Lonely Penny

Lonely Penny

A Story by Some Random Person.

Carma is a wonderful thing.

I'm a penny on the ground. People see me and walk over me. They stomp, pound, and drive over me. I'm gold on the outside, but red on the inside. 
Guess what? My name's Penelope, and this is my story. 
In Elementary school, I was the quietest person in the class. Often, I was ignored, forgotten. I was the kid who was nerdy with no glasses and no ponytail. 
In High School, I was the kid who everyone teased. This time, I was still nerdy, but I had bottlecap glasses and braces. I had tails and I had a brain. The beat me then. 
Stomping on to College: Cheerleaders always saw me and stomped, hit, pounded, walked, on and all over me. I have scars to prove it. My leg even had to be cut off because one of them drove over me. 
Now, you ask? Now, I'm a cop that catches them in criminal acts and throughs them in jail. Being a cheerleader makes you even more suseptible to be in the cell than those nerdy people who were exactly like me. 
And guess what? I love my job.
"Stand over there." I say everytime I walk past the head cheerleader in my old college days. I laugh remembering that she had ran over me. Now, it's my turn.

© 2011 Some Random Person.

Author's Note

Some Random Person.
Another idea that came randomly at me... How'd you like it?

My Review

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I really enjoyed this one--I can empathize with it really well, and relate to it. I especially liked how the term "penny" was used as an allegory for a forgotten coin, stepped on and scorned, and how it turned out to be someone's name, and how the double meaning was created in that way; that part was clever.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 11, 2011
Last Updated on September 11, 2011


Some Random Person.
Some Random Person.

Ravenclaw House, The Library, Messaline, Midnight, colonizing the New Earth, TX

So if all of ya'll will help me pay for college, that'd be great... http://www.gofundme.com/jhx73o For all you Doctor Who obsessing people... Don't say I hate you. But I do hate those Dale.. more..
