Liebe Technik

Liebe Technik

A Poem by L'Enfant Terrible

Where is it? Where is the night?
-Is hidden beneath gentleness-

Bless the poor and whip the bourgeois
Starve the businessclass and redeem pariahs.

-I like this weather, it combines with your eyes-

Touch, crush, lick and suck all the wealth you are now in charge of, Mr(s) president aka hideous pig top (wo)man.

-Tell me stories of who have you been, what have you done, where and how. Did you enjoy it? Why?-

The Stand der Technik of these intellectuals makes me cry, so frivolous I'd choke you with my caviar before flying to France.

-Smile you look prettier, if such thing can happen. Tell me something in that language of the north you speak since birth-

Take it, loathe it, kill it, on my knees born of faith I'll fight with you and make sure we win, cos they're thirsty in a way you never had been, bye bye Mr. shine with the flame in your Absolut.

-Come and let's make sweet love, after all is only midnight-

© 2012 L'Enfant Terrible

Author's Note

L'Enfant Terrible
Everything about this is preposterous.

My Review

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to me, your words present of powerful and artist look at wealth and power,
and how greed effects society as a whole, at the same time, the bigger
picture is indivisuality, the more one discovers about the world, the more
one will learn about themself, abstract, dynamic and original, loved it :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 6, 2012
Last Updated on April 6, 2012
Tags: love, anger, class, fight, socialism, bourgeois, romance, bittersweet, politic, emotional, poetry


L'Enfant Terrible
L'Enfant Terrible

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