The Whisperer

The Whisperer

A Story by Elly


Chapter One:

The rain poured down, covering the sleeping city in a grey smog. A sable brown haired, grey eyed young woman walked down the street, ignoring the fact she was absolutely soaked through to her skin. Her black converse were filled with rain water. Beside her, walked a brown and black German Shepered with honey coloured eyes Only a few people were out on this rainy night at one o'clock in the morning. When they passed her, they stopped and watch her walk by, finding her extraordinarily lovely, without an umbrella to cover her and the faithful dog walking with no lead to guide him. When the two companions reached a street corner, she paused and looked up. She sighed, eyes closed as she let the rain fall onto her fair face. She started to laugh. The dog sat at her feet, looking up at her.

"What is it?" He asked. She didn't answer at first. "Eve?"

She knelt in front of him, smiling.

"Sparrow," she said in an English accent. "It's been nearly four months since we've been home and, look where we are! Almost there!"

Sparrow smiled at her excitement. He leaned back on his hind legs, placing his frong paws on her shoulders. For a moment, he stared into her grey eyes with his honey ones then, licked her face before letting out a joyous bark. Unbeknownst to them, there a was a figure sitting on a roof straight above them in the shadows that watched them as they walked away. The figure quickly stood up and leaped onto the concrete. Landing, he began to run after them.

"Wait!" A masculine voice yelled.

Evelyn turned around, her wet hair swinging across her face. The young man sprinted towards her, stopping only inces away. He bent over trying to catch his breath, his light brown hair covering his dark green eyes. Evelyn waited patiently, allowing him to compose himself. After a few minutes, the rain continuing to fall onto the trio, she glanced at Sparrow before clearing her throat.

"Um, excuse me.." She started. "Was there something you wanted?"

The man stood up, still a bit breathless.

"Were you just,"he panted. "Talking to the dog?" He gestured to Sparrow.

She and Sparrow exchanged a look.

"Were you-?"
"I know what you said." Evelyn interrupted.
"Eve, we can't hide it from him now.. He saw.." Sparrow said. He then stepped forward. "My name is Sparrow." He introduced. "And, this is my .. er, Companion, Evelyn."

Evelyn silently thanked him for not giving her a last name. She held out a hand.

"Nice to meet you.." She trailed off.
"Will. Will Howe."
She continued, "Mr. Howe. I guess you should follow me."

A mischievious look suddenly glimmered in her eye.

"That is, if you can keep up!" With that, she dashed away.

Sparrow kept up with her easily. Behind them, Will started to give chase. Soon, he found that he could not keep up. To his right, he found a bicycle.

"He's on a bike." Sparrow reported.
"Hmm, guess Humans aren't used to running so fast."

Sensing that they had something up their sleeves, Will dropped the bike and leaped up on to the roofs. Evelyn saw him out of the corner of her and without stoping, she checked herself and jumped, her body slightly angled, on to a roof ahead of him. She landed in a crouched position, her hair hanging in her face. She stood up to see him running to catch up. Then, unexpectedly, he leaped over her.

"Tired yet?" He asked, still running.
"You wish." She muttered and began running again, catching up to him in a matter of minutes.

Sparrow ran beside her. His ears suddenly went flat, a low growl in his throat.

"They're here." He said in a low voice. "We have to be careful.. You know how much they wish you dead..."

Evelyn stayed silent, still running, her eyes scanning the horizon for any sudden movement.

(**Edit- here's more. .. Oh, and this is my second time writing this portion.. Some how I just lost what I wrote.. x.x grr. Anyways..)

She knew of who Sparrow was talking about. They were Creatures called Klaine. Horrid looking Creatures that one could not describe. Evelyn aslo knew exactly what her Companion was reffering to. The Klaine Clan had always despised the Whisperers for as long as she could remember. The Klaine had always found it ludicrous that this group of humans thought themselves to be connected to the animals. They found it offensive that they believed they could understand any Creature. However, their leader, Ta'blaeyn, had an entirely different basis for hating them. He hated Commander Corey Lisle, the leader of the Whisperers and the most honoured and unrivaled Hunter in the Clan. For over one hundred years, Ta'blaeyn had attempted to destroy Lisle. So far, he had been repeatedly unsuccessful. The great Commander had always nearly beaten him or had managed to escape.

