggered me to start falling. As fast as I could, I used the same boosting tactic as before to launch myself at the tower outer wall and buried my sword into it, leaving me hanging from my sword hilt. Lilith then flew to a ledge above me and simply cackled with laughter.

“Look at you! Thinking you can play god!” called Lilith, taunting me into anger.

“I’m better than you! I’m stronger than you!” I replied, grimacing at the pain flowing through my back.

“What makes you think that?” replied Lilith, now grinning wickedly. “You have just been shot in the back and you are far from being capable of flying, your friends are all defeated, and I’m on the high ground! Admit defeat already!”

“Sure. All of those are true, but no matter what, I’ll have people there for me.”

With confidence, I lifted myself so I was standing on my sword hilt.

“They are my power, and I am theirs!”

Now Lilith was laughing even more now. The look in her eyes showed insanity and iniquitous thoughts, and this empowered her.

“If they are your strength, I wonder if they can help you with this!”

Suddenly, the part of the tower above of Lilith exploded and parts of the walls and debris began to fall to the ground. Lilith faced the first wall and sliced it in half, creating more obstacles for me to avoid, and worst of all, it showed me something I didn’t want to see.

The top part of the tower began to tilt and everybody up there rolled off the ledge and began to fall to the ground.

“That bolt cancelled out your healing powers, so it looks like they’re going to die!” called out Lilith. “Game Over!”

“I refuse to let that happen!” I screamed, before swinging off my sword so my body was standing on the wall, and I propelled myself towards everyone.

The first two that came into view were Victoria and John. Victoria became conscious again and instantly noticed that she was falling. This was noticed due to her screaming.

“Pass me John’s sword!” I called out and opening my hand.

Victoria unbuckled John’s belt and passed the sword in its case to me. I then removed the string around the sword hilt and made a line out of it. I then tied it quickly around Victoria and John’s wrist.

“Good luck!” I yelled, before throwing the sword towards a building across from the tower.

Two down, five to go.

I then launched myself off of one of the falling walls towards my friends. Only Ricko regained consciousness while he was falling and gathered Lydia, Rebecca and James. He had tears in his eyes when I came into view.

“I thought you were dead!” Ricko called.

“No. Not yet anyway!” I replied. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you, and I promise to help you and the rest!”

“You’ve always been there for me, and I was frustrated to see you take a bad path! I got aggressive, and I don’t know what happened to me. Let me help you! You’re wounded!”

“I wish that could happen, but I did this, and I’m going to stop it by myself.”

I then disappeared and reappeared with a steel pylon.  

“Only you can save them with your powers, and I believe you were given these powers for a reason, and that was for today, when I screwed up!”

I then shoved the pylon in his hands and faced him as we fell.

“I have one more person to save, and I don’t have a lot of time. We will go somewhere when this is all over.”

“We are all going to the movies. James and Rebecca are on good terms, and so is Lydia and I. You should come with Vanessa.”

“Alright then. It’s a deal.”

I then pushed Ricko away, and Ricko’s expression turned from confident to horror.


I then plunged towards the only person remaining to be taken care of. Vanessa now close to the ground, I knew what I had to do. I arrived to the same level as her, and held onto her, my back pointed towards the ground and protecting Vanessa with my body. She then came to.

“Cyris,” Vanessa said. She then looked around and noticed what I was doing. She then opened her eyes widely and tears began to flow down her cheeks. “Cyris! You’ll die if you…”

I then tightened my grip and kissed her, returning her powers to her.

“You’ll need this for later,” I replied. I began to tear up as well. “I’m sorry for what I’ve done and for dragging you into this.”

“No! No. I am glad to have met you. I too was lonely as an only child, and until you came along. We got to know each other. We fell in love, and I couldn’t ask for anything more. Promise me! We will go to the movies when this is over. Promise me!”

I then smiled and closed my eyes.

“For you, anything.”

I then kissed the one I loved and drifted away before I felt the ground shatter at my impact.


The area below the now destroyed tower was filled with rubble and debris. Dust filled the streets and reduced visibility significantly. It looked worse than an aftermath of an Earthquake.

“Cyris!” called James. “Where are you?!”

“CYRIS!” yelled Ricko. “Come on out buddy!”

“There!” screamed Rebecca. “I see Vanessa!”

Everyone ran over to her with smiles on their faces. Seeing their friend alive brought them joy.

“Vanessa!” called Ricko. “Where’s Cy…”

Ricko stopped in the middle of his sentence due to seeing something tragic. What he was afraid of while falling.

A massive crater, in which Vanessa was kneeling in front of, contained my body, and not moving.

“Cyris, you idiot,” cried Ricko, punching the ground.

“Cyris, Cyris, Cyris, Cyris,” repeated Vanessa, heartbroken and filled with grief.

In the mist of everybody’s silence, Vanessa rose and began to shake my body, still limp and cold.

