Tales of Old - "Spilling the Beans"

Tales of Old - "Spilling the Beans"

A Poem by Diane Lockard

Wild West, Granny was a desperado in tales of old...


Granny was a snoop who "spilled the beans:"

Faces hidden, Granny, a desperado, big heist of gold

Joined an outlaw gang, says the tales of old

Shots from both sides ricochet, shouts rang

Panic ensued, "Get to the baggage car," splitting up the gang

Throwing a loop, jumping on the car, Virginia City bound.

Click, clack, the iron wheels of the train sound

No control, horse crowds his neighbor " a fiasco

Pinkerton men on board, just in from El Paso

Return fire, the pride of the rails without a scratch

Bodies fall; dressed in black, they met their match

Telegram " "Come to Dry Gulch in your travels."

With dour face, Hanging Judge bangs the gavel

Playback of crime, eye witnesses conferred

Twelfth man, jury of peers, guilty verdict for all but one, heard

Now, her tale is told, Granny drops seeds of cress for salad greens

Remembering the day she "spilled the beans…."

© 2016 Diane Lockard

Author's Note

Diane Lockard
The poem requires that the ten words underlined are featured in poem...

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I felt like reading a really American wild west story, it evolves with ease, nice rhythm, it's funny, a feel good poem, thank you. Good job on using these underlines words, I couldn't write from scratch. I kinda need to experience the words.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Awesome story telling, Diane...the selected words creating a perfect fit!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Diane Lockard

7 Years Ago

Thank you, I had a fun time writing it and am glad you enjoyed reading the poem.
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2 Reviews
Added on July 4, 2016
Last Updated on October 13, 2016
Tags: Wild Wesi, desperado, tales of old, poetry


Diane Lockard
Diane Lockard

Moroni, UT

Thank you, friends, for exchanging stories and poems, plus reviewing my writing. Memories of growing up in Montana - My Mother's Hands, On the Road Again about family reunions, Discover Life's Treasur.. more..
