

A Poem by Lauren Wicker

A poem for Luke.




“I would never try it,” you say

sweeping a hand across your sweaty forehead.

A cigarette dangles from the tips

of your yellowed fingers as a stream of smoke

drifts towards the dry Austin sun.

You’re hot and bothered,

anxious to step out from the blinding spotlights

that surround this godforsaken city--

the unbending bars of your own personal prison.

I watch the blue sky tremble and shake

under the weight of your battered conscience  

as the air screams surrenders

to the staggering Texas heat.

And I believe you.

© 2010 Lauren Wicker

Author's Note

Lauren Wicker
Inspired by Ted Kooser-type stuff.

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Nice write Lauren. Great scene painting. :-)

Posted 14 Years Ago

this is a very intense and interesting poem. I like it! good job!

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is really good Lauren, you use your adjectives well! I particularly like "yellowed fingers"

Seriously though, awesome work, I didn't start writing poetry this well until I was 20 or so.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010
Tags: heroin, addiction, friendship, leaving, concern


Lauren Wicker
Lauren Wicker

Austin, TX

"I’m a tenor in the choir but I sing a different song Of how the wheres and whys of now all prove I don’t belong But I’m staying I've planted seeds and plan to watch them grow I'.. more..

Sid Sid

A Poem by Lauren Wicker