

A Poem by Dark Tower

Only For You.



If you only knew what you meant to me

You will never now just how far

I've fallen in love you

Wouldn't change a thing about you, you're perfect just the way you are

I see more beauty in everything you do

When I'm with you everything becomes hazy as in a dream

You are the very vision of all the good God can really do

It took angels years carve your face

God promised us a rainbow and he sent us you

If I could I would take your hand and fly us into the space

Because you belong among the stars

The sun only rises in the morning because it wants to see you

You have no idea just how special you are

When you smile it reminds me that dreams really do come true

When you laugh my heart skips a beat

When you sleep the whole world seems to freeze

The warmth of your breath chases away even the coldest breeze

If the whole world could look into your eyes I think we would finally achieve peace

If I was on my death bed

My last words to you

would be

I do

Bongani Armstrong Mhlangu

© 2012 Dark Tower

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Oh the beauty that is this poem my dear friend.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I love the ending, it cashes in on the whole feel of the poem. beautifu;

Posted 11 Years Ago

Life allowed to learn we should have been kinder and held on to the sweet woman in a life. I like the story in the poem and the strong ending. Wishes are all we have left sometimes. Thank you for sharing the excellent poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

a very heartfelt and touching poem. Whoever this was for, is a very lucky girl. You should show this one to her - she'll be flattered! :)
Awesome write.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dark Tower

11 Years Ago

Thank you Rhea. I'm not too sure she would, poetry doesn't really move her.

11 Years Ago

oh, but this is an amazing piece. thank you for sharing :)
The ending was very touching,
I very much like it

Posted 11 Years Ago

Dark Tower

11 Years Ago

Thank you. Its for a very special girl, who inspires me everyday.

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5 Reviews
Added on September 28, 2012
Last Updated on September 28, 2012


Dark Tower
Dark Tower

Durban, South Africa
