ABC's: Erica's Halloween Special

ABC's: Erica's Halloween Special

A Poem by EDRC

This poem was written by: Erica.

A is for Apocalypse brought unto you by me
B is for Brutality that fills my soul with glee
C is for the Carnage and the joy of being cruel
D is for the Death of those opposing my perpetual rule
E is for Empress, that which I shall be
F is for the Failure of the Earth's democracy
G is fo rthe Gore I bring
H is for the Hell on Earth
I is for the Insanity that makes my black heart sing
J is for the worlds Justice that is of dearth
K is for endless killing
L is for Lovely Lies that are thrilling
M is for Murder and bloodshed
N is for Nuke the world (in bed ;P)
O is for Obliteration
P is for Perpetual damnation
Q is for a quiet rest
R is for evil's Reincarnation
S is for Solomn graveyard beasts
T is for Torture Nation
U is for the Under World
V is for the Vergin's death unfurled
W is for the Weed's of demons
X is for the world's Extinction's
Y is for the Yells of rebels
Z is for the Zap of pebbles
     Flaming Pebbles that rain down on you
        By midnight you'll be through
             Happy Halloween.

© 2010 EDRC

Author's Note

This is a strange and spooky poem by Erica. We were going to enter it in a contest on Booksie for the 'Creepy Alphabet Challenge'...but we didn't finish it in time.

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Added on September 24, 2010
Last Updated on September 24, 2010




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A Poem by EDRC