Dear Casey Jones is Crazy

Dear Casey Jones is Crazy

A Poem by Dennis Shanaberg

There's a bullet train
Inside by my brain
That has so quickly gone off the rails.
The cars did break
And the ground did shake,
And debris fell like metallic hail.

Twas rushing to destinations
At great break neck speeds
Ironically, such injuries I gained
As to my death I did careen.

Freefalls begin as a falter.
A shaky wheel,
A loose track.
Mistakes that can never be taken back.

The moments before,
so fast, such potential.
But here is the infinite.
Eternity to think of the times before I fell.

The ground nears.
Death nears.
An instant away.
A lifetime away.
I could stay here forever.
I fear I'll be here the rest of my life.

© 2016 Dennis Shanaberg

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The below lines are true and real logic.
"Freefalls begin as a falter.
A shaky wheel,
A loose track.
Mistakes that can never be taken back."
Made mistakes cannot be repaired and forgiveness take time. Thank you Dennis for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 1, 2016
Last Updated on October 27, 2016


Dennis Shanaberg
Dennis Shanaberg

Mentor, OH

About my Life… It’s a preface far too long For anyone to read. It’s growing longer everyday. Filled with love and laughter, life and greed. more..
