

A Story by Daphnee

This is a story of a girl recovering from heartbreak and finding someone new.

    Don't you hate those situations where you know that if you get involved, you'll get hurt but you do so anyways? And why do we do it? I do hate that feeling! Or at least, I used to hate it. But I've learned not to hate things. I just don't care. You see, hating takes too much effort and time. Definitely not worth it on something or someone you sincerely don't like.Anyways, I realize going through those kind of situations is a learning experience! Everyone gets hurt, everyone goes through their own heartbreak and pain. But does that mean we should stop trying, stop putting the effort forth,and give up? I, personally, do not think so. And I will tell you why. Here is my story.
    Now I have had many heartbreaks in my life. When I was only ten, I gave my crush a cupcake! I spent hours trying to perfect this sign of love, this cupcake. Want to know what he did? He smiled that charming young smile at me and smashed it in my face! He then proceeded to tell me to never talk to him ever again. Now that may sound immature, childish, and small for me to get upset about but at that age, it broke my heart. When I turned fourteen, I wrote cute little love notes to my crush. He would often write back and I would smile ear-to-ear. I was so happy! But I think you know what direction I'm going here. He copied all of my notes and passed them around to every student eighth grade.Kids would make fun of me and harass me constantly for months. I was humiliated! Turned out he was leading me on and that broke my heart even more then the cupcake incident. So from hereon, you can probably guess the pattern of how my love life went. I got stood up on every date in High School, was physically and verbally abused in eighty percent of my boyfriends in college, and even my last boyfriend decided to break my heart by cheating on me with ALL of my friends. But that was a year ago and I don't hate him anymore; I just don't care.
    For a while, I gave up. Why couldn't I find love? Why did my heart have to constantly break? Why was happiness avoiding me? If I was always getting hurt, why did I bother to try in the first place? I asked myself these questions on a daily basis. But one day I met someone who gave me all the answers. Now it wasn't love at first sight and it wasn't the fairy tale love story. It started out as a beautiful friendship. A friendship so strong and so deep, that neither of us could deny the connection. I saw it coming too and I would even pick fights with him to save myself from future pain. But he stayed and was extremely patient. I realized I was in love with him one random late night. We both had to stay a couple of extra hours at the office, working on a special project. We were eating Chinese take-out, talking, and laughing until we couldn't breathe when we realized we weren't getting our work done. When we stopped laughing, he stared at me with his adoring green eyes and put down his food. I put down mine as well, not really sure what was about to happen. He slowly came up and embraced me in the best kiss I've ever had. The answer was right before me. I could not deny it any longer. I decided I didn't care if this man broke my heart, it would be worth it. Thats why I kept trying all those years and that's why you should too. You have to go through heart break and pain before you find the the right person who can heal you and love you the way you deserve to be loved. Maybe this doesn't make sense or maybe it does! I just know that if you give up, you will never get anywhere. You have to experience failure to know what success is. The feeling of finding the right person is sensational and so worth it. Those who hurt me set me on a course to the one I can call mine forever. Pain is essential to being human, as is falling in love. So, my friends, that is my answer to the question I asked in the beginning. It will all be worth it in the end.

© 2016 Daphnee

Author's Note

Its an extremely short story but I think it has a wonderful meaning :)

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It does and I can relate to it somehow since I've always been a fan of love, and you guessed right, hurt always accompanied me everytime. But great story there. Good reading.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on April 13, 2016




Hi! I am 20 and absolutely obsessed with reading and writing. Some of my favorite authors are Jane Austen, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Edgar Allan Poe, and Stephen King. I am open to critic.. more..

Why? Why?

A Poem by Daphnee