

A Poem by DecentlyOkayWriter

people need an out-of-order sign

sometimes I wonder
 if people need an out-of-order sign
just like a broken vending machine
because they can't give you anything
it's not their fault they're broken inside
whether it's from misuse or overworked
they can't work until a special person or thing
fixes them from the inside, makes their ears ring
or maybe someone will bring them to the junkyard
when they believe that the best thing to do is discard
but someone will save them there, wipe their tears and wash their hair
they'll draw stars on that out-of-order sign, say it's temporary, they'll be fine 
and when they're ready, they'll help take it off, ready for the adventures that this person will bring
when the person is no longer the equivalent of a broken vending machine

© 2024 DecentlyOkayWriter

Author's Note

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WOW, this really makes one think. At times I wonder about some people.
Enjoyable read.

Posted 3 Months Ago

I love this sm :3 it kinda makes me feel like last year when I didn't have any friends but then I met you and Tyler (except you drew a jellyfish on my sign and Tyler drew a Weiner)

Posted 3 Months Ago

This really moved me. I've been that person, sometimes still am, and certainly know many others that just need to be cut some slack or need an ear, a hug, whatever. Just some understanding. A very thoughtful write. 👏

Posted 3 Months Ago


3 Months Ago

Thank you! May you have a nice rest of your night.. or day!

3 Months Ago

And I wish the same for you.

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on April 2, 2024
Last Updated on April 2, 2024



Khaznot Quay

A insignificant dot in the sea of writers, forever up a creek without a paddle. . . . . I'm a little off and on lately. I'll respond to read requests within a week, though. I try to post at least t.. more..
