Glorified Killer, or Hero?prt3

Glorified Killer, or Hero?prt3

A Story by David the writer

More background to the "hero" added


 He awoke in his bed. He looked around frantically, and breathing hard. He thought it was all just a dream. He got up to his feet, and walked to his central room. He turned on the news, and turned the sound up enough to hear it in his kitchen. As he made his food he overheard a news anchor talking. The anchor said "We have a gentleman here who claimed they saw a vampire slayer at the outskirts of town." He froze for a minute because then he knew his nightmare was reality, and that "gentleman " had taped him. The man came on screen, and said "I was on the outskirts of town last night, and saw a man slaughtering what looked like vampires." "You think a man was slaughtering vampires on the outskirts of town?" asked the anchor man gaining interest, "What did these vampires look like?" "They were hard to see." said the man,"They were jumping out of nowhere." "When I did see them they were pale. had long sharp finger nails, and sharp fangs." "Do you have any proof to support this?" asked the anchor man "Yes I have these photos." the man answered. He showed the photos to the camera. Narrating what happened in each photo. "In this one he sweep he pounced on this vampire stabbing his neck." "In this one the man was nearly infected, but he stabbed through it mouth." "And in this one he's on the ground nearly killed, but he stabbed the vampires." "Wow a man actually slaying vampires!" said the news anchor reflecting on his thoughts, "I don't know if this man is a hero, or just a killer on a battle high." "Well America, it's time for sports with your man Berry Williams." Our hero shocked ate the rest of his food thinking tensely. "Is he right am I still on a battle high?"  he asked himself, "Am I actually doing something good, something right?" "Am I just using mankind's safety as an excuse to kill?" He could have gone on for ages, but he decided to go to his usually gym. He usually exercises when he needs to settle something. He had a war raging inside of himself. So he trained tensely until it was almost sun set. He prepared himself as usual. This time he added a visor so people couldn't see his eyes. He preformed a form of meditation that allowed him to walk while he traveled to the outskirts of town. He searched down deep through all of his memories. Trying to uncover his mental obligation to kill vampires he only found more memories of his days as an infantry unit. So many of his fellow soldiers died, but he remained. He was there once again looking into death's eyes as he heard the hisses. "Your quite popular in our culture." said the vampire's in unison. "I don't know why, but I love killing me some vampires." Our hero responded "Yes, we can tell just by looking at our people's eyes." the vampire's commented in unison, "In our eyes we aren't doing anything wrong." "In our eyes we're just having our meal." "In my eyes you blood sucking monsters are killing my kind, and i'm the only one dumb enough to com here, and stop you." our hero responded as he drew his blades. All the vampires jumped from the shadows. The leader gave a hand signal for them to back away. He changed his stance as he hissed showing his extra sharp fangs. The vampire leaped at our hero, but our hero ducked. The vampire flipped landing safely on his feet. Our hero started having a flash back when he was an infantry unit. We was forced to hold off enemy forces with only a blade until backup arrived. His vision turned red. He let out a war cry. Then he brutally murdered all of the vampires. When he came back they were all in pieces, and he was bloody. He left for his home wondering if it was a good thing his flash back happened, or if it was a horrid, and uncontrollable event. Either way he was alive, and they were dead. What else did he need?   

© 2012 David the writer

Author's Note

David the writer
If you haven't read prt1, or prt2 go read them you need those to understand this one.

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I think the transition between episodes could be a bit better. Easy enough to follow but it feels very abrupt I guess, you may have accomplished what you wanted to and I just don't personally like the style. The fighting at the end of each section does seem superfluous and not to show or accomplish all that much. Perhaps set up episodes to either be around fighting or around his inner battle instead of trying to mix the two.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I think the transition between episodes could be a bit better. Easy enough to follow but it feels very abrupt I guess, you may have accomplished what you wanted to and I just don't personally like the style. The fighting at the end of each section does seem superfluous and not to show or accomplish all that much. Perhaps set up episodes to either be around fighting or around his inner battle instead of trying to mix the two.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

it kind of seems like the more he enjoys killing the further he is slipping from sanity. He's in a type of trance were he goes from thing to thing during the day without thinking about it and then having his main purpose at night when he's kiling vamps. i think you should add in some reactions while the new is going on but to me it seems like the further you get into the book the more detail that you get into.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 14, 2012
Last Updated on July 15, 2012


David the writer
David the writer


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