

A Story by Ember Smyth

I will not forget. I can not forget. I musn't forget. If I forget, then no one will be left to remember. And I might suffer the same fate as they did. So I will not forget. I know who he is. I know what he did. And I will not forget. I will never forget. He tried to make me forget. I don't know how many times I have already. But I can tell that if I forget again, this will be the last time I do so. I have to keep running. I have to keep remembering. His dark blue eyes, darkest that the deepest ocean. Almost black, but not quite. The look his eyes had when it happened. No. It didn't just happen. He made it happen. But he's so nice, so charming. Did he really cause that? No, he couldn't have. But he did. I saw the look in his eyes as he heard the pain. What was it? Anger? Satisfaction? Yes, that was it. Then he made it stop, and he left us there. But he came back. I don't know how long it was, and I really don't care. I just needed to remember. The rest of them forgot. I tried to make them remember, but they refused. "You may go if you would like to do so," He told us, "But I beg of you, do not. Forgive me. It gets ever so lonely here." And they all forgave him. They didn't remember. Something made them forget. I don't really care what, but the air did smell odd. I didn't forget. I never will. So I ran. I RAN past him, remembering, and they all watched me go. I didn't get very far before the screams started back up. I could just imagine the blood staining the tips of his brown hair. Or was it red, black blonde? No! I'm forgetting. I will not forget. I can not forget. I musn't forget! For Margaret. For Emiline. For Clara. For everyone. The air does smell peculiar today. Or is it just my imagination? I'm exhausted. But I have to keep running before... Before what? Before he finds me! How could I forget? I have to get out of this wretched place! Have I been going in a circle? I'm so tired, really, I can't quite remember. Just that I have to keep running. I'm not sure why, but something feels off about this place. But I am awfully tired. Maybe I'll just sit down for a bit. Rest my legs, rest my eyes... just, rest...

"Ma'am? Are you all right?" I'm awoken by the melodic sound of his voice. His deep blue eyes and brown hair await me as I open my eyes.
"Hmm? ...Oh, yes, I believe so, though I can't quite remember..."
"That's quite all right ma'am. Maybe you should come with me," I think for a moment. He could be dangerous. But he does seem quite nice.
"Yes, that sounds like a good idea," I'm not sure it is until I say it, but I feel convinced.
He helps me up off my resting spot on the floor. We walk, silently, down the hallway. I look up at him, and he smiles at me reassuringly.
"Whats your name?" I ask him.
"Asgard," He replies, still smiling. What a peculiar name. "Whats yours?"
I think. My name? "I... can't seem to remember..."
"Well, I'll certainly need to call you something," He says, and then it's his turn to think. "How about Evangaline?"
"A lovely name," I say as we reach the door he was guiding me towards. I smile upon reaching our destination. That smile fades quickly upon remembering that it was, indeed brown hair.

© 2016 Ember Smyth

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This is supposed to be bad right? Because it is. It's really, REALLY, bad. If it's not supposed to be bad... well, let's just say I feel really sorry for you. Just save yourself some embarrassment and quit before it's too late. Just take down all of your writing or close your account or SOMETHING.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 28, 2016
Last Updated on October 28, 2016


Ember Smyth
Ember Smyth

Oak Ridge, TN

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