My Chariot of Death.

My Chariot of Death.

A Poem by Darkheart

The chariot of death is awaiting my arrival. Tis a small poem created by yours truly.

Here comes thy chariot of death, its color as black as the night.
The lurking horror of pain resides within its blood red windows.
Thy beloved chariot is shrouded within darkness, the haze of death.
Grasping the reigns is thy reaper, waiting for my bell to toll.
His beloved lord of death takes hold of his scythe.
As soon as my bell tolls, he awaits to take my soul into my chariot.
I have passed, my body slowly rots as my soul is taken from my cold and lifeless body.
Death has come, I condemn you.

-Done by Darksouls or Darkheart.

© 2013 Darkheart

Author's Note

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I like it. It's got a good rythem about it :) It's got kind of dark feel to it but I love That :) I myself love writing morbid work. And since I know you very well haha I know how much you like that kinda thing. Keep at it ^_^ Im so glad you came to writers cafe :) your work can only improve from here

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 4, 2013
Last Updated on August 4, 2013



Norwich, CT

I am dark and Gothic. However, in my free time I like to create small amounts of poetry or other things. I am pretty friendly and would not hesitate to give a bad review on a poem. Only if one is terr.. more..

Dark Love Dark Love

A Poem by Darkheart