The Listening Tree

The Listening Tree

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

There once was a time I would wander the bush

And camp in the woods every night,

Watching the birds and the wildlife there

Was the thing that would give me delight.

I’d walk it with Jill or I’d go it alone,

It made little difference to me,

But out in the depths of the forest I found

A very unusual tree!


It wasn’t a gum or a stringy bark,

A cedar, an ash or a beech,

None of the common varieties

And neither a plum nor a peach,

The leaves were like arrows of silvery grey

Aligned, with each face to the sun,

And every so often they’d chatter, it seemed

Like the rapid rat-tat from a gun.


I’d never seen anything like it before

So I stopped, and I walked it around,

The pods full of seeds were still ripening there,

And fell, spilling seeds on the ground.

Then birds would come, feed in a frenzy and fly

Their bellies swelled out with the seed,

I wondered if nature had chosen this way

To propagate more of these trees?


I gathered some up and I took them on home,

And planted some back on the block,

I marked with a stake and I covered with loam,

Sat back to see how long it took.

I couldn’t believe it, the following day

They had sprouted up more than a yard,

A week, they had towered right over my head

And I felt I should be on my guard!


There’s something not right with a species that grows

From a seed to a tree in a week,

When Jill came around and she saw what I’d found

She just stood there, unable to speak.

The silver leaves chattered each time she approached

With a menace I’d not heard before,

A leaf seemed to fly at her, cutting her cheek,

And she wiped the blood off, and she swore!


‘There’s something rank evil in that silver tree,

Can’t you see how it’s twisting around,

Those leaves are like arrows, and sharp as can be,

You should yank the thing out of the ground.’

The leaves started chattering madly at that,

And something was chattering back,

Another tree, just like the one I had grown,

Had sprouted, along on the track.


I called a Professor Biologist in,

Professor John Ward, M.Sc.

He wandered around it and furrowed his brow,

‘It’s nothing like I’ve ever seen!’

The leaves started chattering, soon as he spoke,

Then fired off a host of its leaves,

They struck the Professor, bringing him down,

Unable to get off his knees.


We called in the firemen, called in the police,

They burnt that young tree to the ground,

But then in the air was a chattering, chattering,

Louder and louder, that sound!

And suddenly, every direction we looked

There were trees with those silvery leaves,

Surrounding our houses and lining our streets

Like a plague, or some dreadful disease.


We hide in our houses and whisper our needs,

For trees have grown up by each door,

A shower of arrows are loosed when we speak

So we crawl on our knees, on the floor,

They say that the army is coming to town

With bazookas, flamethrowers and such,

But while all these trees are listening, listening,

Better we don’t say too much!


We put on the radio, turn it down low

And we listen to news on the hour,

All that they talk of are alien trees

That came down with a meteorite shower.

They’re radioactive, and that’s why they grow,

So quickly, and glow in the night,

I should have known better, but who could foresee

There were trees that could listen, and fight?


David Lewis Paget

© 2017 David Lewis Paget

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The flow has always makes me so happy. The tree reminds me i am small, that we reap what we sow, that our truth is not the only truth. Maybe it is the tree of knowledge we are afraid of, reality can hurt us like a slap from a branch sometimes. Love it, love it, love it.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


amazing! It's like reading a prologue of a story! I find it very interesting! It really made me imagine how the tree was like. Cool! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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reminded me of the big tree I always saw as the tree of life.It resides a few streets over and towers over my neighborhood Yet I feel kind of insignificant at its base and wonder how many have gazed at it and wondered the same

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I have heard stories that are similar to this. I first thought you might be taking about gossip... Killing thing that it is. I like it as a Sci-fi as well I think, or just about. Ever the philosopher.
Who could have known indeed.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I just love the flow of this one! The subject was shivery... ;)
Thanks again for another wonderful story, sir!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hello David,

Devilishly interesting.



Posted 11 Years Ago

Love the creativity of this one - you have such a wonderful imagination. Thanks for sharing

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Interesting story ... and a bit scary ... my favorite kinda story!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Fantastic tale..I agree with quinfinn...this would make a fabulous movie or t.v. show..You are awesome Kathie

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

There is something mystical about the cadence or rhythm in all of your pieces which grabs my attention and compels me to read each one aloud. I found this piece to be especially gripping, and I felt like I was transported to another place in time with the story line. Your pieces always seem bring out the imaginative kid in me; I am a voracious reader and I can read your works all day. I am almost afraid to ask...It is the editor in me... did you mean to have the word "in" in the lines...?
"I called a Professor Biologist in, Professor John Ward, M.Sc." Such a tiny thing...

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Odd how some things work out, isn't it? Less than 24 hours ago, I was reading of the Whisperng Willow, so named because its pointed, silvery leaves chattered against one another any time a breeze blew!
Here is another example of the opposed to the vindictive...Paget. Your penchant for interjecting the odd into the mundane in quite beyond description. Keep it up, my friend, and I will hopelessly persist in trying to find new phrases to praise you with!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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24 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 2, 2013
Last Updated on April 2, 2017
Tags: arrows, pods, species, meteorite


David Lewis Paget
David Lewis Paget

Moonta, South Australia, Australia



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