You stole my heart from cupid

You stole my heart from cupid

A Poem by D S Rollins

The title speaks for itself, did this on my creative writing course.


You stole my heart from cupid

The presents you gave me always kept me grinning.

We danced until our feet became numb; this was only the beginning.

Our first night together comes to me in memories so lucid"

I knew you were the one.

On our first date; staring into each other's eyes,

the thumping muscles and the long goodbyes-

We used to always have fun.


Look at us now"you're never here and our room echoes with cries.

You're having an affair.

Our love-making is full of lust and lies.

You don't call, you don't kiss, you can't even look at me"this is a must

Your eyes are dead inside; do you even care?

This is the end of us.

© 2011 D S Rollins

Author's Note

D S Rollins
Any comments are welcome. Constructive, please.

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Added on January 5, 2011
Last Updated on January 6, 2011
Tags: love, relationships, cupid, heart


D S Rollins
D S Rollins

London, United Kingdom

I am a writer. My heart and soul are in the words I write down. I've had this issue where I can never express myself fully in words, I write to express what my mouth cannot. It's freedom. I l.. more..

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A Poem by D S Rollins