World of EGO!

World of EGO!

A Poem by Viktor

People walked by as she lay on the pavement
With pretentious pity and imaginary wonderment
Although they pretended to really feel sorry
No one did anything, they just didn’t worry
Or even ask themselves what’d taken place
Why a young girl lay there with bruises in her face
The terrifying thing is that they didn’t care
They didn’t want to because hey didn’t bare
The burden of another’s pain
Or perhaps they worried more about the rain
So they left her lying, all alone
All by herself at the cold stone
With her bruises and her bloody nose
And no one knew that it was what she chose
She’d jumped by will, plain sick of the world
And it felt right when down she swirled
And the people’s reaction just proved her right:
They cared only for themselves and for no one in sight

She lies by herself in a world of EGO
Where no one cares
Even to move her body
Her corpse lies alone, cold in the rain
As the people continues their lives, giving the incident no though at all
They continue living

© 2009 Viktor

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Oh my goodness! This is amazing! And I don't say that about most things. It's special. This is exactly what I think about people and the world. No one cares anymore, or are too afraid to reach out. It reminds me of the good Samaritan story. Great work =]

Posted 15 Years Ago

I like the message of this piece of writing. Many time we (including myself) turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the pain of other people. One thing we have to realize is that we are all apart of humanity; that is the essence that connects us all. Thank you for writing AND posting such a thought-provoking poem. Kudos

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
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Added on April 15, 2009



Göteborg, Sweden

Viktor, 20 year old boy/man from Sweden. more..

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