Black Hole

Black Hole

A Poem by Fairytale

The black hole consumes all, gravitational force a stunning plethera of nothing.

Where are my socks and shoes I missed,
Has somebody scratched them off the list?
I get dressed and ready for the day,
When I realized I misplaced my lipstick 'Red Clay',
Oh well, my bad.  Ah here are my jeans,
But my favorite shirt has gone missing.  Do you know what this means!?
Not to worry for now, out the door I must get,
Did I forget or remember, to pay my rent?
My check book is here in my bag I know,
No it's not!  No it's not!  Where on Earth did it go!
Not to worry for now, I will pay in cash,
The landlord will appreciate my last stack of stash.
My keys?  Oh, phew!  Right here on the bench.
Next to my coffee cup and note pad, and my shopping fist did clench.
Where's that darn list?  Did somebody take it?
Swooped into the black hole, I believe it did make it.
So I grab my house keys; my tight little asset,
And out the door I run, the train stop is near and I would never pass it.
As I dart through the gate, I get stopped in a flash,
My train ticket got swallowed by a black hole in a dash.
With humility I step back as I get scolded by the police for trying,
But my train ticket I bought, I promise.  I'm not lying. 
I organize a new ticket and decide shaking my head,
I will never defeat that black hole.  Things come and go and I must let it end.

© 2012 Fairytale

My Review

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I love this humorous poem. In my house, my black hole has a name; which is the name of my 7 year old son. He has moved/lost countless things in my house. So, I could totally relate to your poem. The flow was very smooth and the imagery puts the reader in a rushed, pensive state the grabs hold of your and doesn't let go until you emit a chuckle. Great poem, enjoyed it very much.
God Bless.

Posted 12 Years Ago

cool poem right here!
flows good and is comical also :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

LOL, I too know this blackhole. It has my glasses and my dreams. Great write.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I believe that this is a black hole in dryers that eats socks. You have written of this dark place well.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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14 Reviews
Added on October 6, 2011
Last Updated on March 4, 2012



Sydney, city, Australia

I have a wide array of interests including writing, broadway music, food, dance, and anything fun. I love to write stories. I have recently started writing again after years of not doing anything. .. more..


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