“Wake up!” she screamed. “I said all those things about you, and I meant them! Come back!”

“How cute this all is. It’s all a big tragedy, like Shakespeare’s performances,” rudely called Lilith, floating in the sky above them all. Vanessa then rose to her feet and threw a rock at her, that uselessly bounced off.

“You b***h! If you never existed, this would have never happened!”

“On the contrary, if you never existed, I would have never possessed your body and then get Cyris killed.”

Vanessa then fell to her knees again and covered her face with her hands, crying even more than before.

“Well now that has been taken care of, I can take Cyris’s power and finish the ritual.

As Lilith landed, she created a shield around her and Cyris, blocking the others off from her.

“Now, where was I? Oh yes! Now that I take upon your form, take my life and begin anew. Start an immortal…”

Suddenly, the beam in the sky collapsed and the sky turned back to normal. The daylight shone in Lilith’s eyes.

“NO!” Lilith screamed. “This can’t be happening to…”

A sword blade cut right through her chest and out the other side, leaving a bloodstain on the shield. Sure enough, only one other individual was inside that shield.

“Of course this is happening to you, Lilith,” I stated. “It needs to be you.”

I then released 1000 kilowatts into her, which is much more than what I put into the radio tower.

“As I said, I have my friends as my power, and I’m theirs. Now shut up and die!”

Lilith let out a final scream and turned to ash before my eyes, filling the cracking in the ground. The battle was over, and the shields around me collapsed, allowing my friends to rush to my aid.

“My god Cyris! You managed to survive an all out fall like that and still kill her,” said James, with a grin on his face.

“You must have a death wish,” happy stated Rebecca, clinging onto James with her head buried in his chest.

I began to laugh. It was over. The long lasting conquest for Brisbane and the fight with Lilith was finally over. However, before I could say anything, Vanessa jumped on top of me and hugged me tightly. Tears were running through her eyes, but this time, they were tears of joy.
“You idiot!” Vanessa cried. “What would have happened if you actually died? Do you care about how everyone would feel afterwards?”

“Of course I care,” I replied. “That’s why I didn’t die on you. After all, I made a promise to you.”

Vanessa looks up and gave a large smile of approval. “Of course,” Vanessa replied.

As Vanessa moved to a kneeling position, Ricko came over and smiled.

“Good work out there. You had me worried,” stated Ricko, knees shaking from worrying.

“I guess I had it in me all along, I replied. “Just didn’t know up until now.”

I held out a hand to Ricko. I couldn’t leave the fight that I had with him unresolved, since he was my greatest friend.

“Are we all good again?” I asked, in a manor that made him reach out and shake my hand.

“We’re good,” Ricko replied.

Lydia then came over to me and presented an honorable salute over the radio chatter that was playing.

“You did good out there Cyris, and thank you for coming back to save all of us. We couldn’t have completed this conquest without you,” Lydia stated.

“Don’t worry about it Lydia,” I replied. “I should be saluting you for your leadership skills.”

A few moments after I said that, military vehicles appeared from around the corner with multiple ambulances following them. Paramedics then jumped out of the vehicle and attended to the wounded around us.

“Cyris is your name, right?” said one of the paramedics. “Are you injured?”

“I think I may have a broken rib somewhere in my chest,” I replied, which made Vanessa jump and apologise for jumping on me earlier.  

“It’s all right,” I replied, laughing and then wincing in pain. “It’s not like you knew at that time.”

In the distance, I watched Victoria carry John’s unconscious body to one of the ambulances, so with the assistance of a stretcher and two paramedics, I managed to grab her attention.

“Victoria!” I called. “On my behalf, please tell John that I thank you both from the bottom of my heart for saving my friends.”

“He didn’t do it for you,” Victoria replied, with a grin, which meant that John purely did the task for self-satisfaction.

Once I was inside the ambulance, Vanessa entered as a passenger and held my hand for the trip to the medical centre. The fight was over, and I was sure of that.















Chapter Fifteen: The Battle Continues



“Hey Cyris! Make sure you feed Mika before you go!” called Mum from downstairs.

“Don’t worry! I will!” I responded, closing my laptop and grabbing my sword from my working desk.

It has been a whole month since I defeated Lilith and completed the Brisbane Conquest. After that, the resistance spread across Australia and since Governor Smith and Governess Trish has died, a new Governor and Governess that served the resistance came to power and managed to conquer all of Australia.

“So who are you meeting up with at the movies?” asked Mum, as I slid down the side railing of the staircase.

“I’m meeting up with a few of my friends including Ricko, and my girlfriend.”

“You still haven’t told me her name, nor have I seen her. When will you be introducing her to me?”

“Sooner than you think,” I reply, smiling at her.

Mika then ran up to me and nudged me with her nose, begging for her meal. I then ran to the cupboard and gave her a chewing snack. Right afterwards, a knock came from the door.

