Dewy gets married

Dewy gets married

A Story by Woody

A guy is getting married. No big deal.


At long last! They’re finally alone in their wedding suite. Everything went according to plan. Just like clockwork, the way Dewy likes it; the way he used to manage his clock factory before he retired.

The church service was a happy, though quiet, event. Family and friends. Well, the ones still alive. Not surprisingly as Dewy is now 83 years old, so at least some of his acquaintances have already shuffled their mortal coils.

“Dewy Rebawls, do you take this woman to be thy wedded wife, to cherish and to love till death do you part?”

Dewy swallowed the lump that threatened to take residence in his throat and said: “I do.”

“Nancy Lee Broad, do you take this man to be Thy wedded husband, to cherish and to love till death do you part?”

Nancy didn’t answer immediately and Dewy’s heart did a somersault.

“Please, do not back up now”, he implored in his head.

“I do”, replied Nancy with a flutter of her luscious black eyelashes.

Yes, the service went quite well. The walk down the aisle, the petals and rice throwing, the cute little girls holding the bridal veil. Even the priest’s sermon was refreshing, if a tad unusual.

“Dearly beloved”, he kicked off, “Marriage is an honorable estate. And it is not to be taken lightly and wantonly to satisfy man’s carnal lust. Although that’s a pretty good reason…”

Later, everybody filed out of the church, jumped in their cars, well, a manner of speaking, hobbled, more like, and headed for the reception that would be held in Bart’s garden. A local band was going at it full throttle. Dewy had wanted to bring Michael Jackson but his friends explained that Michael was probably doing the moonwalk with the saints up there. To cut a long story short, everybody got drunk and ate like pigs. The only fly in the ointment was when old Ms Ruth Lesspuss insisted on skinny-dipping in the empty swimming pool, after drinking fifteen glasses of sangria.

Now, Dewy is looking at his bride adoringly. He’s sitting in bed, in his underwear, ready for action. His wife is sitting in front of the mirror, wiping off her makeup. She’s taking her sweet time, prolonging the agony. She delicately removes her false lashes. She takes her denture and puts it in a glass of water. Then off with her contact lenses and her beautiful wig. “Oh Lord!” thinks Dewy. Truth be told, she’s not completely bald, so let’s not dramatize.

With as much calm as he could muster, Dewy tells her:

“Honey, when you get to the part I’m interested in, would you please toss it over here?”

© 2016 Woody

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I love the image of ole ruthless puss dancing naked in the dry pool! And your punchline is hilarious. You used the perfect leisurely pace in getting to the "goods"! This scenario doesn't need to be limited to old folks, tho . . . these days, so many young women make themselves up using completely fake parts!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

listen I've just had an image in my mind. you familiar with the toy called Clackers or clankers or m.. read more

8 Years Ago

I think there might be a poem in the image you just painted! *heh! heh! heh!*

8 Years Ago

haha care to take a quick peek at Free at Last? very short.


An indeed, though the body may be weak the spirit remains forever willing and old Dewy was not going to be denied his privilege despite the obvious flaws & pitfalls !

Another ' cracker ' Woody !

Ps. I normally avoid long stories or prolonged chapters when I see them on the WC site here, but you have the ability to tell a great yearn within a few short paragraphs and that's what makes you unique and an enjoyable talent to read & review !

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

thank you ever so much Tom for your kind words. as for Dewy Ribawls (Dew wearyballs, in case you hav.. read more
Perhaps they only had one set of dentures, and he wanted to use them to eat crackers? Haaaaa! No, I think there might've been some other article with more appeal. Do you know where they sell those?

Posted 9 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

nail clippers? Walmart, I believe.
thanks for the visit Sam.
Hahaha would you behave.I get Miss ruth, but am I missing any others?

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Haha! I still like your funny side better!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

thank you Lissa. I'll take that as a compliment.
Engluva,ha!,loved it great story with a good punch line,well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

awfully nice of you to say so, Will.
You're a great story writer Engluva. I believe you can write poetry, but these wonderful little stories are your strong poing.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

It doesn't matter than I'm an American. It matters that I'm an experience writer, and I know good wr.. read more

10 Years Ago

I've posted a few titbits on Facebook but didn't seem to attract the right crowd. I felt so frustrat.. read more

10 Years Ago

It takes patience and perserverence to attract attention, but it can be done.

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16 Reviews
Added on April 11, 2014
Last Updated on April 15, 2016
Tags: just for fun



Mateur, Bizerte, Tunisia

ok, time for an update I think. my old friends have come to know me pretty well, I trust so this is for the new comers. I'm a Tunisian 60-year-old teacher-cum-translator, book worm who enjoys writing.. more..

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