Glorified Killer, or Hero prt.6

Glorified Killer, or Hero prt.6

A Story by David the writer

I used a Italian word "Salvatore" that mean Savior also if u haven't read prt.5 u need to to understand this one


Our hero was still meditating. He started last night instead of sleeping. He gets more rest, and gets answers when he does. He was listening to music while he was meditating, but it changed to a talk show, and the topic was him.

 "So theirs a lot of different views on the vampire slayer guy." the talk show host said, "I believe he's a hero, but they're other people who would disagree with me." "I think that's unreal, insane, and untrue!" "He risks his life making sure we’re safe." "A man that cares that much about us is definitely a hero, and not just some dirty killer given excuse to kill!" "I know you got something to say, America." "Speak up now, and call 123-456-8790!" "A caller already!?" "He must have a strong opinion!" "Hello caller, you are on the air."

 "I'm Salvatore, the vampire slayer." our hero introduced himself

 "Unless you have proof you need to say what you got to say!" replied the show host

 "Trust me, you'll know i'm Salvatore." Salvatore commented, “I love the support, but I’m only a dark horror in a shell of a hero.”

 “Why do you call yourself a dark horror in a shell of a hero?” asked the show host, “When last time you spoke you said you were a hero.”

 “I;m just being a lot more realistic now.” answered Salvatore

 “Why do you think you’re so bad?” asked the show host

 “I kill living beings.” answered Salvatore, “Recently they haven’t been exactly human.” “In the past I killed innocents.” “I didn’t do it meaningfully, but it happened.” “Do you remember 8-11-2011?”

 “Yes I do, it was in the newspapers everywhere.” Answered the show host

 “I was the solider who missed the right building, and killed all of those innocent people.” Replied Salvatore, “I am responsible for all the dreadful misery of the family members, and loved ones.” “I’m the one who is responsible for all those innocent peoples death.”

 “You mean that solider, and the famous vampire slayer are the same people?” asked the show host

 “Yes, they are both, Salvatore the vampire slayer.” Answered Salvatore  

 “Well, Salvatore it looks as though we’ve ran out of time.” said the show host, “If you call tomorrow we could cover a bit more ground.”

 “Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed for me.” Replied Salvatore as he hung up

 “Why isn’t it guaranteed?” asked the show host, “Salvatore, are you still there?”

 Salvatore stood to his feet. He looked over to his laptop, and remembered. He needed to research legion. So he walked to his laptop.

 “Who’s legion?” Salvatore asked himself, “What were they doing there?”

 He searched who’s Legion. All he could find was a demon from the bible. He thought he may have stumbled upon something. He wasn’t sure though.

He was about to read a biography on Legion, but it was sun set. So he dipped his blades in garlic. He tied his boots. He tied his bandanna around his head, and put his visor on.

He was there breathing in death’s stench once more. All the memories flashed in his head as he looked around. The moon’s sadistic smile was always shining through his battles. He felt a crisp cold breeze hit him that felt like the cold wind that hit him before he left.

 “You have earned my respect, and interest, human.” Said a voice from the shadows near

 “You still never answered me!” shouted Salvatore

 “We are legion.” answered the voice the voice, “For we are many.”

 “How many are there of you?” asked Salvatore

 “There are many of us who roam.” Answered the voice, “Enough questions, human!”

 The vampire walked out from the shadows slowly. His eyes were red like the blood on his fangs. He hissed loudly. He stared at Salvatore hungrily. While we walked slowly during his loud hiss.

 When the vampire got close enough to claw at Salvatore the vampire crouched, and held his claws in a x. Salvatore crouched, and positioned his blades in a x too. Salvatore let out a loud battle cry as he dashed towards the vampire. The vampire leaped in the as Salvatore was close enough to slice him.

 The vampire landed on Salvatore. The vampires sharp blades on the back of his boots slammed Salvatores back. Salvatore fell to the ground as he grunted loudly. The vampire jumped of Salvatores back, and picked Salvatore up. The vampire moved Salvatores neck near his mouth.

 The vampire laughed as he moved his fangs closer to Salvatores neck. Salvatore stabbed the vampires eye. The vampire hissed loudly as he dropped Salvatore. Salvatore barely picked himself back up.

 “That all you got, vampire?” asked Salvatore as he wiped the blood off of his neck that dripped off of the vampires fangs

 The vampire lunged at Salvatore. Salvatore roundhouse kicked the vampire while it was in mid-air. The vampire crashed into the ground. Salvatore loomed over the vampire. Before he slid the vampires neck the vampire grabbed Salvatores legs, and flipped Salvatore into the ground.

 The vampire picked up Salvatores head, and smashed it into the ground repeatedly until Salvatore put his hands on the ground. Salvatore rolled onto his stomach, and stabbed the vampires arm. The vampire clawed his face with his other hand. Salvatore kicked the vampire off of himself.

 Salvatore leaped to his feet, and looked around. He couldn’t find the vampire. He felt a cold breeze hit his face as he heard a sharp hiss. He looked up, and saw it was morning.     

© 2012 David the writer

Author's Note

David the writer
Translation Salvatore- Savior

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the name Salvatore is a good name but you over using it in the text. You put Salvatore in almost every sentence towad the end. try puting in he, him, Our hero even. Just don't overuse the name like that it makes the flow of the writing all jacked up and when you have people talking i can't tell if its several people or just one like: "So theirs a lot of different views on the vampire slayer guy." the talk show host said, "I believe he's a hero, but they're other people who would disagree with me." "I think that's unreal, insane, and untrue!" "He risks his life making sure we’re safe." "A man that cares that much about us is definitely a hero, and not just some dirty killer given excuse to kill!" "I know you got something to say, America." "Speak up now, and call 123-456-8790!" "A caller already!?" "He must have a strong opinion!" "Hello caller, you are on the air."... there are so many "" that i just can't tell what is what. if a person is talking just put it and the beginning of what they say and at the end... like: "So theirs a lot of different views on the vampire slayer guy." the talk show host said, "I believe he's a hero, but they're other people who would disagree with me.I think that's unreal, insane, and untrue! He risks his life making sure we’re safe. A man that cares that much about us is definitely a hero, and not just some dirty killer given excuse to kill! I know you got something to say, America. Speak up now, and call 123-456-8790! A caller already!? He must have a strong opinion! Hello caller, you are on the air."

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 17, 2012
Last Updated on July 18, 2012


David the writer
David the writer


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