

A Story by Woody

thwated kill


Yesterday, as is my habit after eating, I found myself aimlessly strolling in the house, trying to walk off the roast chicken I’d had for lunch and checking the rooms for intruders. I may sound paranoid but, to me, security of the home is paramount. 

Prudence was sleeping upstairs and you could tell the kids were at school from the blissful peace and quiet that permeated the whole place. The only noise I could hear was the ticking of the grandfather clock in the hall and the regular hum of the fridge in the kitchen. I’d just finished my tour and was about to go take a shuteye when I saw this huge beetle lurking by the entrance door. Hairs stood on my nape. Now, I know I’m not squeamish or anything but I simply cannot abide those creepy crawlies with their multiple legs and black carapaces. Makes you wonder why God, in his infinite wisdom, created those abhorrent creatures. Without a second thought, I pounced on the stupid critter, intending to crush it to a pulp when, all of a sudden, little Jude's yellow submarine toy hit me on the back of my head and Mother Mary (Prudence’s mother) yelled from the kitchen door:

“Let it be!”

I never got on well with the woman and I, for one, am sick and tired of her tirades about how all life is sacred on this earth. She then strode into the hall, bent down and wagged her finger at me and said in that irritating voice of hers that she uses when talking to little children:

“Bad boy! I told you once if I told you a thousand times not to mess up the place with dead insects. Go out now, shoo!”

I didn’t say a word. What’s the use? I tucked my tail between my hind legs and, head low, slunk out to the garden. 

© 2015 Woody

Author's Note

try to find the references to five known songs. no swearing if you can't, please.

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Well, okay then . . . BEATLES' songs: YESTERDAY, DEAR PRUDENCE, HEY JUDE, & YELLOW SUBMARINE. Then there's LET IT BE (featuring Mother Mary) . . . whew! I actually got this puzzle and I haven't even had my 2nd cup of coffee yet! (It's still quite dark outside for another hour at least!)

The beetle crushing idea reminds me of my experience volunteering in animal shelters for 6 years. I felt like a fraud as an animal lover, becuz these rabid staff members would carry live insects & rodents outside to release them live!!! Not me. My big dilemma is that I hate the sensation of crushing as much as I hate seeing the creatures crawling around.

Thank you for the brain tease . . . I'm almost awake now.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

spot on, clever girl! :)
I think we are alike in that I'm quite squeamish when it comes to ki.. read more

8 Years Ago

Restless dogs wiggling in bed make it impossible to sleep any longer . . . I must get up, let them o.. read more

8 Years Ago

yes I forget you have to tend to the business of your animals. the downside to living on a farm, I s.. read more


Love it. Love the Beatles references particularly the 'Let it be!'. And the point of view twist. Exemplifies good writing. Shelved this into my library for future chuckles :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Hi William,
awfully sorry about the late reply. I'm elated you liked this one. the Beatles we.. read more
Okay, so I'm a Brit.. and didn't notice. Just send me to hell or Coventry - how duhhh of me.

Was about to leave a review saying how smoothly your words are laid.. how well you build an atmosphere of near mystery.. and.. what a great finish!!!

Won't bother now - My ignorance spins into goodness knows what, Woody... !

Laughing, creeping out.. muttering, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah.'

Oh yeah?!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Think the sun must have got to me when i left that review.. now slightly amended.

8 Years Ago

nah. it's all before your time. I always forget I belong to another era. you're just a baby, for God.. read more

8 Years Ago

Just come in to read again and i see the clues so clearly... no excuses for my stupidity first time.. read more
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ahh Brilliant use of the Beatles!! Yesterday, Hey Jude and Yellow submarine. Very original :) I are the ones i picked out.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

ok I'll give you 18/20. pretty good :) you missed let it be (!) and dear prudence.
thanks a b.. read more
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Woody! I missed you so I came by for a laugh and as ALWAYS you never disappoint your guest :)))))

Posted 8 Years Ago

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8 Years Ago

thank you so much dear Lynn. and what a pleasure to see you enjoy my clowning.
been away for .. read more
The Beatles are back in this little tale starring a philosophical canine. Whatever will this Woody character think of next!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

haha thank you Roland. the Beatles constitute my first contact with the English language. and it was.. read more
Into the garden and straight into the doghouse hey Woody.

Enjoyed how you incorporated the five Beatles songs. T

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

haha when one has been a bad boy, it's only fair that they should be sent to the doghouse.
my.. read more
Checking for intruders, I should have known something was up with that line. Best put id a doggie door so he can get out by himself.. Valentine

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

lol the doggie door would give the game away of course. I expect you spotted the songs.
thank.. read more
great stuff Woody, so I got Hey Jude, Yellow Submarine, Dear Prudence, Let It Be and Yesterday all Beatle's songs of course, brilliant mate :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

spot on! thought you might like it, being of my generation on top of being British.
ta for ta.. read more
R Smith

9 Years Ago

your welcome, I had to get them all I spent years sat in my room singing every word, bit sad that bu.. read more

9 Years Ago

absolutely no harm in that. I'm the eldest of my siblings and I managed to pass on my love for the b.. read more
yesterday, let it be bad boy hey jude mother mary
loved the write

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

haha almost wordman. ok I'll give you second prize. "mother Mary" is in "Let it Be". but you missed .. read more

9 Years Ago

well I guess your a beatles fan,and you are welcome woody
Woody you devil! I thought I was going mad when reading this. I saw Prudence and I was like "I swear that is a song by the beatles) when I saw the yellow submarine I knew I wasn't mad. Hooray! Excellent tribute, very clever. An excellent example of a day in the life.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

thank you so much my friend. glad you enjoyed this one. I had fun writing it. I'm a huge fan of the .. read more

9 Years Ago

amazing band. The one band where my favourite song changes weekly. Such a range of different styl.. read more

9 Years Ago

you're absolutely right. there are plenty of good ones out there but they were unique.

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53 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on March 18, 2014
Last Updated on January 3, 2015
Tags: humour fantasy



Mateur, Bizerte, Tunisia

ok, time for an update I think. my old friends have come to know me pretty well, I trust so this is for the new comers. I'm a Tunisian 60-year-old teacher-cum-translator, book worm who enjoys writing.. more..

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