Then, nineteen years ago, he had had a daughter, Evelyn, who people said would eventually surpass him as a Hunter and a Whisperer and woud become the next leader out of his three children. Now that she was old enough,Ta'blaeyn also despised her and wanted her dead with a passion. He knew she was powerful and, in time and given the chance, could eventually destroy him.
His reasons for hating her were much different that his reasons for hating her father. She was twice as powerful as her father was, and twice the Whisperer. But, also, he hated her for being so beautiful and so talented at the same time. Ta’blaeyn knew it was a petty reason but, for some reason it angered him. It infuriated him that a girl, a lovely one at that, could beat him. However, he knew she had a weakness. A weakness, if played with correctly, would kill her.

Will looked back at the duo and was shocked at what he saw. Sparrow had his ears flattened against his skull, his long sharp canine teeth bared. Beside him, Will was astonished to see Evelyn with a small dagger in her hand, her mouth firm and her grey eyes now cold and wary. The bag she always carried thumped rhythmically against her thigh. She looked like a hunter. But, a hunter he had never seen before. He couldn’t believe the simple, yet deadly transformation of character. Suddenly, he heard the whistling of a flying arrow. He yelped as it land just inches away from him. He stopped abruptly, hoping Evelyn would as well. Instead, however, she Jumped over him and landed, stock still, her body stiff. Sparrow crouched, a low growl emitting from his throat.

“Stay behind me.” She muttered under her breath. “And, don’t move a muscle.”

Will said nothing but, did as told. Sparrow continued to growl threateningly. A second arrow flew through the air. Evelyn dodged it, slicing it with the dagger and it fell to the ground. Will watched her, grimly amazed at her agility. A third arrow headed her way. She readied herself. She moved. Somehow, the arrow followed her and embedded itself into her abdomen. She gasped in painful surprise as a Klaine jumped from a near-by tree. It grinned a terrible grin, its jagged teeth bared. Sparrow leaped in front of Evelyn, growling loudly to protect her. The lone Klaine hissed and retreated. The minute it disappeared, Sparrow turned to his Companion.

“Evie?” he whined with worry.

She had fallen to her knees, the arrow between her arms. He scanned her over. His honey eyes saw the small pool of blood under her.

“We.. have to.. move..” she gasped, trying to stand.

She managed to stay on her feet for a total of ten seconds before collapsing in a pile. Will hurried over to her.

“Evelyn?” He asked. He couldn’t believe what was happening. First he had seen her talking to the dog now, she was fighting for her life. He was at a loss for what to do.

Chapter Two:

The rain was still pouring down, huge drops of water soaking them. Sparrow and Will were trying to keep Evelyn conscious through her pain. Overhead, thunder roared dangerously. Will kept lightly tapping her pale face, getting her to stay somewhat awake so he could ask questions. It wasn’t doing much. She was losing strength and energy too quickly. Grimacing, Will did the only thing he could. He snapped the arrow so it would be shorter and easier to deal with when the time came. While he did that, Evelyn’s grey eyes flew open as she cried out in pain. Beside the two, Sparrow pranced anxiously, looking up at the sky. He knew he had to get her back to the Mansion. Who knew when more Klaine would return? Besides, once at the Mansion, she could get the proper help she needed. Sparrow doubted that Will could do anything.

His anxiety finally getting to him, Sparrow said, “We need to go. We have to get her home. It’s her only chance to survive.” His honey coloured eyes were filled with a pain and worry that hadn’t been there in a long time. If one were to look deep into his eyes, they would see that he had been through something like this before. And, it was clearly something he wished with all his heart would never happen again.

Of course, it was happening again and there was no way he could stop it from doing so. He nudged Will’s thigh with his nose to let him know that he was serious about going right away. Will understood and carefully picked the girl up in his arms, trying to ignore the pained groans coming from her mouth. He started walking, and then stopped.

“If I run,” he began. “It’ll hurt her.”

Sparrow’s ears flattened again, this time in uncertainty. He didn’t want Evelyn to be in even more pain but, time was of the essence. He made his choice, mentally asking her to forgive him.

“Just run, “he replied. “We’ve no choice.”

Will ran; with Sparrow on his heels. They ran through the rain. When the rooftops ended, they jumped to the street. Will’s eyes were blurred by the continual rain, his hair plastered against the sides of his face. If he had stopped and thought about it, he would’ve found himself to be very uncomfortable. But, he didn’t stop. He didn’t have time. In his arms, Evelyn was fading fast. As minutes turned into hours, he could barely feel her heartbeat anymore. Finally, Sparrow began to slow down and soon, he saw a large mansion.


