Dragonite Makes Some Money

Dragonite Makes Some Money

A Story by Fanfic

Dragonite finds a way to make some money.

Dragonite loved Money. She loved having money. She loved holding money. She loved spending money. There was just one problem. Dragonite never had any money. Dragonite sat in her room, looking at her empty wallet. 
"KANGASKHAN!!!" shouted Dragonite.
"Stop shouting, Dragonite!" said Kangaskhan, "If you have something to say, come downstairs and say it!"
"I need more money!" said Dragonite, "Nidorina gets more money a week than me!"
"Different people get different amounts!" said Kangaskhan, "I think what you get is perfectly fine!"
"Well, I don't!" said Dragonite.
Kanga came in.
"I'm happy with my money!" he said, "I always save loads! After all, if you look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves!"
"That's right, Kanga!" said Kangaskhan.
"Just one question!" said Kanga.
"Yes?" she said.
"What does it mean?" Kanga asked.
Kangaskhan couldn't believe what she just heard. Neither could Dragonite.
"Shut up, Kanga! You're so stupid!" shouted Dragonite.
"You're getting no money from me anymore, Dragonite!" said Kangaskhan.
"But I need money!" shouted Dragonite.
"Well, you'll just have to save more!" said Kangaskhan.
"NO!!!" shouted Dragonite. She hated saving money.
"Well, then you're going to have to find a way to earn some!" replied Kangaskhan.
Save money? thought Dragonite.
She then had a brilliant idea.
"Can I set up a shop to sell stuff I don't want?" she asked.
"Like what?" asked Kangaskhan.
"You know, old books. Stuff I don't use anymore!" said Dragonite.
Kangaskhan hesitated for a moment, but she didn't see anything wrong with selling old junk.
"OK." she said.
"Can I help?" asked Kanga.
"No!" replied Dragonite.
"Stop being horrible Dragonite! Let Kanga help you!" said Kangaskhan, "Or no shop!"
"Alright!" said Dragonite, "You can make the 'For Sale' signs!"
Dragonite went into her room and cleared entire selves full of stuff. She put them all in a box. To make more money, she needed a few more valuable items. She wondered outside Kanga's room. 
I could sell Kanga's stuff, thought Dragonite. Nah, no one would that boring stuff!
She went into Kangaskhan's room. She wondered over to a table.
Look at all that perfume, thought Dragonite. She won't notice one missing bottle!
She choose a bottle with a pink liquid inside and put it in the box.
Ooh, she thought, Kangaskhan's tennis racket. Kangaskhan never played tennis. She added it to the box. She then carried everything outside and set up the display.
"But Dragonite!" said Kanga, looking up from drawing a sign, "That's Kangaskhan's tennis racket! Are you sure she wants you to sell it?"
"Of course I'm sure, stupid!" said Dragonite.
If only she could get rid of Kanga, life would be perfect. Dragonite looked at Kanga. What was it people used to do with people they didn't need? Dragonite looked at Kanga again.
"Kanga!" said Dragonite, "How'd you like to earn some money?"
"Yes!" said Kanga, "How much would I get?"
"1P!" she said.
"Oh, wow!" he said, "That means I'll have £6.46! How do I do it?"
"We could sell you as a slave!" she said.
"Can I wear a 'For Sale' sign?" he asked.
"Yes!" she said.
Dragonite quickly scribbled "FOR SALE £5"
"I hear some people coming" said Dragonite.
Nidorina and Latias approached the shop.
"What's going on here?" asked Latias.
"I'm selling stuff!" replied Dragonite, "Lots of bargains!"
"Bargains? This is just a load of rubbish!" said Latias picking up a football with a hole in it.
"No it isn't" said Dragonite, "Look! There's books, toys, perfume and a slave!"
Latias looked at Kanga.
"I could use a good slave!" said Latias. "I'll give you 50P for him!"
"50P?! For a great slave!?" said Dragonite.
"75P is my final offer!" said Latias.
"Done!" said Dragonite.
"How come I get 1P when I cost 75P?" asked Kanga.
"It for me to know and you never to find out!" said Dragonite, "Now go with your new owner!"
Why had she never thought of selling Kanga before? Dragonite's shop was going well! Nidorina bought Kangaskhan's perfume. Skarmory bought some books. Mudkip bought a car with three wheels. Kecleon ran past.
"Nice racket!" said Kecleon, "This is quite old! It would go nicely in the museum! How much?"
"£1!" said Dragonite.
"I'll give you £2!" replied Kecleon.
£2?! That more more than I've ever had in my life! thought Dragonite.
"Done!" said Dragonite.
Dragonite had a total £4.55! She was rich!
Kangaskhan came out.
"Dragonite! Have you seen my perfume?" she asked, "You know the one with the pink liquid?"
"No!" said Dragonite. Yikes! I thought she'd never notice!
"And where's Kanga?" she asked.
"Gone" replied Dragonite.
"What do you mean gone?" asked Kangaskhan.
"Gone" said Dragonite, "I sold him!"
"You did what?!" said Kangaskhan.
"You said I could sell anything I didn't want and I definitely didn't want Kanga!" said Dragonite, "So I sold him to Latias!" 
Kangaskhan couldn't believe this.
"You go straight over to Latias's and buy him back!" shouted Kangaskhan, "You horrible person! Selling Kanga!"
"But I can't afford to buy him back!" said Dragonite, "If you want him back, you should pay for him!"
"Dragonite!...." said Kangaskhan.
"Alright!" said Dragonite. What a waste of good money!
Latias was laying in her garden.
"Slave! I'm hot! Fan me!" she shouted.
Kanga came out and waved a fan in her direction.
"Faster, slave!" she shouted.
Kanga fanned faster.
"Slower, slave!" she shouted.
Kanga fanned slower.
"Slave! I'm thirsty! Get me a drink!" she ordered.
Kanga went in to get a drink. Dragonite was in the kitchen.
"Dragonite!" said Kanga, "Have you come to save me?"
"No!" she replied.
"Please!" he said, "You can have the 1P back!"
"Not enough!" said Dragonite.
"I'll give you £1! I'll give you £2!" said Kanga, "She's horrible! She's even worse than you!"
"Right! You can stay here forever!" said Dragonite.
"Please!" begged Kanga, "I'll give you all my money!"
Dragonite considered this offer.
"OK!" she said, "Wait here and I'll see what I can do!"
"Where's my drink?!" shouted Latias.
"Kangaskhan says I have to have Kanga back!" said Dragonite.
"Really?" asked Latias, "I paid good money for him!"
Dragonite hoped she'd forgotten that!
"Here's your 75P back!" said Dragonite, offering the money.
"I haven't put all this effort in training him to get my money back!" said Latias, "He's worth at least £10 now!"
Dragonite pulled out some more money.
"£1 is my final offer!" she said.
Latias knew a good deal when she was offered one!
"OK!" she said, "Gimme my money!"
Dragonite reluctantly handed over the money. But she still had over £3!
"You owe me £6.46!" said Dragonite to Kanga.
"OK!" said Kanga, I'll pay you as soon as we get home!"
They arrived home and Kanga gave Dragonite all his money.
"I'm rich!" said Dragonite.
She thought about all the stuff she could buy with £8.01. One thing she'd be doing for a long time is spending!
"Hello, everyone!" said Kangaskhan, "It's a lovely afternoon! Anyone want to play tennis?"

© 2016 Fanfic

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Added on December 20, 2016
Last Updated on December 21, 2016



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