A Nation of Whiners? Yes! But that's a Good Thing.

A Nation of Whiners? Yes! But that's a Good Thing.

A Story by kano

My reaction to Sen. Graham calling us all delusional whiners.


I believe that Phil Graham was correct in saying that America has become a Nation of whiners. I do however disagree with his reasoning. Whining, as he put it, when done in civil manners, is the healthiest thing that could happen to this nation. While this iReport is sponsored by CNN, C-Span is a perfect example of how whining is becoming the new means for citizens to voice their societal concerns. Watching Washington Journal illustrates how democrats, republicans, and independents all whine about the issues of their respective ideologies. Other forums like iRporting, blogging, and video blogging on Youtube, offer yet other alternative means short of Anarchy. What Phil Graham is whining about is the fact that the most legitimate gripes reflect the failure of leadership from his current president, and the candidate who he wants to become elected the next president. He is seeing waves of republicans switching their allegiance to Barack Obama. He talks about America having a competitive edge over India and China without mentioning how his policy initiatives have helped allow American corporations to outsource themselves to those two nations in particular. He goes on to mention Mexico without mentioning how illegal immigration has driven wages down and under-employment in minority communities through the ceiling. We could talk about health-care or the mortgage crisis, but that might be a bit too much whining. Perhaps ex-Sen. Graham, like Rev. Jessie Jackson, has pasts his peak and just does not know how to go away. Both have their whining shoes on too tight. Neither fit into today's political arena, and both need to be put out to pasture. The people need to be heard more by political leaders. Too much status quo protections are being granted to old guard, old school politicos and activists. New voices must take the wheel and drive the nation forward and towards greater prosperity for all economic classes. Not in the socialists sense, but in the Bill of Rights sense. So Phil Graham and Jessie Jackson, keep whining, and let us whine too.

© 2008 kano

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I kinda have to agree with the senator, that yeah, we're a nation of whiners.
If you have something that needs to be said, you should say it.
But that doesn't mean that you get to cry and moan every time you don't get your way.
And I'm sorry, but America tends to do the latter way more than the former.

Posted 16 Years Ago

When citizens speak out, voicing their concerns at the failures of the Idiotocrates and the Repu-ligous, of Congress, of administrative failures past and present it simply is not whining! It is voices demanding honesty and logical decisions from those elected to SERVE. Yet, none, not one, from the past forty years up to the present day listen or care. Oh, no, they believe themselves more intelligent; that We the People simply can not decide for ourselves.

It is time that the Tree of Liberty be fed and fed well from the blood of these wannabes and fools in Congress!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 11, 2008
Last Updated on July 11, 2008



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