The stairs

The stairs

A Screenplay by Fanfic

Skarmory constantly falls down Nidorina's stairs.

Mudkip, Skarmory and Nidorina are talking.
Nidorina: I built some new stairs in my burrow!
Skarmory: Can I come round and see them?
Nidorina: Why not? It's been ages since I've had anyone round!
At Nidorina's burrow.
Skarmory: Nice stairs!
Nidorina: You can go up them if you want and look upstairs
Skarmory: OK!
A little while later.
Nidorina: Skarmory, hurry up! Lunch is ready!
Skarmory walks towards the stairs and falls down them straight away.
Skarmory: Arrgh! Ow! Oh! Arrgh! Ow! F*ck! F*ck! F*cking C*ck! F*ck!! F*ck! F*ck!
Skarmory reaches the bottom of the stairs.
Skarmory: Nidorina, what the hell?! The stairs are really tiny!
Nidorina: I don't need them to be so big, because I'm so small compared to you!
Skarmory: Why didn't you make them big anyway?!
Later, Skarmory is walking towards the top of the stairs.
Skarmory: Unown can earn Psychic, right? and Psywave? Or am I just making that up?
Skarmory falls down the stairs again.
Skarmor: Arrgh! Ow! F*ck! F*ckng C*ck! F*ck! C*ck! C*ck!
Skarmory reaches the bottom of the stairs.
Mudkip: Skarmory! Are you OK?
Skarmory: Damn it! I hate these tiny stairs! Yeah! I'm fine! I'm just going to lay here and wait for the pain to go away!
Even later, Nidorina is sitting in front of the TV
Nidorina: Skarmory! Come downstairs! That program you like is on!
Skarmory: Coming!
Skarmory walks over to the top of the stairs. He draws out the claws on his feet, grabs onto the railing and slowly puts his foot on the stairs. And soon as he puts his foot on, he falls again.
Skarmory: Arrgh! F*ck! F*ck! Goddamnit! F*cking C*ck! F*cking C*ck! F*ck! Damn it!
Nidorina: Skarmory! Are you OK?
Skarmory: No! I'm not OK! Nothing about this is OK!
Nidorina: You're going to have to be more careful coming down the stairs!
Skarmory: Easy for you to say! This is stressing me out!
Mudkip: Nidorina, we need to talk!
Nidorina: What is it?
Mudkip: You've got to do something about those stairs! Skarmory keeps hurting himself!
Skarmory comes in, with several pillows tied to his body. He takes a pllow.
Skarmory: Hey guys! I'm just gonna... take this! Thank you!
Mudkip: You've gotta do something!
Nidorina: OK! Just calm down!
Mudkip: Calm down? Our friend keeps hurting himself and you're not doing anything about it!
Skarmory falls down the stairs in the background.
Skarmory: Arrgh! Ow! Oh! Arrgh! Ow! F*ck! F*ck! F*cking C*ck! F*ck!! F*ck! F*ck!
Nidorina: Don't worry! I'll think of something!
The next day.
Mudkip: Nidorina, what were you doing with all that mud earlier?
Nidorina: Making the stairs massive!
Skarmory is running up an down the stairs.
Skarmory: Yay! I love these huge stairs!
Nidorina climbs down the stairs. She lets go of a stair and falls all the way down.
Nidorina: Ow! F*ck! F*ck! Damn it! F*ck! F*ck!
Nidorina reaches the bottom.
Nidorina: I hate these huge stairs!

© 2017 Fanfic

My Review

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Hmm, seems like the stairs have an agenda lol! Even though I don't know the story line as such, I thought this showed great imagination, a real sense of fun, and also great writing ability.

I'm gathering this is some sort of kids' story? I reckon it'd be as good as the BFG in its completion.

So no-one else could be bothered to comment/review. Tossers. I liked it :)

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

This will be part of my Everyday Life series on YouTube. My characters will be in everyday life situ.. read more

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1 Review
Added on December 27, 2016
Last Updated on January 17, 2017



Hi! I am a pokemon fan! I just got into writing after reading someone's story. I write fanfiction that I make into animations. If something is a screenplay is either is or is likely that it will be ma.. more..

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