This isn't me

This isn't me

A Poem by Lex Shamlin

I wrote this when I had a very bad week. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.


I look at the pictures of a girl,

who was all smiles,

who was always sarcastic,

who could hide her pain.

But when I look at the girl in the mirror.

All I see is,

a girl who isn't herself,

a girl who is always on the verge of tears,

who smiles to make her friends happy,

a girl who cuts,

so she can feel the pain,

that she’s hidden for way to long.

Everyday is another battle

Telling everybody that she is ‘okay’.

Trying to hide the scars that cover her wrists.

She thinks about him,

and how he got out.

And if that would just be easier for everyone.

But something pulls her back to reality,

back to the life she hides from.

She just wants to be herself.

She doesn't want to worry about the consequences.

She doesn't want to run away.

She just wants one day,

where she doesn't have too say,

"This isn't me"

© 2012 Lex Shamlin

My Review

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very good, it's not the best i've read,but still very good job, i can relate to it ( :

Posted 12 Years Ago

"She just one day,
where she doesn't have to say,
'This isn't me'"

I think that first line may be a typo? And check your "to." :)
I like this, because I can relate, and it's raw.
raw=my favorite kind.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 27, 2012
Last Updated on January 27, 2012
Previous Versions