Prayer and Prophecy

Prayer and Prophecy

A Story by Chelsea Schermerhorn

Related to Secret Powers, my first novel. This is something I wrote on Friday, when I had freetime in class. Hope you enjoy! Check out Secret Powers if you get a chance!


The Stars in the sky

Are so bright in my eye

Sing ye the song

Of the Maiden Princess


A gleam from the tower

Tells the girl’s dower,

Puts hope in my heart

For the Maiden Princess


Yet a babe or a dame

I do not rightly know,

But hold fast in my faith

In the Maiden Princess


Her uncle rules now

O’er the kingdom and the seas

Though genteel may be he

No better reign will ever be

Than that of the Maiden Princess


In the Southern country

She does live

Unknowing of her heritage,

The Beautiful Maiden Princess.


Taken there

Her parents hoped

To protect her gifts and life.

I do not know where’er she be

But feel in my soul she’s alive.


None can attest to her presence

But the faeries and elves, we know.

The elements of earth are stirring,

Preparing once more to glow.


The powers now called evil,

Those ancient powers of old

Are ready to take their place once again

Wielded by the Princess’s hand.


Princess, you are the key.

Dear Maiden, hear my plea!

The powers restore to glory.

The enslaved world again make free!

Prayer and Prophecy

By the Minstrel Cadence

(Born in Gustava, the Third Year of the Second Age.) Currently resides in Jazira, Bard to King Ivan of the Mystic Lands from the Fourth Year of the Third Age

© 2008 Chelsea Schermerhorn

Author's Note

Chelsea Schermerhorn
idk, just tell me what you think. It's meant to be a bard singing about the princess in a tavern when he gets away from the palace for a day.

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This is pretty interesting. The concept is good, but I do question why you are switching from four to five line stanzas randomly in the middle and also why you suddenly lost the last line in each stanza about the maiden princess. If you want to change the number of lines per stanza, do it when you are not ending with that line and I would also recommend working that phrase into your last stanza for some continuity. There are some good creative ideas here, but it still needs some work. Keep writing!

Posted 15 Years Ago


Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 4, 2008


Chelsea Schermerhorn
Chelsea Schermerhorn

Bruceville-Eddy, TX

I like books of all sorts, old and new, I love it when the words of a book draw pictures in my mind, I love movies of all genres except horror, learning about all things, including history, pop cultur.. more..