The mansion looked ancient, its walls covered in vines. He stopped at the edge of the cobblestone path, panting for a breath. His legs shook underneath him. For once, Sparrow’s tongue hung out of the side of his muzzle. Will’s dark green eyes took in the size of the mansion. It was almost as large as a place.
In fact, in truth, it was a palace. Sparrow dashed up the walk, the Human behind him walking slowly. Sparrow stopped, swore, and turned back around, reaching Will’s side in seconds.

“Put her on my back,” he ordered.

“What?” Will asked.

“Just do it.” Sparrow growled. “I’m used to her weight, I’ll be fine.”

Nodding, Will carefully placed Evelyn’s limp figure onto Sparrow’s back. The German shepherd sank slightly at the additional weight then, with a sharp bark, he sprang away towards the Mansion. As he did, he sent a Telepathic Message to Will, Someone will be out soon to help you.. You will not be forgotten. Will stumbled forward, Sparrow’s voice quite literally echoing in his head. A few minutes later, two men came running out and supported him, one on each side. The man on Will’s right sent his Guardian, a lion, to warn the nurse they were on their way.

“Evelyn..” Will muttered. “Where’s Evelyn?”

The two men exchanged a look. The way he had said the girl’s name sounded to them as if he had fallen for her. If he had, he wouldn’t have been the first. However, they knew that only one Whisperer had the key to her heart.

“She’s … being healed right now.” Jonathan, the one on his left, said. “She’ll be alright.. in time.”

The other man, Nick, shot him glare. Will took in the information, barely paying attention to anything else. The men were trying to keep him awake long enough to get him inside. To his ears, their voices sounded distant.

Then, darkness.

Evelyn’s eyes fluttered open. She looked around at her surroundings, barely aware of where she was. Beside her, she heard vague voices as she tried regain consciousness. Pain seared through her body, causing her to cry out, her faded grey eyes flying open. Someone helped her sit up as more hands lifted up her blood soaked tunic to change the bandages she didn’t know she had. As the strips were removed, she could feel fresh warm blood slip down her porcelain skin.

In another room, Sparrow’s ears flew up at the sound of Evelyn’s cries. Fear in his honey eyes, he ran to the Hospital Wing. As he ran through the halls, his heart pounded as her pain-filled cries echoed throughout the Mansion. In every room he passed, he saw only glances of people who wilted at each cry. He saw one woman even crying. He knew they were all remembering the last time she’d returned home as wounded as she was this time. He didn’t blame the ones he saw who were running towards the door, trying to escape the memories that everyone had tried to suppress.

It had been for Evelyn’s sake that everyone had forced themselves to either forget what had happened or to act more cheerful that normal. There had only been one occasion in the three years since the incident had happened that someone carelessly asked her if she remembered it. Her eyes had suddenly glazed over as she did begin to recall. For days she suffered waking nightmares. They plagued her night and day and the moron who had asked her was reprimanded and never permitted to speak or be around Evelyn again. Sparrow ran down the sparsely filled halls, hoping he’d find his Companion alive, if not barely. He knew full well, from experience, that there was a chance he’d lose her. And, he also knew that his heart would not be able to stand the pain of it again and he would slowly grow very weak to the point that his life would be connected to hers and if she died, so did he. Sparrow finally reached the Hospital Wing. There, he found Evelyn; her lithe body writhed in pain as she lay on the white sheeted hospital bed. Jake sat on a wooden chair at her bedside, clutching her thin hand in both of his. The dog walked softly in, a soft whimper escaping his throat. Jake turned around, hearing him. He gave Evelyn’s Companion a tiredly wry smile, beckoning Sparrow to him. Sparrow walked over and nuzzled Jake’s outstretched hand. It was clear that this Whisperer, too, was suffering the sight of the wounded girl.

“Jake..?” Sparrow asked, resting his head on his lap. “Are you alright?”

Again, Jake smiled wanly and simply patted his head softly. No words were spoken between the two but, Sparrow had perfectly understood him. With that, he jumped lightly onto the bed, joining Evelyn and lied his head down on her stomach, his eyes toward her face.

“What about Will?” Jake asked after a moment of silence.

“I don’t know..” admitted Sparrow. “I haven’t checked on him.”

The nurse, Nightingale, came bustling in.

“Will, Sir Will is perfectly fine.” She said. “He’ll be fine, rather. He just collapsed from sheer exhaustion. He’s not used to running that fast and for as far as he did run. Really, no Human is. In all honesty,” she rambled on. “He shouldn’t have run that far.. I know it was for Evelyn’s sake but, still.. It has clearly taken a toll on him. But, he’ll be alright by morning.” Nightingale looked down at Evelyn’s pain stricken face. “As for Lady Evelyn..” She trailed off, meeting Jake’s eyes.

