Falling Down a Flight of Stairs

Falling Down a Flight of Stairs

A Poem by Lydia Jamison

I'm falling down a flight of stairs,
My bones are breaking,
No one cares.
The blood is rushing
Through my hair.
I'm falling down a flight of stairs.

Crashing, tumbling, falling down.
My landing didn't make a sound.
The noise was gone,
I think it drowned
While I was
Crashing, tumbling, falling down.

The pain, it didn't go away.
I woke up hurting
The next day.
I always knew that I would break.
The pain, it didn't go away.

I'd fallen down a flight of stairs.
You fixed my wounds
When no one else cared.
I never knew that you'd be there
When I was falling down the stairs.

© 2010 Lydia Jamison

My Review

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The agony is felt int he lines of this read...the way you tell us the reader of the pain and in the end how someone helped to relieve it...

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 5, 2010
Last Updated on May 5, 2010
Tags: falling, love, pain, sweet, stairway


Lydia Jamison
Lydia Jamison

Huntington Beach, CA

Just a teenage girl who loves music and literature. Nothing more to it. more..