“Who could that be at this time of the morning?” asked Mum, heading for the door.

When Mum opened it, I saw Vanessa in a red and white shirt with blue jean and her hair tied back into a ponytail, and had her bow and quiver of arrows on her back.

“Umm, hello, Mrs. Barratt. I’m Vanessa Draid. I’m Cyris’s girlfriend,” said Vanessa, with a shy look on her face that made her seem innocent and cute.

“My gosh Cyris!” called out Mum. “She’s so adorable! Why didn’t you tell me she was like this beforehand?”

The instant my Mum said that, I ran over to Vanessa and took her hand, running with her down the street.

“Let’s get out of here, quick!” I panicked, embarrassed of what Mum just stated.

“Make sure you’re back by dark, but I’m sure even then you will be able to take care of yourselves,” called out Mum before she lost sight of us.

“Kids these days. They grow up so fast.”


“Sorry about that,” I said to Vanessa. “Mum can be like that.”

“That’s ok. My parents can be like that,” Vanessa replied, happy to be there with me.

As we walked through the city, other individuals came up to meet us and get photos of our powers and us. Ever since the abduction, everybody with a power became popular and partially famous. Banners of the Banshees filled the streets since John was being treated in the hospital. He has been getting a lot of public support, and that was also with the resistance. Over two billion dollars have ben funded towards weapons, food, equipment and transport, and this was clearly effective.

“There are the two that we have been waiting for!” called a familiar voice.

“Well if it isn’t Governor James and Governess Rebecca,” I called out. “You’re here early.”

“On the contrary, you are late, by five minutes,” replied Trish.

“You’ve been counting?” asked Vanessa.

“Well yes. It’s important to note these things.”

“Well,” I began. “The party doesn’t start till everyone is here.”

We all laughed and headed inside the shopping complex. For the first two hours, we walked around and entered several stores that greeted us all with kindness, since what we accomplished seemed to have spread everywhere. Within this time, I had to rate each set of clothing that Vanessa walked out of the dressing room, in which she decided to buy a dress that I appealed to. Afterwards, we then went to a gaming arcade that entertained us for an hour before we finally went to see a movie. This movie was about a secret agent who had his family discovered by the enemy, and he had to fight the organization that took them in order to make sure they survived.

In the middle of the movie, Vanessa and I had a brief discussion.

“So after all that has happened, are you glad that we have our powers, even with the amount of attention we are attracting?” asked Vanessa, in a quizzical manor.

“Well I’m always asking myself that as well,” I replied. “I’m sure if I didn’t get these powers, we may have died an earlier day, the Slaughterers will still be at large and I wouldn’t have met you, but since I have these powers, I have been changing that.

“That’s nice to hear,” Vanessa replied.

As we left the movies afterwards, we all discussed the evens coming up.

“I believe that we should do something about the homeless due to the Slaughterers. Many more civilians have been left with no place to live,” suggested Lydia.

“We can work on that,” replied Rebecca. “Right James?”

“Sure thing. We can organise camps for them to stay in.”

“We should also consider…” I began.

“Cyris!” called a young girl, roughly ten years of age. “Can I get your autograph on my newspaper?”

“Sure thing,” I replied, and pulled out a pen and signed a picture of me that was in her newspaper.

“Thank you!” she replied. “You are like a noble king!”

As she ran away, I had a flashback of Taylor and how we used to hang out like how we are doing now. I even remembered the moment when she said that I would make a great king.

“It’s ok, Cyris,” Vanessa said next to me. “I’m here for you.”

I smiled as a reply that I’ll be all right.

“Anyway, I guess it’s time for us to mention about what we plan for the resistance,” began James.

“Shoot away,” replied Ricko.

“Guys and Girls. Now that we have Australia, let’s take back the rest of the planet. A full planet conquest for peace,” announced Rebecca.

Everyone looked around and nodded head. Finally, everyone looked at me.

“Are you up for this, Cyris?” asked Ricko. “This is going to be one hell of an adventure.”

I look up with a beam on my face.

“Of course I am,” I replied. “We are all one group now. I can’t let you all down.”

Everyone smiled with me. “Alrighty then,” began James. “I propose a name for our group. We are going to go through so much, so we should have a name to go by.”

“How about the Prodigy?” I asked.

Everybody looked at each other and nodded in approval.

“The Prodigy it is, and the world better look out!”

After that, everybody gathered in a circle and put their hands in. I joined them.

The Slaughterers didn’t know what was coming.


To be continued…

© 2014 Ash Weinheimer

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Author's Note

Ash Weinheimer
Ignore gramatical errors (I'm still in school, and this is what I do in my spare time)
Some parts may seem a bit rushed

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Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 23, 2014
Last Updated on April 26, 2014
Tags: superhuman, action, drama, romance