Poem: To Tell The Truth?

Poem: To Tell The Truth?

A Poem by Dave "Doc" Rogers

To Tell The Truth?
By Dave Doc Rogers

What if I told the truth?
Would you think less of me?
Others have. "You're uncouth!"
Actually, references to anatomy.

But what if I told the truth?
Would it really matter?
But I have spoken the truth.
Their words did not flatter.

You see, I can see, plain as day,
The things they say are truth are lies.
But, delusion is delusion, come what may.
Another injured party, their truth plies.

"Quid est veritas," The Roman would say.
Denial of what is makes one wise.
Prepondering words affluently flay
Any naysayer whose variation tries.

Paralysis of analysis afflicts the brain.
By wise words and false counsel deem
That mysteries unsolved, devious refrain,
Are true even though false theora gleam.

Drowning men drown in deserts plain
Looking for answers where they are not.
Answers scribed upon stone twice again
Simply give notice of truth where forgot.

Truth for lies, a thief's art in loss.
To gain a mystery, truth for trade.
Once liberated, the shiny now dross.
Once liberated, no recuperance made.

So vile a thing I cannot touch,
The deceptive cloak of one so covered.
Greased with half truths and such
Slimed with virulence discovered.

So what do I say now to tickle your ear?
What is it about truth you deathly fear?
Is it confrontation to your lies?
Is there a deeper reason buried in disguise?

Why do you fear the truth so?
Is it change you must make, to know?
Is it decision, your truth once trusted?
Upon reality discovered now busted?

© 2009 Dave "Doc" Rogers

Author's Note

Dave "Doc" Rogers
If you get this far, I'm impressed.
lol ... I do not think this will be reviewed much at all upon my second read. lol...

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Featured Review

Entonces, impressed you are.
Perhaps you could compress it a bit.
But it holds a grave concept that I wouldn't want to underestimate.....
...Drowning men drown in deserts plain, looking for answers where they are not....

Provocative this, in a most intellectual presentation.
You Dr's. Always amaze me....

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Once, in one of my less than profound moments, I buried an Ace of Spades in the dirt around James Dean's grave...on it I wrote "Death is the only absolute truth." Certainly not a saying originated by me, but quite true in many ways. I have found the truth to have the same effect as a lie. I discovered this while panhandling. I got far more money telling people I needed a fix, than I'm trying to get bus fare to visit my sick grandmother. Interesting thoughts. Rain..

Posted 15 Years Ago

To tell you the God's honest TRUTH, Doc....You totally lost me. There was a lot to sift through and it would take a dictionary and some time... :-) Thanks for the read, though. You are an extremely intelligent man and it shows in everything you write...

I do remember talking to my kids at one time about absolute truth and relevant truth. We stand on the absolute truth side of things, but much of the world prefers relevant truth: What is true to them at the time for their particular situation.

As you often say: Cheers! carole

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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12 Reviews
Added on January 7, 2009
Last Updated on January 7, 2009


Dave "Doc" Rogers
Dave "Doc" Rogers

Montgomery, AL

Artist • Author • Poet • Preacher I am a thinker, ponderer, assayer of thoughts. I have had a penchant for writing since childhood. I prefer "Doc" as an hommage to my grandfather Rob.. more..
