I Am Not a Poet

I Am Not a Poet

A Poem by Dess Artem

The title explains it concisely. Written in March 2009 for a high school creative writing class.


I’m sure writing poems is a breeze

For any with features to please

Dear minds with flowing dialect

And absolutely love to dissect

Pretty words in pretty lines

Written by sure pen and mind

Until their wits shall come to find

The magic of the words, in time

Lest one decides it’s dull and dry

 For some reason of flow or rhyme

Meaning, thought, depth, a crime

Which causes masters pain divine

And leaves novice pining to their Muse

Asking, begging for inspiration or ruse

To assist them in their untimely failure

and give them one of the greatest treasures:

A piece so great, so captured glory

It’s sure to grow to be grand history!

But that is the dream of poets true

It is not for those of a different hue

So I leave you with this single piece

Which gives my view of another race

Connected to yet different than mine

For a novelist am I, you’ll come to find

But for now I wish the poets well

And respectfully decline to be one myself

© 2011 Dess Artem

Author's Note

Dess Artem
This isn't meant to be reviewed, really. It's just a bit of humor I decided to put here for fun, and partly to show off in an odd way, since I really don't write poetry. I know a lot of the lines don't quite flow right and some aren't quite clear, but again, this is pretty much just for fun.

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Added on February 11, 2011
Last Updated on February 12, 2011
Tags: Poem Poet


Dess Artem
Dess Artem

Worcester, MA

I'm 19 years old and I've been playing around with many artforms since I was born, pretty much. My favorites are writing stories, digital painting, traditional painting (I've done quite a bit of wate.. more..