“I understand.” He answered, nodding curtly. He knew her look had meant that the time that it would take for his love to heal fully was immeasurable, especially considering the last time. His sea green eyes were faded with worry as he looked down at the girl, her brow creased.

“Sir,” the nurse started to say. “I’ll stay with her if you would like to go to bed. It’s been a long night and now it is morning.” She looked at the tired young man with eyes of understanding. She knew what it felt like to love someone as much as he loved the girl in her hospital. However, she also knew that their love was something that no Human or Whisperer could understand.

Jake looked at the nurse, his eyes softened with affection. Everyone loved the nurse, respected her. After all, she had saved many of their lives countless times. She had healed them when they were sick, heartbroken, depression; she was a friend, a friend that everyone could count on. She was also someone they could go to for advice. Jake recalled the many times he had run to her as a young child for comfort and as he grew older, someone to confide in.

“No thank you, Layal.” He whispered, his voice tired. “I’ll stay. I’ll stay and tend to her. You go ahead and go to bed.”

Layal Nightingale nodded and bowed to him before walking out. It had been a long few hours and she was exhausted. But, before I go, she thought to herself, I’ll check on Mr. Howe. She walked down the eerily silent hallway to the other part of the Wing where Will was resting. She went in to see him sitting up, trying to get dressed.

“Mister Howe!” she exclaimed. “Why on earth are you up?”

“I want to see Evelyn. I have to make sure she’s alright.” He answered simply and calmly.

“My dear Mister Howe, Lady Evelyn is asleep, resting. Jake is at her side in case she awakes.” Layal reassured him.

“Wait…” William took a double take. “Lady Evelyn?” He looked at the nurse in complete shock. He had thought he’d figured out Evelyn, despite the Secret. Now, he learns that he was wrong. Then, he thought about how she held herself. Always so proud, her back straight and head held high. He thought about how courageously she had stood her ground against the on- coming enemies. “Lady Evelyn..”

“But, don’t tell her I told you. She probably wants to be the one tell you. Or, at least have her father tell you.”

Will stood up. “Where’s her father?” He asked.

“In his office.. Down stairs.”

Thanking her, Will pulled on his blazer and walked down to the office of Evelyn’s father. As he walked down the halls, he realised that he had absolutely no idea of what to expect when it came to Evelyn’s father. He had figured out, though, that since she must be the lady of the house that, he father must be the lord. No, higher than a lord. A king? He bit his lip. He had learned very little of this entire situation and he needed to know more before becoming more involved, though, he knew he had already be began much more involved than planned. He sighed. Now that he thought about it, maybe he shouldn’t have asked if she had been talking to her Companion. He ran a weary hand through his medium length light brown hair. What was he doing, going to see her father? What was he going to say? He finally reached the office he was looking for. Swallowing hard, he raised his hand to knock on the large maple door. He rapped lightly on the door. The door opened immediately, to reveal a man dressed in a dark blue suit. The man stepped aside, allowing him in. Will walked into the dimly lit study, his heart pounding nervously.

“Please. Sit. “A deep voice said, almost ordering.

Quickly, Will did, on a wooden chair nearby. The shadow of man walked slowly around him. Will felt his fierce eyes pierce through him.

“William Howe is it not?” the voice asked.

Will nodded.

“Speak up! I cannot hear your head rattle!” the man’s voice snapped.

“Uh, yes, sir!” Will answered. “I am First Lieutenant William Howe, sir!”

“Ah, I see you’re a soldier.” The man said, coming out of the shadows.

“Yes.. Well, was, rather.” He said.

“Do you know who I am, William?” Evelyn’s father came into the dim light.

Will could barely see his face.

“No, sir. I do not. “

“Not even my name?”

“No, sir.”

“I am Commander Corey Lisle, the Leader of the Whisperers.” The Commander introduced himself. “I am also Evelyn’s father, the girl you met.”

Will suddenly stood and bowed to the Corey.

© 2010 Elly

Author's Note


My Review

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Wow I love what you have so far. Amazing descriptiveness and i enjoyed the characters they work well with your plot, nicely done!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 13, 2010
Last Updated on December 13, 2010



Lexington, KY

Hullo~ I'm 18 and a Senior at Bryan Station High and a Spanish Immersion kid (which means that when I graduate, 1) I'll be fluent in Spanish and 2) I'll be able to go to pretty much an college in Spai.. more..

How? How?

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A Story by Elly