

A Poem by Lucas Grasha


None but toads can see me.

My shoes dirty,

and I dare not clean them in the river.

They say sound is caused by friction,

but not here.

Not where a yellow tree pines out from a canopy of green.

It dares.

Little pools dare to remain stagnant,

as the boulders that dot the flow dare to supplant assistance

to those who cross these rapids.

I came in search of marshes

and found planks between riverstones,

found a yellow tree in a family of green,

found mangrove climbing into the water,

found murk in the stagnant pools

and water cleaned by the rocks in the graceful rapids,

found out what colors were,

and found, for a moment, that I forgot my name and where I lived.

Roots grow everywhere,

the canopies are high,

and the river will take you farther downstream.

And the blackberries are damned superb.

© 2012 Lucas Grasha

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I like this poem. A very good story in this poem. Good to be invisible to all except the toads. I did like the ending. Blackberries are always a treat. Thank you for sharing the excellent poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Wow, the imagery is fantastic in this piece:)

Ashley Rivers--Dream BIG and you'll win BIG:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

A well writeen piece, it dances with imagery,

Posted 12 Years Ago

Amazing. Very descriptive and very entertaining. I love the title and the visual as well. My favorite line has to be "They say sound is caused by friction/but not here/Not where a yellow tree pines out from a canopy of green./It dares."

Posted 12 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on June 22, 2012
Last Updated on June 22, 2012
Tags: naturalistic, mire, bog, swamp, mangrove, metaphor


Lucas Grasha
Lucas Grasha

Pittsburgh, PA

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